Major Project Portfolio - Google Docs PDF

Title Major Project Portfolio - Google Docs
Course Enterprise Innovation and markets
Institution Western Sydney University
Pages 64
File Size 5 MB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 91
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32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

1. PROJECT PROPOSAL 1.1. Design Situation 1.2. Exploration of the need 1.3. Design Brief. 1.4. Areas of investigation. 1.5. Criteria to evaluate success.

2 2 3 10 11 14

2. PROJECT MANAGEMENT 2.1. Management plans 2.1.1. Action 2.1.2.Time 2.1.3.Finance

15 15 15 18 18

3. PROJECT DEVELOPMENT AND REALISATION 3.1. Evidence of creativity 3.1.1. ideas generation 3.1.2 Degree of difference and exploration of existing ideas 3.1.3 Design concept sketches. 3.2 Consideration of design factors 3.3. Documentation of research, experimentation and testing 3.5 Identification and Justification of Ideas and Resources Used 3.6. Evidence and Application of Practical Skills to Produce a Quality Project

19 19 19 23 26 29 31 53 55

4. EVALUATION 4.1. Record and application of evaluation procedures throughout the design Project 4.2 Analysis and evaluation of functional and aesthetic aspects of design 4.3 Final Evaluation with respect to the Projects Impact on the Individual, Society and the Environment. 4.4 Relationship of the Final Product, System, or Environment to the Project Proposal

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32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

1. PROJECT PROPOSAL 1.1. Design Situation Over the past few decades, the impact of fast food industries has taken a toll on society and its environment. Fast food outlets have not only contributed to the issue of obesity and diminishing societies health, but also harming Australia’s environmental state. In 2015, Australians alone purchased 1.2 billion fast-food meals during the span of the year, considering only a short majority implying sustainable materials and procedures. With most of the packaging being short term and not re-used, it pollutes land and marine life, as well as increasing our already toxic landfills which is proven in a variety of existing articles and reports. With waste items such as straws, cups, lids and cutlery, the variation of plastics grows a larger opportunity for unsustainable recycling. Consumption of these unregarded plastics and materials can build a chain reaction in species and will eventually reach to affect humanity. Individuals in our society, more specifically adolescents can have a significant impact to reduce this issue in our communities. However, with their deficient knowledge and lacking awareness of fast-food plastic pollution, it will continue to arise this current matter soon to put the future of our environment at stake. To create a design that can campaign awareness amongst adolescents of this issue would not only promote recycling procedures but also bring recognition to the underlying issue.


32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

1.2. Exploration of the need RESEARCH 1: a Survey Of The Target Market (primary) AIM: To survey the target market of adolescents to recognise how aware they are of fast food packaging waste and the existing strategies implemented in Australia’s society. This information is important for the need to create my design as it will bring a purpose for a campaign that will attract adolescents but also inform them of the matter. It will also assist me in understanding what key areas to focus on and how to resolve the issue. METHOD: Using Google Form, I will create an online survey and share this form to adolescents in my high school with ages ranging from 13 to 18 years. I will conduct a series of questions that will analyse a sample of our population on the pollution issue to see their current knowledge. RESULTS: A total of 22 ranged adolescents submitted their response to the following questions; QUESTION

JUSTIFICATION (relevance of question)


1. What is your name?

optional; for further interviewing


2. What is your age?

To analyse if there are any trends or consistency in my results.

3. How often do you eat fast food?

To analyse if consistency reflects recycling habits.

4. When visiting fast-food places, do you ask for biodegradable items, such as fibre straws?

To see if current initiatives are being taken by the target market.

Scale of 1 (never) to 5 (always)

5. Which fast food place do you tend to visit most?

To analyse if there are significant outliers that I can further research in depth to create a stronger impact

15 people voted Mcdonald’s (71.4%) 3 people voted Oporto (14.3%) 2 people voted KFC (9.5%) 3

32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

with my design on my target market. 6. After eating fast-food, how do you handle the leftover rubbish?

1 person voted for Boost (2.4%) 1 person voted for Subway (2.4%)

To see current approaches taken by the current market and investigate the issues.

7. If the choice was 'other' in To different approaches of handling the question above, please waste and if there is an unknown identify your method. method to look into further.

8. Do you notice any approaches fast food places take in order to reduce plastic waste? If so, explain.

To identify the percentage of the market that identified an initiative.

9. What strategies do you personally implement to reduce waste when eating out?

To see knowledge learnt and if there is truly a lack of awareness to give me a purpose of my design.

To learn current initiatives taken by adolescents in order to reduce waste that comes from fast food industries.

● “I use my leftover cans and bottles at the return and earn vending machines.”

