Comp journals - Google Docs PDF

Title Comp journals - Google Docs
Author Matthew Gervolino
Course College Composition I
Institution Rowan University
Pages 24
File Size 105.4 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 99
Total Views 160


journals for comp...


Matt Gervolino Professor Han College Comp 1. 9-8-16 El Hoyo

El Hoyo by Mario Suarez is about a city that sits at the banks of the S called El Hoyo. This is also known as Tucson Arizona. This is the city that Su Suarez goes on to describe everything about the city of El Hoyo. The people most mexicans and hispanics which he calls “Chicanos”. There is much fight and he doubts these people live in El Hoyo because they love each other. He people live there for its scenic beauty because it's anything but beautiful. The down and it is not a very safe place. But El Hoyo does have its upsides. Tax likely to find you there and you are less likely to be reported to the authorities had each other back. Helping each other during times of struggle and making had enough to live.This is evident when they collected money for a women w and children. Everyone is invited to weddings and everyone celebrates their together. El Hoyo is a place to start fresh and forget what happened in the pa

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don't need to be rich or famous or live in the best area. You need to be happy with the people around you and I think that is what Mario Suarez is talking ab

Professor Han College Comp 1. 9-15-16 Flavio's Home

In Flavio’s Home, the author Gordon Parks recalls the times he lived de Janiero in Brazil. He explains how he can’t stand living in this poverty. But when he meets a 12 year old boy named Flavio De Silva and his family. It ma consider the true meaning and consequences of poverty. Gordon described t miserable thin and almost naked with the lack of clothes he has on. Gordon f home and knocks on his door and soon realizes that while his parents are at head of the house. Flavio is a 12 year old boy doing more then his body can becomes worried about Flavio's sickness. Parks dwells over the fact that this and eventually decides to take him to the doctor himself. But to his despair th Flavio is too deep into his sickness and they can’t do anything about it. Parks and Flavio tells him he’s not afraid of dying he's afraid of what will happen to were to die.


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than he cared about himself. He would do anything for his family and that ma do anything for him. I believe Flavio’s home displayed selflessness and the w even if it's not beneficial to yourself.

Professor Han College Comp 1. 9-22-16

The Fourth of July

In the Fourth of July by Audre Lorde, Lorde recalls the time she visite as a graduation present. Lorde explains how she became aware of the ugly r Lorde and her family are black and this is where she was introduced to the b They had to pack food for the train because they were not allowed in the dini realized that this whole trip was part of racism because her sister who was g school could not go with her whole class to Washington because the hotel did black. But Lorde gets most angry when they are at an ice cream shop and th to serve them. This says “this is right of fair”. It made things worse that her p angry about the racism they kind of just accepted it. They refuse to talk abou explain to Lorde why is happens. They just try to deny and avoid it. This is w she won't stand for this anymore and she write a letter to the president as we hi





examples of racism she used and how she didn't give in when her parents to it. I like how Lorde fought for what she thought was wrong and she didn't just Lorde didn't accept the fact that she was going to be treated as inferior to wh she did not successfully solve the problem of racism she fought for what she

Professor Han College Comp 1. 9-29-16 Someone's Mother

Someone's mother by Joan Murray describes herself finding a 92 yea the side of the road. Murray knew this woman was old and possibly didn't kno home. Murray decides to pick this woman up and try to help her. She comes women is lost and has no clue how to get home. All the women knows is that to the drugstore and her son must not find out that she is lost. But Murray co because she went through this when her mother started to get older. She fee this women and makes her feel like she has to do whatever she can to help h old lady to the local drugstore and makes her promise that if she needs help

Someone's mother really described the connection between Joan Mu lady. At first Murray was just trying to do a good deed but came to realize tha just like her 90 year old mother and needs help. This story shows that unwritt aren't always the right thing to do. The fact that she picked up a hitchhiker is as wrong. But this is someone who needed help and who if she didn't pick up i h




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Professor Han College Comp 1. 9-29-16 Someone's Mother

Someone's mother by Joan Murray describes herself finding a

the side of the road. Murray knew this woman was old and possibly did

home. Murray decides to pick this woman up and try to help her. She c

women is lost and has no clue how to get home. All the women knows

to the drugstore and her son must not find out that she is lost. But Mur

because she went through this when her mother started to get older. S

this women and makes her feel like she has to do whatever she can to

old lady to the local drugstore and makes her promise that if she need

Someone's mother really described the connection between Jo

lady. At first Murray was just trying to do a good deed but came to real just like her 90 year old mother and needs help. This story shows that

aren't always the right thing to do. The fact that she picked up a hitchh as wrong. But this is someone who needed help and who if she didn't i h




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