UNIV 1001 Unit 2 - Written assignment PDF

Title UNIV 1001 Unit 2 - Written assignment
Author Sulaiman Mohsen
Course Online Education Strategy
Institution University of the People
Pages 16
File Size 147.7 KB
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UNIV 1001 Unit 2 - Written assignment...


Written Assignment 2– 1. Determine whether the lines given by the equations below are parallel, perpendicular, or neither. + = 12 34 4 + = 12 3 − = 10 47 47 . {𝑎 . {𝑎 . {𝑎

− = + 168 8 = + 1−8 8 + = 174 74 [Suggestion: go to www.desmos.com/calc ulator, write the two equations and try to conclude the answer. Then find a rigorous algebraic solution.] SOLUTION a. Screenshot of a graph obtained in www.desmos.com/calc ulator.

For an algebraically rigorous solution, we must first organize the system as follows: Multiplying the first equation by – 2 yields: We easily conclude that a point (x, y) belonging to the first straight line does not belong to the second straight line, and therefore the straight lines are

parallel, since the straight lines are in the same plane. Another solution: the slope of the first straight line is and the slope of the second straight line is the same b. Screenshot of a graph obtained in www.desmos.com/calc ulator. 1 Peer Assessment


Peer Assessment University of the People UNIV1001 Instructor: Angel Rivera 9/15/2020 University of the People UNIV1001 Instructor: Angel Rivera 9/15/2020

Peer Assessment Peer assessment is an educational method in which students have to interact and give feedback to each other's assignments. This method provides the students with a great opportunity to “teach and be taught by one another, expanding

their perspectives and fostering meaningful connections” (University of the People, n. d.). At the University of the People, peer assessment is an important part of the curriculum. UoPeople uses peer assessment as a key element to emphasize learning and community because “This

valuable experience gives students insight into the ideas and perspectives of their classmates and sharpens their critical thinking skills” (University of the People, n. d.). Since UoPeople is an online university, peer assessment makes the students feel as if they are discussing in a classroom without

feeling lonely. This is why peer assessment is a good method to use at UoPeople! Of course, peer assessment has a lot of benefits that can affect the students positively. Peer assessment can help the students with learning new skills they need throughout their educational

and professional careers (University of the People, n. d.). Moreover, students will be able to develop teamwork and cooperation skills, which are important in many workplaces because not only the boss who gives comments, feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticisms but one’s

peers as well (University of the People, n. d.). Furthermore, the skills developed by practicing peer assessment can help students in their future careers in many ways. For example, “learning how to listen respectfully and respond constructively to such feedback, as well as learning to

craft and respectfully express such feedback to one’s peers, is an important skill in today’s workplaces” (University of the People, n. d.) Peer Assessment


Peer assessment is an educational method in which students have to interact and give feedback to each other's assignments. This method provides the students with a great opportunity to “teach and be taught by one another, expanding their perspectives and fostering meaningful connections” (University of the People, n. d.). At the University of the People, peer assessment is an important part of the curriculum. UoPeople uses peer assessment as a key element to emphasize learning and community because “This valuable experience gives students insight into the ideas and perspectives of their classmates and ”sharpens their critical thinking skills .(.University of the People, n. d)

Since UoPeople is an online university, peer assessment makes the students feel as if they are discussing in a classroom without feeling lonely. This is why peer assessment is a good method to use at UoPeople! Of course, peer assessment has a lot of benefits that can affect .the students positively

Peer assessment can help the students with learning new skills they need throughout their educational and professional careers (University of the People, n. d.). Moreover, students will be able to develop teamwork and cooperation skills, which are important in many workplaces because no t only the boss who gives comments, feedback, suggestions, and constructive criticisms but one’s peers as well (University of the People, n. d.). Furthermore, the skills developed by practicing peer assessment can help students in their future careers in many ways. For example, “learning how to listen respectfully and respond constructively to such feedback, as well as learning to craft and respectfully express such feedback to one’s (. peers, is an important skill in today’s workplaces” (University of the People, n. d

Giving my peers feedback is challenging! When I write feedback to one of my peers, I have to make sure that I’m giving feedback politely. Also, I have to make sure that I’m following the rubric given by the instructor when giving grades for my peers. Moreover, If I find something missing or wrong in my peer’s assignment, I have to include it in my feedback so he doesn’t miss something again, or give him a chance to answer the missing point. These are some reasons why giving feedback during peer assessment is challenging for me!

Receiving feedback from my peers can also be challenging! According to (McConlogue, T., 2020), the biggest challenge for many students is when they don’t understand the feedback given by their peers. Moreover, some peers may misunderstand a point in the assignment and then give negative feedback, which can make lead to mark deduction. Since students come from different cultures and diversities, some students may disagree with the ideas and then give negative feedback. Furthermore, some students don’t follow the rubric given by the instructor, which can make some students lose marks. These are some challenges that . students might face when receiving feedback from their fellow peers

When assessing the written assignments or discussion posts of my peers, I’ll be following a simple strategy. When I peer assess written assignments, the simple strategy that I’ll use is to follow the rubric that the instructor provided us with. I’ll make sure that my peer's paper covers what's required in the assignment and the rubric, and if the APA style is used. Assessing the discussion assignment of my peers is somehow the same! When assessing a discussion assignment, I’ll follow the same strategy, which I used in assessing written assignments. The difference is that the discussion assignment must be insightful, enriching, and stimulating contribution to the discussion. Also, I have to make sure that my peer stated his own opinion and used external resources to support his opinion. These are the strategies . I'll follow when assessing my peer's written assignment or discussion assignment

McConlogue, T. (2020). Giving Good Quality Feedback. In Assessment and Feedback in Higher Education: A Guide for Teachers (pp. 118134). London: UCL Press. https://www.jstor.org/s table/j.ctv13xprqb.13 University of the People. (n.d.). Collaborative and Peer

to Peer Learning. Uopeople.Edu https://www.uopeople. edu/studentexperience/quality/coll aborative-peer-peerlearning/


McConlogue, T. (2020). Giving Good Quality Feedback. In Assessment and Feedback in Higher . Education: A Guide for Teachers (pp. 118-134). London: UCL Press https://www.jstor.org/stable/j.ctv13xprqb.13 University of the People. (n.d.). Collaborative and Peer to Peer Learning. Uopeople.Edu https://www.uopeople.edu/student-experience/quality/collaborative-peer-peer-learning...

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