PIA Ingles - pia PDF

Title PIA Ingles - pia
Course Inglés
Institution Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León
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PRODUCTO INTEGRADOR DE APRENDIZAJE Nombre de la Unidad de Aprendizaje : Comprensión de textos técnicos en ingles Nombre del proyecto: Artículos de investigación_______ Programa educativo: Licenciado en Tecnologías de Información__________ Semestre: 2_

Grupo: 23_

Nombre del maestro: Grace Yessely De León Hernández__ Nombre de los integrantes del equipo:


Contenido mínimo a evaluar Índice Introducción .- incluye valores UANL aplicados Análisis y emisión de juicio Conclusiones individuales Conclusión del equipo Actividad en inglés Identificación de sub resultados de aprendizaje ANECA. Calificación PIA: Firma del maestro


San Nicolás de los Garza, ciudad universitaria a (23-05-2020) ~1~

Nursing and Health 2.0: ICTs resources in the health sector .............................................................. 3 New Technology Is Making a Difference in the Fight Against Cancer ................................................ 4 E-commerce and digital marketing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises ................... 5 Information System for Science, Technology And Innovation Management in the Faculty of Medical Science................................................................................................................................... 6 Digital marketing strategies in promoting the City Brand ................................................................. 7 Influence of information systems in organizational performance ..................................................... 8 Science and technological innovation in health in Cuba: results in selected problems ..................... 9 Impact of the information andc ommunication technologies in education and new paradigms in the educational approach ................................................................................................................ 10 The training of university teachers in the application of ICT ........................................................... 11 NEW TECHNOLOGIES, NEW DISEASES IN EDUCATIONAL SETTINGS ................................................ 12


TITLE: Nursing and Health 2.0: ICTs resources in the health sector CITATION: Fernández Cacho, L. M., Gordo Vega , M. Á., & Laso Cavadas, S. (2016). Nursing and Health 2.0: ICTs resources in the health sector. SciELO.




Social Networks, Chronicity, Information and Communication Technologies, Cost and Benefit, Health,Hospitales

The application of ict in the clinical area is essential to access patient information, the Internet is essential because it is responsible for transmitting the knowledge of health professionals, people increasingly see the Internet. In diseases, professionals know this mechanism and that is why they must be where the patients they need are. Reduce the excessive demand for often unjustified consultations, which leads to a collapse of the health systems that consume part of their resources, pathologies, especially those of a chronic nature, self-management by the patient himself, his high commitment and interaction with specific tools, which serves as a link between patients and health professionals. Technology applied to health challenges the way of doing medicine since it involves two important revolutions: the measurement of processes and people and the participation of patients, in their own communities, 72% of patients use the Internet to search for information, being The main information sources are the forums (42%) Google® (41%) and Wikipedia (27%). Optimize health resources in order to achieve an acceptable cost-benefit for any health system, given that economic resources are scarce, Nursing should not be unaware of the progress of computer advances and should use them to evolve at the same rate that these new technologies do it, this work proposes the review and analysis of the current moment in which these computer advances applied to the health field are found. Health professionals should not be oblivious and turn their backs on new information and communication technologies. We can and must use the means of communication, adapt them to the health field, to obtain an improvement in user care, the patient's self-management of their own disease with greater involvement and a virtual space, where all the protagonists of the process, We can interact, for the benefit of both the patients themselves and a more effective and efficient management of the healthcare system. The variety of technologies that are implemented in the area of health to increase the greater drug process for diseases, in this article we learned the value that doctors have with the situation of applied technologies, on the part of patients the current situation is that each You see they resort more to the information that is on various websites, this article is of great importance in our area since we as students can make technologies possible and adapt to health areas, without having conflicts between the doctor and the patient.


Health: Estado en que un ser u organismo vivo no tiene ninguna lesión ni padece ninguna enfermedad y ejerce con normalidad todas sus funciones.

