Title TASK 2 DGF - PEC 2
Author David Gil
Course Inglés Instrumental II
Institution UNED
Pages 1
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PEC 2...


TASK 2 Name: David Gil Flores Tutor: Aurelia Carranza Marquez Centro asociado: Composition. Choose one of the two following topics and write an essay of about 150 words. a) What is your opinion about psychoanalysis? Would you follow a therapy related to it? Do you know someone who has been treated through it? b) Describe someone that is special for you. When/where/how did you meet him/her? What are his/her physical/psychological features? What makes him/her special for you?

Composition option a) I know what people go through when they receive psychiatric treatments. My ex-girlfriend suffered from bipolar disorder and was admitted three times to a psychiatric hospital. In 2015 she suffered the worst crises and her family (and myself) feared for her life. The psychiatric treatment had no effect, and she had to be admitted to a high security regime with deprivation of liberty. It was like being in a jail. The rooms were like cells, the doors could only be closed from the outside. The visits were controlled and everything that was delivered to her had to be inspected. There were security guards in the main doors. In the most acute phase of her illness she suffered what psychiatrists called "God complex". She believed herself capable of everything. She thought of herself as omnipotent and in possession of the universal truth. She believed she would unify religions. For instance, she said she could cross any street without being run over. In the same way she affirmed she could do everything that her mind could imagine (almighty), like flying like a bird, disappearing, etc. Psychiatrists had to "abandon" the cure of words (psychoanalysis) and try empirical treatments such as lithium intake (do not forget it is a poison) and she was prescribed sleeping pills to prevent her from depression. Psychiatrists reminded us that this phase was extremely dangerous because many depressed people could be suicidal. It´s been a long and hard time, but Thanks God (or Thanks Freud and Jung) she overcame her mental illness and she got used to taking lithium pills for the rest of her life. Nowadays she lives a normal life....

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