Computer Supported Cooperative Work - VL - Zusammenfassung PDF

Title Computer Supported Cooperative Work - VL - Zusammenfassung
Course Computer Supported Cooperative Work
Institution Universität Koblenz-Landau
Pages 28
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Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW) - Wahlpflichtfach für Wirtschaftsinformatik (WI B.Sc.) - Zusammenfassung der Vorlesung im Wintersemester 2020/ 2021...


1 Introduction to CSCW and Enterprise 2.0 01 Terminology & Use Cases What is CSCW? - Greif defines CSCW as: „computer-assisted coordinated activity such as communication and problem-solving carried out by a group of collaborating individuals“.! - Wilson describes CSCW as „a generic term which combines the understanding of the way people work in groups with the enabling technologies of computer networking, and the associated hardware, software, services and techniques”.! - CSCW is a research field drawing ideas and theories from computer science, anthropology, business, information design and software engineering! - Three requirements to enable cooperative work:! 1. Articulating cooperative work! - work needs to be done to coordinate the work, i.e. to support work required to coordinate tasks! 2. Sharing and information space! - information space is transparent to users, they can see who has done what work, and when it was done! 3. Adapting the technology to the organization and vice versa! - collaboration technologies are socio-technical systems. They should be designed to support the work practices in an organization!

- CSCW is about designing the Digital Workplace - Software for support joint work: Enterprise Collaboration Software/ System (ESC)! - ESC is used to build Enterprise Collaboration Platforms (ECP) for organizations!

2 Differences between process-oriented BAS and collaboration software Types of Business Software!

Commonalities: 1.Architecture

Commonalities: 2.Ecosystem

3 Differences: ERP System and Collaboration System

Groupware: is a term for specialized computer aids that are designed for the use of collaborative work groups.! Enterprise 2.0 - McAfee defined: „Enterprise 2.0 is the use of emergent social software platforms within companies, or between companies and their partners or customers”! - More recently terms such as „social business“ or „enterprise social software“ have been used in preference to E2.0 -> to assist organizations to improve collaboration and information sharing between employees and other stakeholders (Business partners, suppliers, customers)!

03 8C framework for Enterprise Information Management (EIM)

Inner Core

Outer layer (proximal influences)

5 Social software, social media and enterprise collaboration system (ECS)

- Differences are: access and ownership! - Access:! • Social Media (open)! • ECS (restricted to authorized users/ behind company firewall)! - Ownership:! • Social media profiles and content owned by platform owner (Facebook) whereas! • all ECS content is owned bei organization not to platform vendor! 02 Designing the Collaborative Workplace - „Understanding Users & Use“ User-centered design (UCD) - design philosophy that focuses on understanding users & the use of technology and placing this at the centre of the design process -> What does users require?! - For the Enterprise Collaboration Challenge need to understand:! - Problems of OTM; different types of stakeholders/ users; work/ activities they are involved in - -> Three techniques: rich picture, personas, user scenario Soft System Methodology (SSM) - Central is the concept of human activity system! - Representing perspectives of different stakeholders involved in a problem situation -> possible to make the complex contextual factors visible Rich Picture - pictorial representations of problem situations! - Useful in building up a rich understanding of the problem context - Used to identify issues, process, structures, actors, institutions & conflicts involved in a problem situation!

6 Elements of an Effective Rich Picture 1. Structure - people, elements, places 2. Main Process 3. Key concerns/ issues 4. User’s language 5. Meaningful visual representation Designing for collaborative work User research - information - surveys, interviews, focus groups, studies, workplace observations! - Methods for understanding users & contexts: personas (+ user Profiles) & user scenario! User profiles (general descriptions of users) - typically information: Demographic characteristics, education, learning style! - Primary users are those individuals who will work with the product or system; secondary users may be affected by the system!

User scenario - Describes situation where a user completes tasks to achieve a goal! - Scenario includes: User, Description of task, goals, procedure, time interval, ressources! - Current scenarios describes an existing situation (goal = understanding context)! - Future scenarios describe how things could be in the future (goal = exploring design ideas)! - Positive & negative scenarios to show effective & less effective situations (show problems, delays, errors)!

