SA Assignment PDF

Title SA Assignment
Author Husain Sajorawala
Course Systems Analysis
Institution University of South Australia
Pages 30
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Assignment 1 SA...


University of South Australia School of ITMS INFS 1021: Systems Analysis DECLARATION OF CONTRIBUTION Team No/Name: 51619-06 The following is a declaration of your individual contributions towards this group assessment. If any contribution does not meet the assessment requirements, the course coordinator may adjust individual marks up or down, depending on the level of contribution made. Team Member 1 Name: Hussain Sajorawala I contributed _____1100________ words towards this assessment. I worked on the 4(a), 4(b), 4(c) and 4(d) Team Member 2 Name: Om Panchal I contributed ________1100_____ words towards this assessment. I worked on the 1(a), 1(c), 1(d), 2(a), 2(b), 2(c) and 3(b) Team Member 3 Name: Shubham Patel I contributed ____1100_________ words towards this assessment. I worked on the 1(b), 3(a) and 3(c)

During entire task we did 3 Group meetings Meeting 1

Meeting 2




Meeting 3 23/09/2019


02 P.M to 04 P.M.

02 P.M to 04 P.M.

Sir Eric Library, UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus

Sir Eric Library, UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus

Sir Eric Library, UniSA Mawson Lakes Campus

Hussain Sajorawala, Om Panchal, Shubham Patel

Hussain Sajorawala, Om Panchal, Shubham Patel

Hussain Sajorawala, Om Panchal, Shubham Patel

11 A.M. to 04 P.M. Location


The most grounded thing of our gathering in the event that we requested to state, at that point that would be correspondence. It ended up simpler as we as a whole are from a similar main residence. Regardless of what circumstance we as a whole filled in as a gathering incredible gathering during whole undertaking and had a go at putting forth a valiant effort. We all were associated through

informal communication destinations and google docs so we were all in agreement and associated alongside refreshed.

Prepared by


a. Stakeholders OPERATIONAL


Owner Marketing manager General Manager INTERNAL

IT administrator Mechanic Finance manager Body & paint specialist Purchasing officer Front office staff Roadway staff


Clients Accountant Sales Representatives Salesperson Bookkeeper Car dealer

Stakeholders’ interests: Owner As an owner, I want to supervise operations of system and staff so that I can ensure myself that they all are working morally, ethically and legally. (Fritz 2019) As an owner, I want to sponsoring events more often to encourage employees and also for advertisements. General Manager As a general manager, I want to manage daily operations of the business so that organization can run productively. As a general manager, I want to look after employees as well as clients needs just maintain a balance between them. Mechanic As a mechanic, I want to inspect automobile engines as well as electrical and mechanical parts of it so that I can detect issues precisely. (Workable 2018) Marketing Manager As a marketing manager, I want to regulate the demand for services and products so that I can find potential customers. (CareerPlanner 2018) As a marketing manager, I want to generate reminders for clients about when their vehicles require service so that their vehicles’ life of engine can be extended. I.T. Administrator As an IT Administrator, I want to carry out troubleshooting to alleviate any problems. So that, I can maintain the system, servers, networks and security programs. (Job Hero 2018) As an IT Administrator, I need to make a reliable framework, so the clients are fulfilled of their own data, and the vehicle subtleties being remained careful and secure alongside making it quick and less tedious customized information stockpiling process, so more assignments can be performed inside that time period.

Finance Manager As a finance manager, I want to perform data analysis so that I can draw out information concerning car services and bills/invoices paid. As a finance manager, I need to display all the advance alternatives for a client, with the goal that more prominent deals can be made prompting more prominent overall revenues.

Body and Paint Specialist As a body & paint specialist, I want the vehicle to look like brand new by filling dents and cavities of vehicles for an even surface and then by painting it for recreating it. As a body and paint specialist, I want to make sure that art is undisputed and also bringing in more regular customers by having designs suitable for all age group clients. Clients As a client, I want problems in my vehicle to get identified so that I can get those issues diagnosed. As a client, I need to get advice about my administration due dates, and any extraordinary deals that can benefit me and I don't want to miss any great chances. As a customer, I need a trust-commendable framework, with the goal that I'm guaranteed that my private data won't be abused.

Accountant As an accountant, I want to analyse finance reports, data, tax returns, budgets, and accounting records so that I can make sure that organization is operating efficiently. As an accountant, I need to find more techniques for the benefit of the company by doing more research.

Bookkeeper As a Bookkeeper, I want to generate financial statements so that I can document the records of all financial transactions systematically and properly.

