traduzione social objectivation PDF

Title traduzione social objectivation
Course Scienze e Tecniche Psicologiche
Institution Università degli Studi di Cagliari
Pages 2
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traduzione social objectivation...


Sexual objectation can be understood as a specific cunning of a more general phenomenon that is objectation occurring when a person considers or treats another person as an object. Kant for the first time in the philosophical field has made the expression today sexual activation seem appropriate considering it appropriate to talk about sexual objectvation whenevera person is considered as a means of satisfying the sexual pleasure of others . in the marriage contract probably a woman is considered not as an end but as a toolto satisfy their sexual desires. According to sings to avoid objectiveness it is necessary to act in such a way as to treat a person always as an end is never as a means precisely because the value of human dignity lies in the fact that a person cannot and must never be considered a means So sexual objectation involves by definition a denial of humanity. two contemporary femininity scholars have carried out other studies on sexual objectivity by having been the spokesperson in the 1980s for abill banning pornography as defined as a practice of violation of women's human and civilrights. this anti-pornography battle revolves around the theme of sexual objectisation where pornography must be condemned as describing and turning women into always accessible sexual objects available. pornography is seen as comand a practice of sexualizing the humiliation of women. making humiliation appear as natural and legitimate in this way pornography says how women should betreated both sexually and socially. Bartky was a feminist philosofawho presented a very convincing proposal of the concept of objectvation presenting it as something that occurs all the times when sexual parts of a person's body or sexual functions areseparated from the person's resto and reduced to instrument status and are then used to describe it in itsentirety. so it is objectvation is botha process and an outcome because as a process consists in separating matches on wings of the body or l and its functions from the rest of the person is because it reducesto that parts To be tools. another contribution is that of papadaki who has distinguished two aspects of objectivity relating to the way itcan manifest itself, which areintentionality or when there is an intention to deny the humanity of the objective person, and unintentionality or whenthose who objective even if they do not want to deny the humanity of the other person in fact objective to the other point Unlike the other authors who believe that those who object to the other an individual who always put these behaviors on an intentional level, to her highlights how people canobjectifying someone even in an unintentional way,for example when they do not perceive their behavior asobjective. for example, this happens in some patriarchal societies where men grow up with negative stereotypical beliefs about women so this becomes a cultural automatism. Of course,account must be taken of the fact that both men and women can be objective, and we must be warned of the negative consequences of this process, bearing in mindthat objective ing with regard to women to a greater extent. in the process of objectvation several cognitive processes are involved: the image of the gaze objectively that is of the gaze that sees the other as an object corresponds to how our mind processes coding And interprets information. When we perceive people as com and objectswe are making aperceptual mistake because we are putting them in the category of objects and not that of the people to whom they therefore do not belong point and therefore a cognitiveprocess inaugurated because itbrings us an erroneous assessment. when we arrive we put in place in the bartering of the perception of the objectified person of a local rather than a global type.

there are several byas or cognitive errors: - bias of the recognition of sexual parts of the body: tend to recognize sexual parts of awoman's body even in isolation which is a type of perception that mainly concerns objects - inversion Effect 2 points anupside-down stimulus is more difficult to recognize than a stimulus presented normally. recognize stimuli related to people such as faces and posture of the body more difficult when upside down While for objects there is not the same difficulty of recognition - fungibility: those who are objective areconsidered interchangeably with other elements of the same category The question therefore arises as to who is most objective between men and women.It is thedegree to which one is induced by the context to focus attention on the body as well as the physicalaspect. another situational element that cantrigger objectiveness and the way in which the target is dressed precisely because clothing can contribute to making the areas perceive as objects In fact Some studies show that some women victims of violence portrayed in a sexualized position are attributed a less ability to experience physical and psychological pain than the same woman portrayed in a non-sexualized thing. for example, sexy clothing in women has been associated with greater morality, and research indicates that sexy-clad women are perceived at least as sincere more sexually promiscuous as being more manipulative than those dressed in a normal way. the menstrual cycle it is a form of dehumanization that based on women and matching andthebiology of the female body. the behaviour of women influenced by the menstrual cycle in fact use cyclerelated hormonalvariations as an interpretative key to the changing behaviour of women an example of how the speeding of thewoman's body is updated and how it can be a very strong source of discrimination for women as they would be governed by hormonal fluctuations that characterize their body and therefore their behaviour would vary according to the menstrual cycle and therefore their behaviour Would be preferable depending on it. is premenstrual syndrome is a repertoire of physical and psychological changes associated with that stage of the menstrual cycle that go around a period that can range from the fourteenth to the beginning of menstruation. several researches have shown that the physical symptoms associated with this premenstrual phase such as irritability headaches tend to overlap with the manifestations of a joke disactivepoint psychological difficulties and sent at a giventime are categorized into a physical pathology that corresponds to premenstrual syndrome andtherefore it is said that it is physiological to feel in this period So it is useless to try to understand why this happens to women so instead intervene on the actualcauses....

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