7 Identification of requirements for ESS (IRESS Modell)

Use Cases

8 Collaboration Scenarios

9 03 The Core: functionality & activity supported - The core focuses on the functionality of the technologies and the types of activities that are being supported -> Convergence: Combine elements of all four functions! • Communication & cooperation focuses on supporting people to work together —> person-to-person! • Coordination & combination focuses on supporting the flow of information & tasks to support collaborative work —> person-to-documents Communication following Shannon/ Weaver: transmission model The exchange of information between two entities are based on 5 elements: ! 1. Information source (produces message) 2. Transmitter that encodes the message into signals 3. Channel capable of transmitting the signals 4. Receiver that decodes the message 5. Destination where the message arrives! -> transmission model looks at synchronous communication (telephony)! -> A lot of communication is asynchronous, especially when it is computer-supported Classifying communication - Who: Person to person (1:1), Person to group (1:n), Group to person (n:1), Group to group (m:n)! - Direct or indirect: person-to-person, person-to-document, person-to-machine! - How? - The channel • Is the channel uni- or bi-directional? (responses, feedback)! • Push: Is message pushed from sender (broadcast)! • Pull: Does receiver sign-up/ subscribe to receive! • Medium/ media of communication (form of message)! - Text, Voice, Image (graphic, photo, videos)! - Where & when? Time-space matrix!

Other criteria to consider - Persistence, Anonymity, Privacy, Open/ closed group, public/ private, internal/ external, Devices

10 Context determines the communication channel

Evaluating the capabilities of different tools - Convergence: Combine elements of all four functions! - With convergence we are seeing applications & suites of tools that offer multiple functionality (may not be its main strength)! • For example E-Mail is good for communicating asynchronously, 1:1 & 1:m but it may not be the best tool for communicating between team members on issues relating to a specific project ! - When implementing CSCW tools we need to:! 1. Understand why businesses are implementing these technologies, what is the work or business process that we are seeking to support and who will use it! 2. Understand the capabilities of the different available technologies 04 Difference between cooperation & collaboration - Collaboration is a mutually beneficial and well-defined relationship entered into by two or more organizations to achieve common goals • Activity where each person is responsible for a portion of the problem solving • a coordinated, synchronous activity that is the result of a continued attempt to construct and maintain a shared conception of a problem - Cooperation is an informal and short term relationship where partners may work together briefly but remain independent of each other! • Mutual engagement of participants in a coordinated effort to solve the problem together

11 Classification schemes Classification of eCollaboration systems: - 234 systems were identified & 94 were classified and a cluster analysis was conducted to identify key groupings:! • Everyday-; Integrated-; Coordination-; Meeting systems; Specialized tools! Cooperation

Characteristics of the four main system classes

Convergence between the classes

12 Real-time distributed groupware (same time- different place) - Systems that enable people to work together at the same time from different locations! - Group support systems (GSS) …! • Are interactive computer based systems that support & structure group interaction and group meetings! • Allow people to share, organize, evaluate, plan & make decisions! • Are focused on real-time interactions! The concept of „awareness“ (Bewusstsein) - Challenge for users of cooperation/ collaboration/ groupware applications is maintaining awareness of who else is active in the workspace and what tasks/ actions they are doing or have done! - Reasons for the awareness problem! • Input-output devices generate less information than in a face to face situation! • Online collaborative workspace often provides much less information about the activities! Workspace awareness (WA) - is the up-to-the-moment understanding of another person’s interaction with a shared workspace (Gutwin & Greenberg)! - WA involves knowledge about where others are working, what they are doing, and what they are going to do next -> useful for collaboration & coordination! Gutwin & Greenberg’s WA framework is based on three areas - what kinds of information people keep track of in shared workspaces! - how people gather workspace awareness information! - how people use workspace awareness information in collaboration ! Will assist groupware designers to support awareness by helping them to asses: - What information to gather & distribute! - How tp present the information to the group! - When the information will be most useful! Identifying requirements Method: Mini Focus Group - Also known as: focus group interview or focus group discussion! - Method for the collection of qualitative data! - Participants: 4 - 8! - Topic: broad & explorative! - Duration: 1 to 2 hours! - Limit of questions that can discussed: 1 to 5 ! - Strength: attain information from multiple stakeholders, discussion reflects the viewpoints of multiple parties! - Advantage: flexible because the moderator/interviewer communicates with more than one participant at the same time. Conversation builds on each other! - Need to be planned thoroughly. Moderator needs to be sufficiently skilled!