Sales Representative As a sales representative, I want to contact potential clients, present services and products, discuss pricing and answer questions so that I can meet sales goals. (Betterteam 2019) As a sales representative, I need the email ids of the considerable number of clients, with the goal that I can intermittently connect with them of any up and coming offers, just as update them when their vehicle might be coming due for an advantage and for doing so I need the best promoting programming, so that I can execute battles, and dispose of any recursive substance.


As a salesperson, I want to maintain knowledge of promotions and current sales, policies relating to payment and security practices so that I can respond to questions regarding store and store’s merchandise. As a salesperson, I need to come up with some extraordinary ideas for upselling, by thinking something out of the box which is beneficial for both company as well as clients.

Front Office Staff As a member of the front office staff, I want to oversee the data regarding the vehicle services and the bills paid so that I can receive payment regularly. As a front office staff, I want to greet clients and offer them beverages so that I can make clients comfortable.

Roadway Staff As a member of Roadway staff, I want to take a visual check on the vehicle so that I can identify outer problem of vehicle to get fixed. As a member of Roadway staff, I will make sure that we are always ready for any emergency situation.

Purchasing Officer As a purchasing officer, I want to look over inventory levels at any time so that I can order extra stock. As a purchasing officer, I want to set minimum levels for warning mail so that I can never run out of any consumables or common parts.

Car Dealer As a car dealer, I want to keep comprehensive understanding and knowledge of different vehicles so that I can suggest and deal a well suitable vehicle to my client. As a car dealer, I want to deal with a car on loan in handsome amount price so that I can earn excellent profit.

b. Techniques 1.

To collect information on the functional requirements for the system, what are some techniques that might be used?

There are plethora of techniques of Requirements Gathering that can be used. Those techniques are mentioned below.

Document Analysis Document Analysis is one of essential techniques of information gathering. Assessing documents of current system can help giving proper idea of how system is working (Nancydehra 2019). Document Analysis is a constructive way of acquiring data as documents are practical resources and manageable. Documents are frequent place and available in different forms, causing documents reliable source and a very accessible source of data. Procuring and investigating documents is many a times time efficient and budget oriented than taking own research. Moreover, documents are steady sources which can be re-assessed myriad of times (Bowen 2009, p.31).

Focus Group Focus Group is congregating of deliberately selected populace who are clients or representatives of users for a product to obtain its feedback (Nancydehra 2019). They involve in arranged discussion aimed to draw out client’s perspective about specific topic or a field of interest. It is quite different from brainstorming and surveys. Focus group methodology allows optional ways of acquiring information from clients. Focus Group has well defined pros on few other types in research of market. Focus groups are taken place in part of sequences in which members may vary but the field of interest remains constant (Devault 2019).

Prototyping Prototyping is comparatively neoteric technique to gather information. First of all, one obtains primary needs that he uses to produce starting version of required solution which further he gives to his client and client asks for additional needs and changes in it (Tutorialspoint 2018). Furthermore, in this method, one needs to develop manifold paper designs and multiple versions of solutions to present robust ideas to client and obtain

information. To collect feedback, Prototyping can be extremely helpful. It has been seen that lot of people are unable to eloquent a particular need in the abstract. They can quickly review if an approach of design would fulfil their necessity (Nancydehra 2019). 2.

Identify what information would need to be obtained through interviews. Who would you interview?

It would be more appropriate to meet the marketing manager as they utilize the framework the most in its present structure and they are the ones who have adequate learning in regards to how organization functions alongside their qualities and shortcoming. It would likewise be gainful to talk with clients and mechanics to all the more likely comprehend their requirements for the new framework so we can roll out productive improvements to framework, as they are the ones for whom and by whom the framework will be utilized in everyday life.


Ten sample interview questions

1. How many clients’ records are already stored manually? 2. How many times a client ask to cancel appointment? 3. How many times do you require retrieve past customers’ service history to analysis data and create statistics? 4. Which consumables frequently go down to threshold? 5. Did sometime finance manager identify incorrect invoice issuing problem? 6. Do regular clients ask for discounts? 7. How many employees are unable to use technology? 8. What kind of problems you are facing in managing this number of clients’ data? 9. List the most frequent complains about system done by clients. 10. How many times a client did not give back loaned car?

c. Primary Functional Requirements

Client Information: The system shall; FR1:

Enter/edit client personal details

FR2: FR3: FR4: FR5:

Record client’s vehicle details Update client’s vehicle details and service history Enter details of client who rented a car and for how long Allow roadway staff to enter details of clients on arrival of them

Accounting and Finance: The system shall: FR6: FR7: FR8: FR9: FR10: FR11:

Allow front office staff to generate invoices for clients Process clients’ payments Make/Edit refunds Prompt Client name that hasn’t paid Maintain mechanics’ payrolls Allow accountants to create/maintain balance sheets

Employee roster: The system shall: FR12: FR13: FR14: FR15:

