PAC2Ex2Sol - Solució exercici 2 PAC 2 PDF

Title PAC2Ex2Sol - Solució exercici 2 PAC 2
Author Gerard Perez
Course Disseny i programació orientada a l'objecte
Institution Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
Pages 7
File Size 46.5 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 1
Total Views 141


Solució exercici 2 PAC 2...


package edu.uoc.pac2;

import java.time.LocalDate;

/** * @author Fran Máñez * @version 1.0 * * This class represents a employee of a company */ public class Employee {

/** * Employee's id */ private int id;

/** * Class field that allows to create unique ids */ private static int nextId = 0;

/** * Employee's name (max. 70 chars) */ private String name;

/** * Employee's street */ private String street;

/** * Employee's salary (in range [13300, 60000]) */ private double salary;

/** * Employee's email (contains '@') */ private String email;

/** * Employee's birth Year (>= 18 years old) */ private int birthYear;

/** * Default constructor: *

name = "Lorem Ipsum".

* street = "Sesame Street" * salary = 50000 * email = "[email protected]" * birthYear = 1982 * @throws Exception is never thrown because the values of the fields are correct */ public Employee() throws Exception { this("Lorem Ipsum", "Sesame Street", 50000, "[email protected]", 1982); }

/** * Parameterized constructor

* @param name Employee's name (max. 70 chars) * @param street Employee's street * @param salary Employee's salary (in range [13300, 60000]) * @param email Employee's email (contains '@') * @param birthYear Employee's year born (>= 18 years old) * @throws Exception when name has more than 70 chars, or salary is out of [13300, 50000], or email not contains '@' or birthYear is smaller than 18 */ public Employee(String name, String street, double salary, String email, int birthYear) throws Exception { setName(name); setStreet(street); setSalary(salary); setEmail(email); setBirthYear(birthYear); setId(); }

/** * Getter of "id" * @return Value of the field "id" */ public int getId() { return id; }

/** * Setter of "id". It assigns "nextId" value to "id" and increases "nextId" by using "incNextId()". */ private void setId() { = getNextId();

incNextId(); }

/** * Getter of "nextId" * @return nextId's value */ public static int getNextId() { return nextId; }

/** * Increases one unit the value of "nextId" */ private void incNextId(){ nextId++; }

/** * Getter of "name" * @return Employee's name */ public String getName() { return name; }

/** * Setter of "name" * @param name New name that we want to assign to the employee * @throws Exception When the new name has more than 50 characters */

public void setName(String name) throws Exception { if(name.length()>50) { throw new Exception("[ERROR] Employee's name cannot be longer than 50 characters"); }else { = name; } }

/** * Getter of "street" * @return Employee's street */ public String getStreet() { return street; }

/** * Setter of "street" * @param street New street that we want to assign to the employee */ public void setStreet(String street) { this.street = street; }

/** * Getter of "salary" * @return Employee's salary */ public double getSalary() { return salary;


/** * Setter of "salary" * @param salary New salary that we want to assign to the employee * @throws Exception When the new salary is out of the range [13300,60000] */ public void setSalary(double salary) throws Exception { if(salary60000) { throw new Exception("[ERROR] Employee's salary must be in range [13300,60000]"); }else { this.salary = salary; } }

/** * Getter of "email" * @return Employee's email */ public String getEmail() { return email; }

/** * Setter of "email" * @param email New email that we want to assign to the employee * @throws Exception When the new email not contains '@' */ public void setEmail(String email) throws Exception {

if(!email.contains("@")) { throw new Exception("[ERROR] Employee's email does not have the correct format"); }else { = email; } }

/** * Getter of "birthYear" * @return Employee's birthYear */ public int getBirthYear() { return birthYear; }

/** * Setter of "birthYear" * @param birthYear capacity New birthYear that we want to assign to the employee * @throws Exception When the new birthYear is smaller than 18 */ public void setBirthYear(int birthYear) throws Exception { if(birthYear > { throw new Exception("[ERROR] Employee's age must be greater than or equal to 18 years old"); }else { this.birthYear = birthYear; } }


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