13 05 Coordination - Facilitating & Automating Joint Work Introduction to coordination -> „to put into a certain order“!

- Automation of work & activity flows! - Orchestration of business processes, events & tasks! - Management of complex, ad-hoc exceptions/ events!

Coordination of … 1. Ad-hoc exception/ event-based (involves high human intervention)! Example: Sales conversation in a telephone shop; Customer call (question); Jour fixe (team meeting)! 2. Semi-automated work processes (involves some human intervention)! Example: Insurance case (all case management in fact); Job application/ candidate selection! 3. Fully automated work processes (removing human intervention completely)! Example: Travel booking systems (travel, accommodation, entertainment); Supply chain concepts ECR/ VMI (Efficient Consumer Response/ Vendor-managed Inventory)!

Coordination activities include: 1. Spontaneous discussion - e.g. asking a question 2. Meeting coordination - e.g. decision making, voting 3. Project coordination - e.g. resource & task planning 4. Workgroup coordination - e.g. group calendar, split tasks 5. Workflow management - e.g. processing a loan application 6. Automated business process - e.g. warehouse, robotic process automation (RPA)!

14 We need mechanisms to implement coordination A coordination mechanism is a specific organizational construct, consisting of a coordinative protocol imprinted upon a distinct artifact, which stipulates and mediates the articulation of cooperative work so as to reduce the complexity of articulation work of that arrangement.! Tool-based coordination mechanisms Meeting coordination: meeting invitation, resource reservation! Project coordination: task assignment, notification, voting! Workgroup coordination: presence awareness, group calendar! User-designed coordination mechanisms - Support a variety of work activities and multiple purposes of use! - Many of these activities require coordination:! • Schedule or communicate events! • Assign, order & link project tasks! • Structure & moderate discussions! - „begin life as empty shells without content, over time as users interact with and shape the system to their needs“! - „Users develop new coordination mechanisms (CM) to facilitate the management of their distributed work and cooperative activities”! - Typical artifacts from CSCW research:! • Calendars; Catalogues; Checklists; Indexes; Plans; Schedules; Templates! Workflows - Workflow can be described simply as the movement of documents, information and tasks through a business process! Accepts of coordination 1. Business rules - what business rules apply? 2. Activity sequencing - what are the steps in the activity & in what order do they occur? 3. People/ roles - who or what role are involved? 4. Resources/ documents - what documents/ date flows? 5. Systems/ applications - which applications & systems are involved and in what sequence?! Workflow management system (WFM system) - provides procedural automation of a business process! - WFM system supports three functional areas:! • Build-time functions concerned with defining the workflow and its activities! • Run-time control functions concerned with managing the workflow process! • Run-time interactions with human users and IT application tools for processing activity steps!

15 Software development as an example of a (semi-)structured group activity Example: Software development & maintenance project management - Developing & maintaining large software products involves teams of programmers, testing teams, software engineers, business analyst! - Teams need to coordinate development - Different roles involved require different functionality & access. Need to be able to customize views of the project (task/ activity approval)! - Multiple concurrent activities. Project tracking & planning, managing programming changes, fixing programming defects! - Timing/ scheduling SCRUM Development - SCRUM methodology as a way to improve the management of the product development process -> bring focus onto the day to day activities! - SCRUM development is seen as an agile approach as it allows for fine grain management of a project and the rapid rescheduling and reassigning of tasks. Especially in situations where product requirements are frequently changing in response to customer and market expectations! SCRUM teams (three elements) - Product owner who represents the customer and who makes sure that the scrum team delivers a useful product. The product owner is responsible for writing the items that need to be developed in the product. These items are placed in what is termed the „product backlog“! - Development team - a self-organising team, usually 3-10 people who do the work (mixed team of analysts, software engineers, programmers, testers)! - Other ancillary roles - e.g. customers/vendors, development partners, plus other managers with more traditional project management responsibility!

