PSY 260 RS T2 APAexercise PDF

Title PSY 260 RS T2 APAexercise
Course Introduction to Psychological Research and Ethics
Institution Grand Canyon University
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PSY-260 Topic 2 APA Article Reference Exercise PART I Instructions: Please correct the following references according to proper APA format. Examples have been provided for you. Journal Article Example: Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), xxx-xxx.

CORRECTED: Light, M. A., & Light, I. H. (July, 2008). How to Reference a Journal Article Without a DOI and Retrieved From Print Version. Journal of Properly Formatting APA References, 8(1), 73-82 Chapter from Textbook Example: Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter or entry. In A. A. Editor & B. B. Editor (Eds.), Title of book (pp. xxx-xxx). Retrieved from http://www.xxxx CORRECTED: Haybron, D. M. (2008). Philosophy and the science of subjective well-being. In M. Eid & R. J. Larsen (Eds.), The science of subjective well-being (pages 17-43). Retrieved from Philosophy and the science.pdf Instructions: For each source shown below, please create a properly formatted reference according to APA guidelines. Examples have been provided for you. Article Title: How to Reference a Journal Article with a DOI. Author: James Austin Adams. Date Published: March 25, 2019 Source: Journal of Writing Awesome Papers in APA Format. Volume 7, Issue 8, pages 19-42. DOI: doi:10.1108/13673270610670849 Ex. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), xxx-xxx. doi:xxxxxx James, A. A. (2019). How to Reference a Journal Article with a DOI. Journal of Writing Awesome Papers in APA Format. Volume 7, Issue 8, pages 19-42. 7doi:10.1108/13673270610670849

© 2021. Grand Canyon University. All Rights Reserved.

Article Title: How to reference a journal article without a doi and retrieved from the internet. Author: Beau Bauer, Chad Benson Date Published: October 2, 2018 Source: Journal of Properly Formatting APA References. Volume 2, Issue 4, pages 72-91. Website: Ex. Author, A. A. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, Volume(Issue), xxx-xxx. Retrieved from http://www.xxxxxxxx Beau B., Chad B. (2018). How to reference a journal article without a doi and retrieved from the internet. Journal of Properly Formatting APA References. Volume 2, Issue 4, pages 72-91. Retrieved from

PART II A. Locate 4 journal articles on a topic of your choosing. Make sure 2 of them are empirical articles and 2 are review articles. Obtain your sources from scholarly journals and websites. Next, locate the course e-book in LoudCloud, and reference Chapter 2 as one of your sources. Ensure that your sources are published or updated in the last five years. Please rely on The Owl at Purdue website for APA formatting guidance, along with such websites as Son of Citation Machine for APA reference generating. neral_format.html

Topic: Schizophrenia Disorder Articles: 

Exploring schizophrenia spectrum psychopathology in borderline personality disorder. Zander s en,M. ,&Par nas ,J .( 2020) .Ex pl or i ngs chi z ophr eni as pect r um ps y c hopat hol ogyi n bor der l i neper s onal i t ydi s or der .Eur opeanAr c hi v esofPs y c hi at r yandCl i ni c al ht t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. oc l c . or g/ 10. 1007/ s00406019010394 Neur os c i enc e,270( 8) ,969–978.

Neurocognitive Impairments (NCI) in bipolar disorder: Comparison with schizophrenia and healthy controls. Es an,O. ,Ol adel e,O. ,Adedi r an,K.I . ,&Abi ona,T.O.( 2020) .Neur oc ogni t i v eI mpai r ment s( NCI ) i nbi pol ardi sor der :Compar i s onwi t hs c hi z ophr eni aandheal t hycont r ol s .J our nalofAffec t i v e t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 1016/ j . j ad. 2020. 08. 015 Di sor der s,277,175–

Emerging Empirical Evidence on the Ethics of Schizophrenia Research Dunn, L. B., Candilis, P. J., & Roberts, L. W. (2006). Emerging empirical evidence on the ethics of schizophrenia research. Schizophrenia bulletin, 32(1), 47–68.

Recent advances in understanding schizophrenia Haller, C. S., Padmanabhan, J. L., Lizano, P., Torous, J., & Keshavan, M. (2014). Recent advances in understanding schizophrenia. F1000prime reports, 6, 57.

Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information (3rd Edition) Beth M., (2012). Source of Information: Why Research Is Best and How To Find It. Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information (3rd Edition). 24-55

B. On the last page, create an APA formatted reference list using the sources you found. You will have 5 total (4 journal articles and a chapter from the textbook). Both a title page and sample reference have been provided for you.

Reference List Name of Student Grand Canyon University: PSY-260 Month 1st, 202_

Reference List

Beth M., (2012). Source of Information: Why Research Is Best and How To Find It. Research Methods in Psychology: Evaluating a World of Information (3rd Edition). 24-55

Dunn, L. B., Candilis, P. J., & Roberts, L. W. (2006). Emerging empirical evidence on the ethics of schizophrenia research. Schizophrenia bulletin, 32(1), 47–68. Es an,O. ,Ol adel e,O. ,Adedi r an,K.I . ,&Abi ona,T.O.( 2020) .Neur ocogni t i v eI mpai r ment s( NCI )i nbi pol ar di s or der :Compar i s onwi t hs chi z ophr eni aandheal t hyc ont r ol s .J our nal ofAffec t i v e t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. ocl c . or g/ 10. 1016/ j . j ad. 2020. 08. 015 Di sor der s,277,175–

Pandya, S. P. (2018). Spiritual counseling program for children with Anxiety disorders: A multicity experiment. The Journal of Pastoral Care & Counseling, 72(1), 45–57. Zander s en,M. ,&Par nas ,J .( 2020) .Ex pl or i ngs c hi z ophr eni as pect r um ps y c hopat hol ogyi nbor der l i ne per s onal i t ydi s or der .Eur opeanAr chi v esofPs y chi at r yandCl i ni cal Neur os c i ence,270( 8) ,969– t ps : / / doi or g. l opes . i dm. oc l c . or g/ 10. 1007/ s00406019010394

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