Detailed lesson plan about Propaganda techniques PDF

Title Detailed lesson plan about Propaganda techniques
Author Anonymous User
Course English
Institution Tanauan Institute, Inc.
Pages 6
File Size 186.8 KB
File Type PDF
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A Detailed Lesson Plan about Propaganda and Propaganda Techniques. Lesson in English for Grade 8 students....


LESSON PLAN I N ENGLI SH ( GRADE 8) I .Obj ect i ves: Att heendoft hel esson,t hest udentshoul dbeabl et o: 1.i dent i f yt hedi ffer entpr opagandat echni ques, 2.r eal i zet hei mpor t anceofpr opagandat echni quesi nconsumer r esponse 3.appl ypr opagandat echni quesi npr omot i ngapr oduct s. I I .Subj ectMat t er Topi c: Pr opagandaTechni ques Mat er i al s: Sl i deDecks,PenandPaper Ref er ence: 1.K t o12Cur r i cul um G,p. 173177 2.LessonExempl ar ,TayabasDi vi si on Teacher ’ sAct i vi t y St udent ’ sAct i vi t y PRELI MI NARYACTI VI TY A.PRAYER Le t ’ sbow ourheadandf eelt he “ Ev erybodyst andandl etusst ar tour “ p r e s e n c e o f t h e L o r d . He a v e n l yFat her , daywi t hapr ayer . ” gr antmeeac hdayt hedesi r et odomy bes t .Togr ow ment al l yandmor al l y ,as we l lasphysi cal l y ,Tobeki ndandhel pf ul t omyc l ass mat esandt eac her s,hel pme t obeagoods por tandsmi l ewhenIl ose aswel laswhenIwi n,t eac hmet he val ueoft r uef r i endshi p,he l pmeal ways t oconductmyse l fsoast obr i ngcr edi tt o mysc hool .Amen! ”

B. GREETI NGS “ GoodMor ni ngCl ass!How ar eyou t oday?” C. CHECKI NG OFATTENDANCE “ That ’ sgoodt oknow. ” “ Be f or et aki ngyourseat s,Iwantyou t ol ookar oundandpi ckt hosepi eces oft r ashesunderyourchai r s,t hr ow t hosei nt het r ashbi n.Ar r angeyour chai r shor i z ont al l yandver t i cal l y al i gned. ”

“ GoodMor ni ngMa’ am!We’ r egr eat . ”

“ NoneMa’ am”

YesMa’ am. ” “ Ar eeverybodyi nt hei rseat sal r eady? “ Now,l ookt oyourr i ghtandt hent o yourl ef t . ” NoneMa’ am” “ Hav eyounot i cedsomeonemi ssi ng?” “ “ Wel lt hent hat ’ sgr eat ,t her ear eno absent eesf ort oday . ” D.REVI EW “ AboutBi as/es ” “ Fornow l e t ’ shavear evi ew ofwhatwe havet ac kl edl astmee t i ng. ”Whatwast hat agai n? “ Andwhati sbi as ?” “ Exce l l ent !I tseemst hatyour eal l y under st andourl astt opi c . ”

“ Bi ase susual l ydescr i bedasunf ai r , par t i alordi scr i mi nat i on. ”



“ Cl ass,bef or ewepr oceedt oour di scussi on,fir stl et ’ shaveagame ent i t l ed“ YourTagl i neSounds Fami l i ar ” .

“ Readt heGameMechani cs,Mel any . ”

GameMechani cs:  Thecl asswi l lbedi vi dedi nt o3 gr oups.

 Eachgr oupwi l lr ecei vepi ecesof paperandamar ker .

 Thet askoft hegr oupi st oguesst he nameoft het e l evi si oncommer ci al basedont het agl i net hatwi l lbe flashedont hescr een.

“ Thankyou,Mel any . ”

“ Cl ass,ar et hemechani cscl ear ?”

“ Count1,2,3f oryourgr oupi ngs” “ OK,l et ’ sst ar t ! ” “ Ar eyour eady?”

“ Yes,Ma’ am”

( Thest udentwi l lf or mt hr eegr oups)

“ Yes,Ma’ am wear er eady”

Tagl i ne

TV Commer ci al

“ WeFi ndWays”

“ The Ever ”

“ Bat ang Laban”

Mi l ki e st


“ Be t t er St ai n Removal i n 1 Wash”


“ I t ’ s Fi nger Li c ki nGood”

“ Now,whatcanyousayaboutt he act i vi t ywehad?”

“ Ma’ am whatwehavedonewas guessi ngt hepr oductbasedont he gi vent agl i nesandt hosewher eseen i nt el evi si oncommer ci al s. ”

“ Cor r ect ,t hosewer ecommer ci al s. ”

I .ACTI VI TY 2:Let ’ sWat chand Eval uat e

St udent ’ sAnswer : Pr ocessi ngQuest i ons:

“ Ihaveobser vedt hecommer ci ali s pr omot i ngapr oduct . ”

1.Whatdi dyouobservei nt hepr esent ed “ Det er gentPowder ,Br eez e. ” commer ci al ? “ Cor r ect ,verygoodandt hepr oduc ti s ?”

“ YesMa’ am,Iwasmovedbyt he vi deo,i nhow t heypr esentt he 2. Do t he commer ci al affect you i nc ommer ci alusi ngmot herandchi l d di ffer entways? i nschool . ”

3.Whatdo y ou t hi nk i st he pur poseof t hevi deot hatyouhavewat ched?

“ It hi nkt hepur posei st oper suade buyer s. ” “ YesMa’ am,becauset heyhave pr esent edaverycat chycommer ci al . ”

4. Di d t he c ommer ci al per suade/encour age you t o buy or pat r oni z et hei rpr oduct ?

I I .ANALYSI S: “ Basedonyouranswer st ot hegi ven quest i onswhatdoyout hi nki sour t opi cf ort oday?”

St udent ’ sAnswer : Commer ci al Mar ket i ng Pr opaganda


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