Take-Home Exam ILS / SoSe 2020 / Christine Horlebein PDF

Title Take-Home Exam ILS / SoSe 2020 / Christine Horlebein
Course Integrated Language Skills
Institution Johannes Gutenberg-Universität Mainz
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Integrated Language Skills F (B.Ed.) Summer Semester 2020 Name: _________________________

Points: _________/150 Grade: _________

Click on the gaps to type in your answers. I.) Tenses (25 points) Decide which tense and form is most suitable, using the verb provided in brackets. If necessary, change the word order. If more than one answer is correct, give only one. 1. In 1437, a fire destroyed Sherborne Abbey, which at that time already _______________(serve) as a place of worship for more than 400 years; the people of the village _______________ (accuse) of having started the fire. 2. Sirius _______________ (wait) for James for several hours already and was slowly getting impatient because they still needed to prepare their next prank. 3. “Rosie _______________ (bake) that cake yesterday, and her cakes are always so good that I’m sure it _______________ (go) completely very soon.” 4. Lady Ædgyth knows that they will have to move against the knight swiftly. She is sure that because of his constant need for gold, he _______________ (steal) even more taxes by this time next month. 5. We have to be careful because if the cat _______________ (put) on any more weight, it very likely _______________ (become) ill. 6. Even though Bilbo _______________ (disappear) many years ago without a trace, Frodo still believed that his uncle _______________ (return) one day. 7. In 1605, the Palace of Westminster almost _______________ (blow up) by a group of conspirators who hoped the king’s death _______________ (return) England to Catholicism; the group’s leader already _______________ (tried) unsuccessfully to organise a Spanish invasion two years before the failed plot. 8. “Can you believe it? They _______________ (see) the film ten times already, but they claim that they still _______________ (discover) new details every time.” 9. Luke still _______________ (wait) for the last ships to leave when the enemy fleet suddenly attacked.

10. The dishwasher is a great invention. Once the detergent _______________ (add), it _______________ (clean) the dishes perfectly. 11. “It’s a bit puzzling. The fans _______________ (discuss) the plot of the new series for three hours now, even though the studio _______________ (make) an official announcement yet. Most think that the character’s life in the desert _______________(show) and that the fight against the Empire _______________ (play) a large role.” 12. Generally, potatoes _______________ (store) in a dark, cool place. 13. Padmé was frustrated. She _______________ (argue) against the financial cuts every day for the past week, ever since the bill _______________ (introduce) by the senator of the Trade Federation.

II.) Prepositions (15 points) Insert the missing prepositions. 1. While telling the story, he left _______ that he had got lost in London. 2. Lily knew she had put _______ the conversation with Sirius for too long. 3. She wasn’t familiar _______ the recipe, but she still decided to meddle _______ the cooking process. 4. Mr Bingley kept glancing _______ Jane, but she ignored him. 5. After Miss Bates’ visit, Emma commented _______ that lady’s grating manners. 6. You can make the sauce tastier _______ adding onions and garlic. 7. If they hurry, they will still get _______ the theatre on time. 8. She is planning to specialise _______ veterinary medicine. 9. Anakin always jumped _______ the ship’s ramp when it was still high above the ground. 10. He often shouts _______ people when he feels backed into a corner. 11. Because of the ban _______ lightsabres, Luke had to be very careful with his. 12. Lady Ædgyth was waiting _______ the last of the advisers to arrive. 13. The concert hall was full _______ people who had no notion of opera. 14. After not seeing her for some time, Luke hoped to catch _______ with Leia soon.

III.) Punctuation (21 points) Click on the sentences to insert the punctuation marks. Insert the missing punctuation marks (comma, semicolon, colon, apostrophe – no full stop). If a sentence is correct without punctuation, mark it ‘c’. 1. Tolkien first wrote The Hobbit for his children he did not expect that the books publication would lead to so much more. 2. Elizabeth knew exactly what her father was looking for a quiet place and a good book to read. 3. Book-based films which are truly faithful to their literary reference are very rare. 4. Frodo was always happy when Merry and Pippin visited but he still couldn’t deny that he sometimes found his two younger cousins jokes a bit annoying. 5. Sirius had come up with a great prank he only needed to convince James of that. 6. Anakin usually avoided desert planets whenever possible he could however admit that this planets colourful sand dunes were quite spectacular. 7. Realising that the time was right Lady Ædgyth called her new allies to her she wanted to dispel the advisers worries because she knew they would be successful. 8. The snow was falling heavily which was to be expected for the North Pole when the Head Elf made a shocking discovery Santa had left as planned yet the presents were still sitting next to the door. 9. The programme for the convention has been confirmed first the panel then the cosplay competition and finally a screening of the latest film. Read the following sentence. Where can you put a comma and how does it change the meaning of the sentence? No salt should be put into the water for pasta. Explanation: ____________________________________________________

