the last leaf by O. henry detailed lesson plan PDF

Title the last leaf by O. henry detailed lesson plan
Author Frances Bean Salome
Course Bsed English
Institution Tarlac State University
Pages 25
File Size 518.6 KB
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Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III – Central Luzon Schools Division of Tarlac Province CIT COLLEGES OF PANIQUI FOUNDATION, INC. Poblacion Norte, Paniqui, TarlacDETAILED LESSON PLANGrade 10 – English(THE LAST LEAF)Prepared by:FRANCES BEAN SALOMEStudent Teacher, BSED IV-BCh...


Republic of the Philippines Department of Education Region III – Central Luzon Schools Division of Tarlac Province CIT COLLEGES OF PANIQUI FOUNDATION, INC. Poblacion Norte, Paniqui, Tarlac



Checked by: BREN DENVER O. TORRES Cooperating Teacher

Approved: EROS B. ESTRADA Principal

Submitted to: LIGAYA R. LABUTONG, Ed. D. BSED Student Teaching Supervisor MELC: Appreciate Literature as a mirror to a shared heritage of people with diverse background.

I. OBJETIVES At the end of the lesson, the student should be able to: a. Identify the Elements of the short story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry b. Interpret the significance of the theme by writing a letter to O. Henry and, c. Appreciate the moral of the story by listening and viewing the story and how they can apply it to everyday living.

II. SUBJECT MATTER Topic: The Last Leaf by O. Henry Reference: Teachers Module, Internet Sites Materials: Laptop, projector, bond paper, photos, cartolina Time Allotment: 40 minutes

III. PROCEDURE Teachers Activity’s A. Preliminary/ Routinary Activities 1. Prayer ________, will you please lead the prayer? 2. Greetings Good morning class! Before you seat down please pick up all the mess under your table and chair.

Students Activity

The student will lead the prayer

Good morning ma’am!

(Student follow the teacher)

You may now take your seat. 3. Checking of attendance __________, who is absent for today? I am glad that everyone is present.

No one is absent ma’am

4. Passing of assignment Class, yesterday I have given you an assignment, please pass your paper sideward then pass it forward. B. Preliminary Activities

(Students will pass their assignment)

1. Review Before we start our new lesson let’s have a short recap on what we’ve tackled yesterday. Who can still remember our lesson yesterday? What is short story? Our lesson was about short story. Very good!

a. What are the different elements of the story?

A short story is a piece of prose fiction that can be read in one sitting.

b. Could you please define to us what is setting? The elements of a short story are the plot, character, setting, conflict and theme. c. How about the character of the story?

The setting is the place when and where the story happens

d. Who can define conflict?

e. How about the point of view of the story? f. What is the theme of story?

A character is a person, animal, being, creature, or thing in a story. The conflict is a struggle between two people or things in a short story. The main character is usually on one side of the central conflict. The person telling the story from his or her

g. The last element of short story is plot, what is plot?

Alright, it seems that you have understood our topic yesterday. Let’s move to another topic.

Is there have any questions or clarification about our past lesson?

own view The theme is the central idea of the story because they are the people portraying the story. A plot is the sequence of events that make up a story, it shows how the story develops, unfolds, and moves in time.

2. Motivation I will be distributing bond papers. We will have an activity called “Listen and Draw”. The task that you will do is just simple. You need to listen to the instruction because I will just read it once.

None Ma’am.

I will give you 2 minutes to finish the given task. Is that clear? First step, draw a tree. Second step, draw a sun at the upper right side of the tree. Next, most of the leaves of the tree fell into the ground and only one leaf was left on a branch. Finally, write your name on the uppermost left side of your paper and below, your grade and section and the date today.

Yes, we are ready Ma’am

What have you noticed about your drawings? (Students will do the activity)

Yes, exactly! What season do we usually see this kind of view? We noticed that the tree lost its leaves and there is one leaf that is left among its branches. Very good! Later on, you will discover the connection of your drawings to our

discussion. Unlocking of difficulties Before we run through the story let us first organize the letters below and familiarized the vocabulary words.

Winter season, in which the weather becomes cooler and many plants are starting to close their leaves.

1. Versetra (traverse) 2. Tnaiqu (quaint) 3. Enialcong (congenial) 4. Niamopneu (pneumonia)

Traverse – to pass or move over, along, or through. Quaint- attractively unusual or old-fashioned. Congenial- of a friendly disposition: sociable.

5. Gervara (ravager) 6. Etims (smite) 7. Chiricval (chivalric)

8. Copoeiapharma (pharmacopoeia)

9. Clenomo (monocle) 10. Nrocs (scorn)

Pneumonia- an acute or chronic disease caused by viruses, bacteria, or physical and chemical agents and characterized by inflammation of the lungs. Ravager- to bring heavy destruction on devastate. Smite- to afflict Chivalric- courteous and considerate, especially towards women. Pharmacopoeia- a book containing an official or standard list of drugs along with recommended procedures for their preparation and use. Monocle- an eyeglass for one eye.

C. Lesson Proper 1. Reading the text Yesterday, I ask you to read in advance the story of “The Last Leaf”. Now, I want you to bring out your copy of the summary of the story and re-read. I will give you 3 minutes to do that.

Scorn- contempt for a person or object thought to be hateful or inferior.

To fully understand the story, let’s watch this video clip. 2. Comprehension check (the students will read the story)

1. Who are the main characters in the story? Describe each character.

2.What is Johnsy’s illness? 3.How is pneumonia described in the story?

The main characters in the story are Johnsy and Sue. Sue is the friend of Johnsy who took care of her. Johnsy is the girl who has a pneumonia and admitted to herself that she will die if the last leaf will fall on the ground. Johnsy’s illness is pneumonia.