Most popular responses: ● No. ● Some places have plastic straws out to take instead of plastic straws. ● McDonald’s with there refillable cups. ● Turn products that used plastic into biodegradable materials such as cardboard. ● Kfc uses recycling bins to separate cardboard to rubbish bags and we collect bread clips to send them to charity. ● Some outlets provide non-plastic utensils. Most popular responses: ● Use glass bottles and paper straws or edible cutlery ● After eating, place rubbish in the appropriate bins of needed ● I dine in so maccas don’t have to use a paper bag ● No strategies ● I really just get the food as it is and throw out the packaging in the bin. ● metal straws ● Not getting heaps of items like extra cutlery or straws


32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

10. Are you aware of the impact that fast food plastic waste has on the environment?

To compare the ratio of individuals who do and don’t.

11. If question 9 is yes, name and identify how you’re aware and gained knowledge (eg. school).

To gain an understanding of the current ways this awareness is identified.

Most popular responses: ● Social media ● School ● News ● Work because I work in fast food.

CONCLUSION: Through the surveys conducted, my aim to recognise the awareness across my target market was successful. From my primary research, I have learnt adolescents don’t have a deep enough understanding of the environmental impacts of the waste in order to take initiatives. This information proves that there is a need for my campaign design as it displays a number of relevant statistics showing the significant amount of people that don’t have the essential knowledge on how to reduce waste when eating out in fast food restaurants. 54.5% responded that they dispose of their waste in the nearest rubbish bin when eating out whereas 36.4% stated to recycle in appropriate bins. This shows the issue of laziness and lack of care many adolescents portray that lead to the issue. The most common ways teenagers are aware of the impact fast food waste has on the environment is through social media, school, news and their occupations. However, usually this can be boring or not attention-grabbing to the target market. This suggests that if I can create a design that has an appealing and eye-catching aesthetic, it could grow awareness of the issue and implement more action to the issue.


32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

RESEARCH 2: The Impact Of Fast Food Packaging Waste On The Environment (secondary)

AIM: To investigate and research the impacts of fast-food industry packaging on the environment. I will need to determine the issues of pollution and current approaches and influences society has contributed. With this information using online resources, I will gather the purpose to create a design that campaigns awareness to adolescents to encourage action on this crucial issue. METHOD: Using secondary information on the internet, I will search for data on various websites. I will focus on key statistics and factual evidence to support this issue. Using the search engine Google, I will research the topic ‘impact of fast food packaging waste on the environment in Australia’. The website with the most accurate and reliable data, I will study further. This website I have selected is from the ‘Australian Government Department of the Environment And Energy’. RESULTS: ● Using the website, National Waste Report, 2018, it supports my case by explaining how the land pollution contributed by fast-food packaging affects our ecosystems and also increases Australia’s landfills. ● With a large percentage of land pollution coming from plastics as well as papers and cardboards, fast food outlets play a large role in this escalating issue. ● In the report published in 2018, it states that 2.5 million tonnes of plastic waste were generated in 2016-2017. However, only 12% was recycled, leaving the rest sent to landfill. ● Research has found that 70% of seabirds and 30% of sea turtles have some amount of plastic in their system. ● Over time, landfills and dumps will take up more land, invading animals’ habitats and coming even closer to groundwater sources. ● In this report, it shows a statistic that estimates the figure stands at around 25 percent of lightweight plastic comes from fast-food restaurants. With the large mass production of plastics being produced, this percentage is soon to increase. ● This report also shows that the fast-food industry could have a significant catalytic effect on global warming. With chemicals used to make and break down these plastics, it diffuses harmful chemicals into our air, gradually contributing to global warming.


32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

CONCLUSION: With the research evaluated, my aim of discovering if the fast-food industry waste has an impact on the environment was successful. The statistics prove that the packaging not only affects the land environment but also the marine life, threatening the lives of all species. From my research, I learned that a large amount of Australia’s pollution, being 25% comes from food outlets and increasing our landfill sites. This information proves that there is a need for action to have a decrease in this issue by reaching through society.

RESEARCH 3: Fast Food Industry And Their Response (secondary)

AIM: To investigate and research the response fast food industries have to the issue of plastic pollution in the environment. I will be focusing on the certain restaurant chain of Mcdonald’s, to research in depth the overall contribution that these food industries imply to minimise waste. I have decided to research Mcdonald’s as this is the highest recognised food industry in my survey sample. By researching Mcdonald’s, I will be able to analyse the initiatives already set in place by the industry and what individuals can do to assist in the crucial issue. Through the influence of the most significant fast food restaurant, I will be able to prove that the need for contribution from society is essential to maintain our environment. METHOD: Using secondary information on the internet, I will examine data on various websites. I will focus on key statistics and factual evidence to support this issue. Using the search engine Google, I will research the topic ‘Mcdonald's response to fast food packaging waste on the environment in Australia’. On the Mcdonald’s Australia website, I will be sourcing my information from the environment and sustainability tab. I will be looking at this contrasted to outside statistics and factual data to ensure research is not subjective and biased towards the restaurant. ● A study has shown that more than 80 investors have demanded that leading companies in the fast-food industry take the initiative and commit to long-term targets to reduce their environmental impact. However, Mcdonald’s has claimed that they already do plenty to fulfil their environmental obligations. This shows how society must also take initiative to reduce the issues of our pollution by taking approaches such as recycling, uses reusable sources, making the choice of removing plastics when eating out (i.e. straws), etc. 7