IV.) Adjectives/Adverbs (25 points) Decide whether you need an adjective or an adverb and put in the correct form. 1. The dragon practiced his manners every day because he wanted to appear at the feast, which would surely be held after their victory, ___________(proud) and not embarrass Lady Ædgyth. 2. ___________ (fortunate) enough, the letter reached Elizabeth before she left. 3. The opera singer believes that she sang the aria ___________ (splendid) during the last rehearsal, but her voice was too ___________ (frail) for the high notes. 4. She liked that the letter was written so ___________ (pretty). 5. Her new plates are so ___________ (lavish) decorated that her guests don’t want to eat off them for fear of damaging the so ___________(delicate) painted flowers. 6. Anakin always made sure that his droids were ___________ (spotless) clean and spent hours modifying them. 7. The cat was examining its new cat tree ___________ (inquisitive). 8. Though ___________ (proper) hung up and displayed, the paintings still looked unimpressive. 9. The knight believed that he had acted ___________ (just) and that the taxes belonged to him anyway. 10. The path is surely ___________ (muddy) now, after yesterday’s rain. 11. Luke was glaring at Vader ___________ (defiant) after reaching a dead end; he would not give up the fight ___________ (meek), despite being outmanoeuvred. 12. It soon became clear that Lady Ædgyth had ___________ (vast) overestimated the knight. 13. The acoustics in the cathedral are ___________ (amazing), allowing one voice to fill the whole space. 14. Leia waited ___________ (impatient) for Han to arrive. 15. Not caring about the commotion, the cat is ___________ (calm) sitting on the windowsill and looking outside. 16. The starship went ___________ (high) up into the atmosphere, leaving the ground far below.

Insert the following adjectives into the sentence below in the correct order. Asian/olive-green/dangerous/resonating/black/south-eastern/long/low King cobra: a ________(1) ________(2) ________(3) and ________(4) snake that lives, among others, in ________(5) ________(6) regions and produces a ________(7) ________(8) hiss

Look at the following sentence and provide two positions for the adverb given in brackets while not changing its form. Explain what the sentence means either way. Obi-Wan went to the council meeting on one hour of sleep. (just) 1. ______________________________________________________________ Explanation: ____________________________________________________ 2. ______________________________________________________________ Explanation: ____________________________________________________

V.) Mistakes (24 points) Click on the sentences to correct the mistakes. Correct the following sentences. Each sentence has one to four mistakes (word choice, verb tense and form, punctuation, preposition, word order, spelling, adverbs/adjectives). 1. All the senators put the emphasis at compassion during the meeting but Padmé knew most of them were greedily and just thinking of their own gain. 2. Last year, I have gone on holiday to Spitsbergen, where the sun at all did not set. 3. The changes Lady Ædgyth made did indeed effect everyone in the castle and the surrounding villages tremendous.

4. Even though he could be annoying, Anakin was still very fond on Threepio, and he was determined to get new part’s for the droid soon; their were several system upgrades he needed to make for which he will have time during his next leave. 5. Claire is annoyed. All of them work on the musical for three months now, and now her cousin is haveing second thoughts and wants to quit. 6. Do you think we will have more rain then last week? 7. If the Armada hadn’t been defeated in 1588, Spain would invade England, so it was lucky that the weather on the side of the English was. 8. Bilbo wanted to throw a birthday party, that would be the talk of the village for years to come. 9. Obi-Wan retreated to the palace seek solitude after lying his masters lightsabre onto the funeral pyre. 10. Instead of practising, the opera singer indulged on a long nap. 11. Elizabeth asked Jane whether should she have reacted different to the proposal; maybe her reply had been to rude.

VI.) Translation (40 points) Click on the lines to write the sentences. Translate the following sentences. Remember that some features don’t always translate oneto-one from German to English. 1. Frodo schlug vor, keine Einladung an Lobelia zu schicken, denn wenn Bilbo sie zu seiner Geburtstagsfeier einlüde, würde sie sicher wieder heimlich versuchen, seine silbernen Löffel zu stehlen. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. Die Archäologin und ihr Team untersuchen im Moment eine Inschrift (Engl.: inscription), die sie im Grab der Wikingerkriegerin (Engl.: Viking warrioress) gefunden haben; sie hoffen, dass sie die Runen entschlüsselt haben werden (Engl.: to decode), wenn das zweite Team ankommt. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 3. Anakin erzählte Obi-Wan, dass er das Artefakt (Engl.: artefact) in einem gefährlich instabilen Teil des Tempels gefunden habe und dass es schwierig gewesen sei, es hinauszubringen. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 4. Wenn mein Vater und sein bester Freund während ihrer Reise durch Griechenland ihr Zelt sorgsamer (Engl.: careful) aufgestellt hätten, wäre es nicht vom Regen überflutet worden und sie hätten die Nacht nicht in einer Scheune verbracht. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

5. Im Senat musste Padmé noch gewitzter (Engl.: crafty) und umsichtiger (Engl.: circumspect) sein, als sie es vorher erwartet hatte, weil die anderen Senatoren ihre Geduld oft auf die Probe stellten und sie wusste, dass ein falsches Wort zu Komplikationen führen konnte. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 6. Wissend, dass ihm der Drache auf den Fersen war, rannte der Ritter tief in den Berg, dessen Höhlen ein großes Labyrinth bildeten; aber er stolperte (Engl.: to trip) über einen Stein und landete auf dem Boden. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 7. Opernsängerinnen, die die Königin der Nacht singen können, sind sehr selten; Liz sucht schon seit drei Monaten nach einem passenden Sopran, und wenn sie nicht bald jemanden findet, wird die Inszenierung (Engl.: production) der Zauberflöte (Engl.: The Magic Flute) abgesagt werden müssen. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 8. Nach seiner Rückkehr dachte Obi-Wan, dass die Mission ihm nicht hätte zugeteilt (Engl.: to assign) werden sollen; obwohl er sie erfolgreich abgeschlossen hatte (Engl.: to complete), hatte er sich die ganze Zeit schlecht vorbereitet gefühlt. _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________...

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