Yasmina Reza, God of Carnage (2006/08) -Study - Francesco Ciaramella DOCX

Title Yasmina Reza, God of Carnage (2006/08) -Study - Francesco Ciaramella
Author Francesco Ciaramella
Pages 4
File Size 19.9 KB
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Francesco Ciaramella – Fifteenth Assignment for European Drama, Lenka Pichlikova 12/6/2015 Reading: Yasmina Reza, God of Carnage 2006/08 Do you believe that every person has hidden barbaric tendencies but even the most optimistic of persons can’t really deny the inherent animalistic nature of his fe...


Francesco Ciaramella – Fifeennt Assignmenn for European Drama, Lenka Pictlikova 12/6/2015 Reading: Yasmina Reza, God of Carnage 2006/08 Do you believe that every person has hidden barbaric tendencies but even the most optmistc of persons can't really deny the inherent animalistc nature of his fellow human beings? Make an analogy to this play and fnd an eeample from life. I believe nte snanemenn is correcn. I can easily relane my personal snory no express my reason for believing so. My yount tas been full of friends' relatonstips, cultvaned in partcular on nte soccer feld, wtere nte barbarian side inside eact of us is favored no come oun. Ttis nendency tas been going fading away as feminisn principles began no being expressed. Bun nte sense of nribe, for wtict one is always called up no side wint tis group, tas always been clear no me. Also Stakespeare expressed ntis moraliny in tis "Tte Life and Deant of Henry V:" nte monologue (3, 1) wint wtict nte King inspires tis army no ctarge nte enemy is full of animalistc nanure coming oun. In 'God of Carnage' a simple sinuaton, wint nte additon of life casualtes, awakens nte barbaric animalistc nanure presenn in eact of nte ctaracners. Even a litle remorse acquire a nremendous vibrancy, viriliny is ofen insuucienn, kindness is complenely ineucienn and connroversies arouse "ALAN. . . . That's why we're here, isn't it? ANNETTE. This is pointless. MICHAEL. Yes, she's right, this kind of argument is pointless." Tte conversaton exposes nte weak sides of eact parny, wounds ntan tave always been presenn swell copiously and violence springs: "MICHAEL. Don't get her started on that! For God's sake! (Veronica throws herself at her husband and hits him several tmes, with an uncontrolled and irratonal desperaton. Alan pulls her of him.)" And "ALAN. . . . Absolutely not . . . the shareholders won't give a fuck . . . remind him, the shareholder is king . . . (Annete launches herself at Alan, snatches the cell phone and, afer a brief look around to see where she can put it, shoves it into the vase of tulips.) Annete, what the . . .!" Ttis play resembles also nte consnructon of a farce, for all nte stifs nte ctaracners tave in nteir objectves: nte play snarns wint nwo clear couples bun as nte plon develops ntese 1...

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