06 Content Combination & Content Management Systems that enable the creation, management, organization & combination of data, information and knowledge assets, throughout their entire lifecycle! Social Content - The term Social Content refers to all content that is created and managed in Enterprise Social Software (Wiki pages, Blog posts, social profiles, tasks, files)! - Gartner Glossary: Social content is unstructured data created or delivered through a social process and destined for human consumption. E.g. blogs, wikis, Twitter, FB, YT for document sharing and collaboration -> provides social software features!

16 Enterprise Social Software (ESS) - comprises collaboration software that incorporates components and features known from Social Media such as blogs, wikis and profiles! - Typical social feature include subscribing information or people!

Social Business Documents - Contain social content components! - Created by one or multiple authors! - Often: compound documents (post + comment + tags)! - Constantly changing (and growing) content! Dashboards and portals Corporate portals - aggregate information from different sources/ applications into one interface! - Provide a secure single point of access (usually single sign-on) to information from within or outside the organization! - Usually via a web-based interface! - Access levels can be set so employees only have access to information and service that they need or have rights to view! - Powerful search capabilities - User can customize and personalize their interface to make sure the information they need or use most frequently ist most visible! Dashboards and scorecards - A dashboard is essentially a form of executive information system (EIS) in that it provides business performance information via its interface to one or more information systems! - Dashboards and scorecards are multilayered performance management systems! Types of dashboard - Strategic dashboard (or scorecards) monitor the execution of corporate strategic objectives at each level of the organization and emphasize management more than monitoring or analysis. Strategic dashboards are often implemented using the Balanced Scorecard methodology and referred to loosely as „scorecards“!


- Tactical dashboards track departmental processes and projects and emphasize -

analysis more than monitoring or management. They are often implemented using portals and run against data marts or warehouses where data is loaded periodically ! Operational dashboards track core operational processes and often display more real-time data. Operational dashboards emphasize monitoring more than analysis or management!

The (social) Content Dashboard - Based on HCL Connections 6.0 CR4! Social Documents in HCL Connections

Structure of Social Documents

Social Content: different application areas - Storing and accessing Social Content! - Combining information to create new information and information services! - Analysis of the use of Social Content! • Enterprise Collaboration Systems capture information about the use of content (usage data). The analysis of such information can be used to provide business intelligence (Social Collaboration Analytics)!

18 07 Contribution & Change - „Deriving Benefits & Managing Adoption“ Focus 8C: Contribution: Indentifying and managing benefits and business value! Change: Managing business change and business process design From implementation to strategy

Measuring and Monitoring Benefits with Social Collaboration Analytics Social Collaboration Analytics is an "approach for analysing and displaying collaboration activity of users in socially-enabled collaboration systems ! Social Collaboration Analytics: Data Source - Organizational Data • Mater data! • Organizational structure! • Users! - Transactional Data • Event database! • Web server log files! - Content Data • Content database! • File system!

19 Dimension of Social Collaboration Analytics

Dashboard for Social Business Documents Content Dashboards: Metric part & Graph part! Wiki - KPIs - 136 of 139 documents consists of more than the „intellectual core“ - An average of 2.5 users have worked on a document (-> people actually work together on content)! - A document has an average of 8.4 components (big number influenced by page versions, grey color)! - There are 12 „complex documents“ (collections), % whose components have subcomponents. The counted relationships between the documents are softwarespecific (in its current implementation)! Blog - KPIs - 100 of 109 documents consists of more then the „intellectual core“ - 5.7 users have worked on a document (-> people actually work together on content)! - A docume...

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