Jaime Oliver Ted Talk Video Analysis Week7 PDF

Title Jaime Oliver Ted Talk Video Analysis Week7
Author Anonymous User
Course Applied Nutrition
Institution Concordia University Saint Paul
Pages 4
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7.2 Nutrition 462 Video Analysis Jamie Oliver Ted Talk (25points) View the Ted Talk Video: Jamie Oliver: Teach Every Child About Food https://youtu.be/go_QOzc79Uc. (Answer each question in a different color font.)

1. What percent of adults in the room are overweight or obese according to Jamie Oliver? (1pt) According to Jamie Oliver, “Two-thirds of this room, today in America, are statistically overweight or obese” (Ted, 2010). 2. What is diet related disease? (2pts) A diet related disease are diseases that are associated with our diet, meaning that it can be prevented or controlled by what we consume. Diet related diseases “is the biggest killer in the United States” that include heart disease, all cancers, stroke, and diabetes (Ted, 2010). 3. In your own words, what is Jamie’s “food revolution?” (2pts) Jamie’s food revolution consists of getting Americans the help they need to get them on the right track to a healthy or healthier lifestyle. One of the many reasons why obesity has skyrocketed is because individual people have not grown up a food environment. This means that they haven’t been taught the proper way to cook, at home or in school, causing them to eat unhealthy and develop obesity. 4. What is the “triangle” that Jamie proposes which represents the problem with eating habits in America? Define Jamie’s suggestions for “real change” At home, at school and on main street? (3pts) The “triangle” that Jamie proposes which represents the problem with eating habits in America is pointed out as “our landscape of food” (Ted, 2010). The 3 points of the triangle consist of main street home, and school. Main street is represented by fast food that has taken over the

country, it represents the big brands and big companies that have brought in processed foods with additives/extra ingredients, portion sizes and labeling (Ted, 2010). Jamie Oliver explains that, “The industry wants to self-police themselves” meaning they get to say what’s good for you when it’s probably twice as bad (Ted, 2010). Home is supposed to represent “the heart of passing on food, food culture, and what made our society” (Ted, 2010). Now, home is not represented as it should be. Home is described as a place where we are not looking at food and we are not rebalancing our lifestyles (Ted, 2010). Instead we eat what is convenient for us, which usually consists of high-fat, high-cholesterol high-sodium, and pre-made food. “School was always invented to arm us with tools to make us creative, do wonderful things, make us earn a living, etc.” (Ted, 2010). One thing about school that it is not presenting to students “the health catastrophes of America” (Ted, 2010). School food is also a problem that is contributing to obesity because cafeteria’s are serving hand held foods, which promote the consumption of fast foods (Ted, 2010). Jamie’s suggestion for “real change” at school involves educating students about eating healthy and teaching them different types of vegetables and becoming an ambassador for the lunch ladies to help them serve a better dietary menu. 5. Were you surprised that the kids in the schools, could not identify different vegetables? What vegetables have you eaten in the past 3 days? (2pts) After watching the video where the kids could not identify different vegetables I was completely shocked. At that age I was educated on vegetables and eating them on a daily basis. Some vegetables I have eaten in the past 3 days are zucchini, carrots, tomatoes, onions, yellow squash, celery, and lettuce. 6. Does Jamie hate milk? Why does he criticize the milk industry? (2pts) Jamie does not hate milk he supports it, however, the milk industry has managed to flavor and colorize the milk to make it more of a fun way to drink (Ted, 2010). Adding flavor and color to milk means adding more sugar that students don't need. 7. Jamie thinks every child should get out of high School with the ability to cook 10 meals. Do you have the ability to cook 10 different meals?

How often do you cook for yourself and others? Where did you learn how to cook? (3pts) I have grown up in a household where cooking breakfast, lunch and dinner is an everyday thing. Yes, I have the ability to cook 10 different meals. Currently, I cook for myself every day and for others occasionally when my friends and I have a get together. I mostly learned how to cook from watching and helping my mom, dad, and grandmother in the kitchen, but I also learned by watching the Food Network and other online videos. 8. What have you learned about food and nutrition from your family? Did you eat home cooked meals and lunches prepared at home? Did you family eat together at the dinner table? (3pts) What I have learned about food and nutrition from my family is that I always had to have some sort of fruit and/or vegetable in my meal. I was also taught that “a little goes a long way” you don’t need to add a lot of salt/sugar for something to taste good. I did eat home cooked meals and lunches prepared at home and majority of the time my family did eat together at the dinner table. 9. What habits around food and nutrition have you brought from your family culture (e.g., eat together, eat on the go, etc.)? How do you eat differently now? (3pts) Some habits of food and nutrition that I have learned from my family culture is to eat together. A lot of the times I like to eat dinner with my friends even if we have different dinner options. Being surrounded by company makes me feel at home. Being a college student I have learned that you can’t always make home-made meals because my schedule is so busy. A lot of times I eat breakfast and lunch on the go because I have no time in the morning. 10.In your opinion, does this video provide a path forward to helping Americans eat healthier? What part of his “food revolution” can you see yourself adopting or promoting? Are there other issues that need to be addressed to decrease diet related disease in America? (3pts)

In my opinion, this video does provide a path forward to helping Americans eat healthier. Jamie Oliver provides statistics of the problem and came up with a solution that is easy for everyone to understand and follow. One part of this “food revolution” that I see myself promoting is educating students at school about the importance of healthy eating and help them identify different types of fruits and vegetables. Obesity is increasing with younger children because they are not aware of the foods they are eating, so educating them will help them make healthier choices in the future. One other issue that needs to be addressed that Jamie mentioned but never really explained is portion sizes in meals. Aside from the problem of eating an unhealthy diet, portion sizes are also a contributing factor to obesity. 11.Do you think America’s eating habits can change without intervention or regulations from the local or federal government? Why or why not? (2pts) I believe that there is potential that America has the ability to change our eating habits without intervention or regulations, but as of now it’s clear that Americans can’t because they don’t realize what harmful foods are doing to their bodies. If Americans really wanted to change their eating habits then they would take the initiative and start researching for the betterment of themselves. In this generation, Americans are influenced by media, celebrity endorsements, convenience, etc. which all contribute to the unhealthy diets they are consuming.

References TED. (2010, February 12). Retrieved February 25, 2019, from https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=go_QOzc79Uc...

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