Episode 2: Meeting My Cooperating Teacher - Field Study 7 (Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio) PDF

Title Episode 2: Meeting My Cooperating Teacher - Field Study 7 (Practice Teaching Handbook and Portfolio)
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“Meeting My Cooperating Teacher” NCBTS DOMAIN 7 STRAND 7.1: LET-TOS No. 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.7) •LEARNING EPISODE 2 • LEARNING EPISODE 2 • LEARNING EPISODE 2 • LEARNING EPISODE 2 • MY LEARNING EPISODE OVERVIEW This episode will allow me to meet my cooperating teacher. This activity will also giv...


“Meeting My Cooperating Teacher” NCBTS DOMAIN 7 STRAND 7.1: LET-TOS No. 1 (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.6, 1.7)


MY LEARNING EPISODE OVERVIEW This episode will allow me to meet my cooperating teacher. This activity will also give me the chance to better understand the expectations of my cooperating teacher.

MY TARGETS (LEARNING OUTCOMES) At the end of this activity, I will be able to:  meet my cooperating teacher.  reflect on the expectations of my cooperating teacher.  observe and record important notes during the discussion with my cooperating teacher.  interact my cooperating teacher.  give assistance to my cooperating teacher.

MY MAP (LEARNING EPISODE DIRECTIONS) These are the things I need to do:

Extend assistance when needed.

Write down notes.

Listen to the expectations of my cooperating teacher.

Observe well.

• Go to the scheduled class. • Meet my cooperating teacher. • Present all needed documents.

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MY BIG IDEAS (LEARNING ESSENTIALS) As a student intern, I must do the following:  observe my cooperating teacher especially in establishing classroom routines;  remember that the early period of observation is highly significant in making significant in making my practice teaching more meaningful and rewarding  follow my cooperating teacher’s rules and expectations to build a solid and meaningful relationship.

MY TASK (ACTIVITIES) A. Getting to know my cooperating teacher NAME OF COOPERATING TEACHER: Shiela V. Franco SCHOOL GRADUATED FROM: Northern Iloilo Polytechnic State College (Main Campus, Estancia, Iloilo) HIGHEST EDUCATIONAL ATTAINMENT: BSE (English) SUBJECT/S HANDLED: Araling Panlipunan 8 and 10, ESP 8 and English 10 NUMBER OF YEARS OF TEACHING EXPERIENCE: 12 MY COOPERATING TEACHER’S EXPECTATIONS  I expect you as a responsible student intern, to become a good teacher.  You have what it takes to be a good teacher; keep it up, Mark!  I also expect that during the years to come, you’d inject your lessons with a bit of humor. (Your teaching strategy, ICT is very good, as students these days are being visual learners). MY EXPECTATIONS Likewise, I also have my expectations that I need to convey to my cooperating teacher in order that my needs are also met and understood. I am expecting my cooperating teacher will also work hand-inhand with me with a goal that we need our learners to learn. I am also foreseeing that she will really cooperative in such a way that they will guide me suggestion in planning my lesson, provide feedbacks so as to improve my weaknesses and maintain my strengths in teaching, give me opportunity to explore and discover other strategies for our learners.


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B. In the observation phase, I need to do the following:  Integrate ICT in my classes.  I should make sure I will catch the students’ attention, always.  Prepare simple drills and activities so that the students will not get bored.  Use other references  Give students praises when answering the questions. C. To fully equip myself to better understand my cooperating teacher, I need to know his/her personal characteristics. Choose any three (3) significant characteristics and why you need to do to emulate these virtues. PERSONAL CHARACTERISTICS Punctuality Professionalism Propriety

WHY YOU NEED TO EMULATE THESE VIRTUES? To produce a quality of works. To ensure that I have a good values in dealing with different personnel. To be morally and socially equipped.

MY ANALYSIS (LEARNING EPISODE DIRECTIONS) In my first encounter with my cooperating teacher, I realized that:  Teaching is a heavy job.  A teacher is responsible of his students during class hours.  Teaching is not about educating, it is also about inspiring and motivating.  I should wholly prepare myself upon teaching.

MY REFLECTION / MY INSIGHTS A. CHECK ONLY ONE AND EXPLAIN. I am ready for the teaching profession. ●

I still need to overcome my apprehensions. BECAUSE apprehension is one of the reasons why one never achieve his/her goals. Yes, I am ready for teaching profession but I should overcome my apprehensions first to boost my confidence and self-esteem—I believe that these are the fundamentals of teaching. Fears would never hinder me to attain such goals. And for this

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practice teaching experience, I am looking forward that teaching will define me as a good future educator in the very soon.

MY APPLICATION (FROM THEORY TO PRACTICE) Read the situations and choose the letter of the correct answer. 1. As a student intern, I need to fully understand the expectations of my cooperating teacher to ensure ___________. a. better rapport and harmonious relationship b. greater familiarity on his/her needs and interests c. the development of learning materials d. the establishment of classroom routines 2. Why do I need to consult my cooperating teacher at all times? a. For better delivery of the lesson b. To select the best materials, activities and strategies c. For better unity and cooperation d. To quarrels and misunderstanding 3. How can I establish and maintain cordial relationships with my cooperating teacher? a. Do some errands for him/her. b. Follow him/her wherever he/she goes. c. Obey all his/her instructions. d. Maintain professional relations all the times.

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