Allow general manager to create/edit roster. Send notifications to employees when roster is out Take attendance when employees sign in and out Generate weekly reports of employees which have worked

Inventory of common parts and consumables: The system shall: FR15: FR16: FR17: FR18: FR19:

Allow purchasing officer to enter information about parts and consumables Maintain/Edit all the data regarding spare parts Allow purchasing officer to set thresholds for the warning levels Send warning emails if stock level is low Allow purchasing officer to enter new/remove used parts

d. Non-Functional Requirements

Usability The system shall:

NFR1: Proffer a compatible system which can be operated in any device i.e., Tablet, Computer, Smartphone NFR2:

Provide simple user interface that can easily be used by any employees

Reliability The system shall: NFR3: Provide consistent networking connection without interruption. NFR4: secure information stored in cloud/storage and able to edit/update without any mistake. Performance The system shall: NFR5: Response in fraction of time so that staff can finish their tasks rapidly. NFR6: Take payments and process it on server ceaselessly further generate receipts quickly as it consumes less time of clients. NFR7: Retrieve data from storage/cloud storage in no time so that staff can acquire information of clients and work on it. Security The system shall: NFR8: Provide protection from being hacked and manipulating data of computer . NFR9: Provide encryption and secure platform for communication. NFR10: Be able to give web filtering, refrain staff to get into malicious websites and don’t let the virus to corrupt organization’s computer system. NFR11: Manage firewalls and should only allow authorized traffic. NFR12: Detect and monitor suspicious activities inside the servers, inform IT administrator about it as well as prevent data loss and malware attacks.

2. USE CASES a. Actors

Actors who will be using the system: Owner General Manager Mechanic Marketing manager IT administrator Finance manager Body & paint specialist Purchasing officer Front office staff Roadway staff Clients Accountant Sales Representatives Bookkeeper

b. Use Cases and Descriptions Description: Use cases grouped by actor: • • • •

Take organization’s important decisions Set company’s goals Oversee company’s daily operations Check profits given by finance manager

• • • •

Check inventory levels Order extra stock Set threshold numbers for stock Enter information of new stock

Finance manager

• • •

Collect data of bills/invoices paid, Check reports made by accountant Print weekly gross income/net profits

Roadway staff

• •

Greet clients Enter Information of newly arrived vehicle/client

General Manager

• • •

Coordinate business operation Administrate staff and its duties Make rosters


• • •

Inspect vehicles Identify issues Fix/Change spare parts

• •

Send notification of special offers to clients Send reminders to clients for service

IT administrator

• • •

Maintain local hardware and software Set permissions for access Ensure server’s security

Body & paint specialist

• • •

Make cosmetic repairs Connect new parts to automobiles Repair scratches and dings

Front office staff

• • •

Greet clients Receive payments from clients Enter/edit clients details


• • •

Give vehicles for regular service Pay bills Return automobiles to garage which were taken on loan

Sales Representatives

• •

Find what customers want Set and meet sales goals


Purchasing officer

Marketing manager



c. Use Case Diagram

• • • •

Analyse accounting data Prepares asset and liability Print financial reports Prepare balance sheet

• •

Print records of financial transaction Prepare financial statements

3. DOMAIN MODELLING a. Domain Classes and Attributes

Person •

employeeID (PK)




Client •

clientID (PK)



Employee •

employeeID (Key)




Manager •

managerID (Key)



ExecutiveStaff •

executiveStaffID (Key)


Mechanic •

mechanicID (Key)


serviceID (Key)






partID (Key)




ClientVehicle •

vehicleID (Key)






Payment •

paymentID (Key)





serviceHistory •

serviceID (Key)



loanCarID (Key)




invoiceID (Key)




b. Domain Model Class Diagram

c. Associations Relationship between Client and Service •

A Client can take one or more Services.

A Service must be taken by exactly one Client.

Relationship between Client and LoanCar •

A Client can rent zero or more Loancar.

A Loan car can be rented by zero or more Clients.

Relationship between Client and Invoice •

A Client pays one or more Invoices

An Invoice must be paid by exactly one Client.

Relationship between Client and ClientVehicle •

A Client possesses one or more ClientVehicles.

A ClientVehicle must be possessed by exactly one Client

Relationship between Client and Parts •

A Client can buy zero or more Parts.

A Part must be bought by exactly one Client.

Relationship between ClientVehicle and ServiceHistory •

A ClientVehicle must have only one ServiceHistory.

A ServiceHistory must be of only one ClientVehicle.

Relationship between Service and Parts •

A Service can use zero or more Parts.

A Part can be used in zero or one Part.

Relationship between Mechanic and service •

A Mechanic can perform zero or more Services.

A Service can be performed by one or more Mec...

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