32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

● McDonalds is moving away from plastic straws Australia, the UK and Ireland with testing of alternatives in Belgium, US, France, Sweden and Norway. While all companies need to urgently reduce their plastic footprints, some disabled people need a robust flexible straw that works in hot and cold drinks in order to drink. ● With the sheer amount of food fast-food industries sell produce a staggering amount of waste. For example, McDonald’s produces 1.5 millions tons of plastic waste annually. Given this, many believe the company still has a long way to go. ● A number of fast food chains, including McDonald's, Hungry Jacks, and Subway, have their work cut out for them as environmental organisations are clamping down on plastic. Though some fast food chains are now using paper, many are now having to rethink ways of packaging their food. ● McDonald’s has set sustainability targets in the past. Just last November, it announced it would strive to achieve 100% sustainable consumer packaging and recycling by 2025. CONCLUSION: From this research I have achieved my aim by investigating the response fast food industries have towards their issue of fast food waste pollution in our environments. Although fast-food industries claim they have taken initiatives to reduce waste, I have learned from my research that there is still a significant impact of plastic on the environment. This information proves that adolescents in society need to have a larger contribution to tackle this world renown issue effectively.

RESEARCH 4: Interview with a manager of a fast-food restaurant (primary) AIM: To investigate and interview a manager of a fast-food chain to gain an inner perspective of the matter behind the restaurant. I will be conducting questions about the recycling and waste process the store has implemented, as well as current approaches to minimise the plastic waste. This information is important as I can identify trends in most used plastics used by consumers and begin to identify ways to minimise this number in our society for a healthier environment. 8

32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

METHOD: As primary source information, I will be visiting my local Mcdonald’s to discuss specific questions relating to the plastic pollution produced through the store. The interview will be recorded using my phone to ensure all information is recorded down. I will ask the manager the following questions; RESULTS: QUESTIONS



1. What is your name and position in the store?

To outline the role and contribution the manager has to the store.

My name is Luke Vranjes and my position is restaurant manager.

2. What is the fast-food franchise you work under?

To see if the fast-food franchise matches the research already provided above.

I work under the franchise Mcdonald’s in the location of Padstow.

3. What is the recycling process for the store?

To investigate the process of plastics and the operations of the fast food industry.

We have here all rubbish and recycling dumpsters that get picked up daily. 1 dumpster of each daily. Mondays to Wednesdays are usually quieter than Thursdays to Sundays.

4. What is the plastics that the restaurant uses the most? Is there a trend?

To have an idea what the biggest issue is in terms of plastics to find a way to reduce this.

Most plastic used by the store would be cups/lids. However cups are paper wax. (Will get more information on the recycling plant for you). We go through about 5 boxes of large lids and 5 boxes of small lids in a week roughly. Dependant on sales and promotions like the $1 frozens.

5. What approaches does the store use to reduce plastic pollution?

To support prior research that Mcdonald’s as a franchise has taken initiatives to also reduce the issue.

McDonald’s Australia has removed straws from dining trying to reduce wastage from people grabbing extra or making a mess or missing the first couple.

6. How effective are these strategies for the store? What changes have you

To identify if the approaches taken by the store are effective enough on customers including

Straw usage has gone down since this change as there is less opportunity for wastage. We are 9

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noticed since these were implemented?

7. What would you suggest and promote to consumers in order to reduce the plastic waste in the store?


aiming to remove plastic straws from our store by the end of 2020.

To see if there is an existing organisation or campaign that needs recognition and I may incorporate into further research.

For that question I’ll get my friend from Menai to send me a photo of the full page document about the recycling plant as I think it would help with wastage. There are very limited places that can recycle wax paper so this is very good for the environment.

CONCLUSION: From this research, I am able to say I have successfully reached my aim. I gained an internal perspective of the plastic matter from the source. In order to bring awareness to other adolescents, I must have a deep understanding of all aspects in the process of my issue. I learnt that there are many initiatives taken behind the scenes to reduce the waste in our environment such as removing straws in dining which reduces wastage caused by customers. By understanding there are implemented initiatives already in use, this helps me prove that a significant factor of the pollution is rooted to the responsibility and initiative from the young individuals in our society. Due to this, I understand that the issue is not to execute strategies to tackle the problem, but to actually promote and inform society on the idea of recycling.

1.3. Design Brief. To create a design that campaigns awareness to adolescents of the impact that fast-food plastic waste has on our environment.


32389066 Mount St Joseph, Milperra

1.4. Areas of investigation. Area of Investigation

Method of Investigation

Reason for Investigation (Relationship to the Need)


Field one: Needs Analysis To see if teenagers are aware of the negative impact fast food industries have on the environment in terms of its plastic waste.

To conduct a survey asking a series of questions to a sample of our population that identify approaches taken and how aware they are of plastic waste.

To establish if my design has a need for its creation and the current state of our society is at and what needs to be changed.

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