Online Assignment 2 - anxiety ted talk PDF

Title Online Assignment 2 - anxiety ted talk
Course Mental Health in Law Enforcement
Institution Algonquin College
Pages 3
File Size 53 KB
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Online Assignment #2 PFP2031



1. When experiencing Anxiety, the uncomfortable feelings associated with Anxiety orient around a perceived danger, which causes an instinctive fight, flight or freeze response as Dawn Huebner explains in her 2015 TED Talk entitled “Rethinking anxiety: Learning to face fear”. Notwithstanding, the instinctive nature of the response, when it’s in reaction to Anxiety, it becomes ambiguous, by virtue of the fact that the response develops into one that’s immensely incapacitating, causing some to feel nervous and fearful which often results in them avoiding certain places or situations that trigger their anxiety (Mayo Clinic Org. 2018). Nevertheless, if the place or situation that trigger’s a person’s anxiety’s being on amusement park rides, simply avoiding amusement park rides wouldn’t impede their day to day life and it wouldn’t be an immense issue. However, the perceived danger behind anxiety becomes precarious when it’s triggered by day-to-day circumstances, such as going outside, driving a car, or getting on a bus. Doubtlessly, it becomes dubious when a person’s anxiety gets triggered by a day-to-day task, such as going outside, they’re likely going to find themselves in a position where it’s nearly impossible for them to leave their house, let alone hold a job or attend school. Seemingly, for those with anxiety generated by such things, living with the perceived dangers caused by anxiety can be nearly impossible. 2.

The fundamental message I took away from watching the TED Talk with Dawn

Huebner is that although the fears associated with anxiety are real, the perceived danger associated with them isn’t. Essentially, this means that anxiety’s something that’s challengeable owing to the fact that the fear associated with the perceived danger amendable subsequently, as a result, the perceived danger diminishes or disappears



entirely. Accordingly, knowing this, it’s easier to begin facing fears and anxieties knowing that if it’s scrutinized from a realistic perspective, a person can externalize the fear itself, correct all inaccurate thoughts or perceived dangers, and be exposed to the feared situation or object (TEDxTalks. 2015). After watching the TED Talk, I’m further aware of how to undertake these fears through a process that’s manageable and attainable. 3.

The message I learned of knowing that anxiety’s fear and not necessarily an

actual danger as well as knowing how to begin approaching these anxieties can help me greatly in managing stress, worries, and anxieties. Accordingly, it can help in that I now have tools I can use to help myself effectively address these problematic fears, instead of simply taking a nap and avoiding the issues (as I would normally do). Personally, watching the TED Talk opened my mind up to a new perspective on how to address anxieties and what they actually are, or aren’t. Works Cited Mayo Clinic Organization. (2018, May 4). Anxiety disorders. Retrieved October 15, 2019, from TEDxTalks. “Rethinking Anxiety: Learning to Face Fear. Dawn Huebner. TEDxAmoskeagMillyardWomen.” YouTube, YouTube, 22 June 2015,


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