Patient: Persona enferma que es atendida por un médico o recibe tratamiento médico o quirúrgico.

Clinic: Establecimiento destinado a proporcionar asistencia o tratamiento médico a determinadas enfermedades.

Internet: Red informática de nivel mundial que utiliza la línea telefónica para transmitir la información.

Profesional: Que como profesión o manera de ganarse la vida realiza una actividad que habitualmente no constituye una profesión.


TITLE: New Technology Is Making a Difference in the Fight Against Cancer CITATION: Stobbe, M. (2020, January 8). Cancer death rate in U.S. sees largest one-year drop ever. https://www.pvhomed.com/new-technology-is-making-a-difference-in-the-fight-


against-cancer/ KEY VOCABULARY:

Impact, technology, information, communication, paradigm

When most people think about cancer treatment, their minds probably go to radiation and chemotherapy. While these methods are still the primary types of treatment for various kinds of cancer, the technology used to administer them has changed a great deal. Learning that you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer can be one of the scariest moments in your life. It might be difficult to be optimistic. However, the develop of new technology in cancer treatment is helping more and more people effectively treat their cancer and live longer, fuller, healthier lives than ever before .New technology in cancer treatment has also changed the way doctors and patients can approach radiation. In many people’s minds, radiation therapy has been known to impact and even damage healthy parts of the body surrounding the cancerous tumors. Advancements in technology have lessened much of that danger and made radiation into a safer, The best examples of new technology in cancer treatment is a new process called ChemoID. Through ChemoID, an oncologist has a higher chance of using the most effective chemotherapy drugs for a patient’s cancer. During ChemoID, a doctor takes a small sample of a patient’s tumor. The people that have cancer are the principal subject of study and the medical staff are the ones to apply the treatments to the people The way that people take seriously other methods of treatment for the cancer technology has come in a good way to treat the people.They compare the way technology has change the life of the patients and how they enjoy more they lifes because their treatment are far better than last years. After analyzing the article, we believe that in cancer is a disease that has affected thousands of people and has killed more, but without however, we completely agree that technologies are used in the area of health and in this case that new ways to combat cancer are investigated, in our career focuses more on the management of data but we could focus or work in the medical area to combat sick with our technology.


Treatment: Manera de actuar, de comportarse o de proceder una persona en su relación con los demás.

Radiation therapy: Es un tratamiento del cáncer que usa altas dosis de radiación para destruir células cancerosas y reducir tumores

Cancerous: Que tiene las características o la naturaleza del cáncer.

Optimistic: Que tiende a ver y juzgar las cosas en su aspecto más positivo o favorable

Oncologist: Especialista que estudia los tumores y su tratamiento


TITLE: E-commerce and digital marketing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises CITATION: Perdigón Llanes, R., Viltres Sala, H., & Madrigal Leiva , I. R. (2018). E-commerce and digital marketing strategies for small and medium-sized enterprises. SciELO.




digital marketing, electronic commerce, small and medium-sized enterprises, strategies

ICT and its application in society modify the social, cultural and economic life of man, the evolution of the Internet encourages the exchange of information to be carried out more quickly and efficiently, in addition, enables users to access more easy to goods and services, electronic business the process of exchange or purchase and sale of products is described through computer networks that involve the Internet. The main objective of this work is to determine the current trends in the implementation and development of electronic commerce and digital marketing in the global business sector, in order to promote the adoption of these business models in small and medium-sized companies, GS platforms are superior to its similar Scopus and Web of Science because it is a free search engine, geographically neutral and in which it covers a lot of information, these results were classified according to the distribution of publications by year, the countries and geographic areas where they were written , the research methodologies used. The Asian continent is the leader in publications (41%), followed by Europe (23%) and the Latin American region (22%). In the study carried out, no publications from Australia and Oceania were identified, the great adoption of electronic commerce and Digital marketing also covers topics such as determining factors for the adoption of e-business and benefits of its adoption for business. This study allowed us to determine that interaction with customers, analysis of their behavior, positioning of the business in web search engines, security in financial transactions, among other elements, are essential factors for the success of an e-commerce business today. This work summarizes a series of relevant aspects of digital marketing and electronic commerce today such as: constant interaction with customers, analysis of customer behavior, business positioning in web search engines, correct selection of channels communication with customers, proper site design and security in financial transactions. These elements constitute benchmarks for those companies and businesses that wish to successfully expand into the digital market. This article is of great relevance for the technology area since electronic commerce and marketing help companies to distribute technologies through strategies, in our technology area we could make algorithms to develop a trade strategy of some kind. electronic product and that it reaches different companies, and when this product is relevant in companies through marketing, use the TV so that more people can see or buy it.