4. What did the doctor tell Sue about It is unseen stranger who attacks the people in the condition of Greenwich Village in New York. Johnsy?

5. What is the significance of ivy The doctor said that Johnsy is too weak to leaves? recover and she admitted to herself that she will die.

6. How did Mr. Behrman save Johnsy’s life?

In the story, the ivy leaves are significant because for Johnsy, they have become a measure of her time on earth.

7. What was the reaction of Johnsy and Sue when they saw the last leaf?

When he saw that the last leaf fell off the ivy vine, he had braved the cold rain and snow to paint a replacement leaf on the vine.

8. Why did Mr. Behrman die in the story?

They were both happy and cried, because Johnsy will be better. 9. What is the greatest work Mr. Behrman made?

10. How is the Last Leaf a story of hope, friendship and love?

You did a great job class! now I will have a question regarding to the story. You only have to do is answer all of my question I gave.

He died because of pneumonia and his selfless action, they found him in his room helpless with pain and fever, his shoes were completely wet and icy cold.

a. Where is the setting of the story?

b. Who are the characters of the story?

The greatest work Mr. Behrman made was the last leaf.

c. What is the conflict of the story?

d. How about the point of view of the story?

e. What is the theme of the story?

It is a story of hope, love and friendship because Sue and Mr. Behrman did not give up on restoring Johnsy’s will to live. Instead, they offer their loving efforts to help Johnsy regain her health, and Mr. Behrman sacrificed his life for Johnsy.

f. How about the plot of the story? Give us the exposition or introduction of the story? The setting is Greenwich Village during a pneumonia epidemic. The character from the story are the Doctor johnsy, sue, Mr. Behrman. g. How about the rising action of the


h. How about the climax of the story?

i. How about the falling action of the story?

j. How about the end of the story?

Very good! I think you already understand our topic. Because you answered all of my questions correctly. Give yourself a round of applause.

D. Application Since you fully understood the short story, I want you to group yourself into 2. Each group will be given a task to answer my questions. “what did Mr. Behrman paint before he died?” Rubrics Teamwork – 25% Content – 25% Overall Presentation – 50% Total of 100%

The main conflict in the story is less of a conflict between characters, and more the suspense created through Johnsy’s declaration that as soon as the last leaf falls off of the vine, she too will fallaway, fade, and die. The short story “The Last Leaf” by O. Henry is narrated in the third-person by an anonymous narrator who only functions as an observer. Throughout most of the story, the narrator focuses on Sue and her reactions to what happens around her. The central theme of the story is the friendship between Sue and Johnsy. They both love their art and share similar passions. When Johnsy falls ill, Sue manages all her care. She prepares her food and arranges for her treatment.

he writer informs us that Sue and Johnsy were two artists who shared a

E. Generalization What did Johnsy feel after seeing the last leaf stay longer?

studio in an art colony in Greenwich Village and that the community was under attact by a disease, pneumonia, which during a very cold winter killed

a large number of residents in the area. It also informs us that Johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely ill. he writer informs us

that Sue and Johnsy were two artists who shared a studio in an art colony in Greenwich Village and that the community was under attact by a

disease, pneumonia, which during a very cold winter killed a large number of residents in the area. It also informs us that Johnsy was struck by the

disease and became extremely ill. the writer informs us that Sue and Johnsy were two artists who shared a studio in an art colony in

Greenwich Village and that the community was under attact by a disease, pneumonia, which during a very cold winter killed a large number of residents in

the area. It also informs us that Johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely ill. the writer informs us that Sue and Johnsy

were two artists who shared a studio in an art colony in Greenwich Village and that the community was under attact by a disease, pneumonia, which

during a very cold winter killed a large number of residents in the area. It also informs us that Johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely

ill. the writer informs us that Sue and Johnsy were two artists who shared a studio in an art colony in Greenwich Village and that the

community was under attact by a disease, pneumonia, which during a very cold winter killed a large number of residents in the area. It also informs us

that Johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely ill. the writer informs us that Sue and Johnsy were two artists who shared a

studio in an art colony in Greenwich Village and that the community was under attact by a disease, pneumonia, which during a very cold winter killed

a large number of residents in the area. It also informs us that Johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely ill. The writers inform us that sue and johnsy were two artist who shared a studio in an art colony in Greenwich Village and that the community was under attack by a disease, pneumonia, which during a very cold winter killed a large number of residents in the area.

it also informs us that johnsy was struck by the disease and became extremely ill. Sue tells Mr. Behrman about johnsy and how when the last leaf falls, she will die. Mr. Behrman thinks this is ridiculous too. The climax in this story occurs when there is only one leaf left on the vine. The climatic expectation is that once this leaf has fallen, johnsy will die. Johnsy will survives, however, because when she looks out of her window, she notices the leaf still clinging to the vine and this inspires her to live. The doctor arrived at their art studio, he said that johnsy’s condition is improving at a very good rate. however, the doctor said that Behrman also having difficulty because of pneumonia. He went on to Behrman studio and tried to treat him. The next day, the doctor come once again and said to sue “shes out of danger. In the last leaf, johnsy seems to be dying of pneumonia when the story begins, but it is Mr. Behrman who dies in the end, while johnsy survives.

(students answer the question)

IV. Evaluation Complete the phrases below to express to the author how the story he wrote gave you wisdom in coming up with realizations and learning in life. Dear O. Henry After reading the story “the last leaf” I realized that ______________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________ I learned that___________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________________

V. Assignment

Bring out your notebook and write your assignment, I am going to collect your assignment next meeting. Do you think Mr. Behrman is happy sacrificing his life for johnsy?...

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