Commerce: Conjunto de las personas o establecimientos que comercian, especialmente si están organizados en gremios.

Digital: Que suministra los datos mediante dígitos o elementos finitos o discretos.

Marketing: Conjunto de técnicas y estudios que tienen como objeto mejorar la comercialización de un producto.

User: Persona que utiliza una computadora o sistema informático.

Intelligence: Facultad de la mente que permite aprender, entender, razonar, tomar decisiones y formarse una idea determinada de la realidad.


TITLE: Information System for Science, Technology And Innovation Management in the Faculty of Medical Sciences CITATION: Lourdes B. Alpízar Caballero, H. T. (2015). Information System for Science, Technology And Innovation Management in the Faculty of Medical Sciences. SciELO. http://scielo.sld.cu/scielo.php?script=sci_arttext&pid=S0138-


65572015000100011&fbclid=IwAR2HyKZIQMWSDXxNr6BjHJq9EvTrk1Ysz9NLSe395fGDe5ZzkQAWsUOFxM information system, management, science, technology, innovation, advanced education.


Information systems are an organized method to collect information about the operations of a company and make a strategic management decision, management defined the decision-making process, that is why the information is processed to include only the most relevant elements once the information has been processed. This study was carried out by the workers of the Research Department and in collaboration with the Informatics Department of the Faculty of Medical Sciences, the needs were identified, theoretical and empirical methods were applied; The theory and methods of Advanced Education were taken as a reference; Knowledge about the information systems for the management and development of the CIT processes was systematized. Computer science as a tool that favors the optimization of resources. Their interrelationships were sought from practice. Modeling was used, as a web application, software for information to the user of CIT work, with the HTML programming language. Mozilla Firefox portable was used as a web browser, everything was done in free software; To work with the images, the Gimp program and as a complementary programming tool, the results were structured in two dimensions of the science, technology and innovation system: intellectual production and technological innovation, which were broken down into 10 indicators, with evaluation scales by level of compliance in a period of time also this system offers various advantages, such as low cost, easy accessibility. From the need to make the service provided by the Research Department of the Faculties of Medical Sciences efficient and effective, with the optimization of resources using a tool of the type of web application in HTML, SINFORCIT was designed, an information system for the Management of the Science, Technology and Information processes of the Medical Sciences faculties, structured by. the processes of this system, with the possibility of internal evaluation that allows measuring its effectiveness as a resource. This article is relevant due to the ability of the ict in the different areas of work in this work was carried out in a faculty where a database modeling mechanism was carried out in addition to mixing programming between other languages, this article helps us in our study area where we learned that a simple database can be so important in some specific area, in addition to having to be adequate to the needs that are required.


Web: Conjunto de información que se encuentra en una dirección determinada de internet.

Programming: Conjunto de programas que se retransmiten por radio o televisión.

Management: Acción o trámite que, junto con otros, se lleva a cabo para conseguir o resolver una cosa.

Information: Comunicación o adquisición de conocimientos que permiten ampliar o precisar los que se poseen sobre una materia determinada.

Organization: Grupo de personas y medios organizados con un fin determinado


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