Pursuasive Speech Outline PDF

Title Pursuasive Speech Outline
Course Intro to Public Speaking
Institution University of Akron
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Kasunic 1 Grace Kasunic Professor Gains Intro to Public Speaking 5 November 2018 Topic: Adopt, Don’t Shop Introduction: How many of you own a dog? This number probably is not shocking to you, but what is is that most likely 70% of your dogs, or their parents at least, were from a puppy mill. Many of you may not know what a puppy mill is, or else I can guarantee you this would not even be an issue I needed to persuade you on. The issues with puppy mills is something that I have done significant amounts of research on simply because, as anyone who knows me will tell you, I love dogs. But regardless of whether you’re a dog person or not, I think that we can all agree no animal should be starved, confined in a small cage with several other dogs for most of the day, or put to death when they have ‘served their purpose’; all of which is an all too real reality for over 2 million puppies each year, according to The Humane Society. Proposal: People should adopt dogs from shelters rather than from buying from a pet store. I.

Adopting from a shelter helps shut down puppy mills A. About 95% of the puppies sold in pet stores come from puppy mills 1. These are commercial dog-breeding facilities that focus on increasing profit with little regard for the health and welfare of the animals

Kasunic 2 2. Many of these are unregulated; leaving the conditions and practices unethical according to The  Puppy Mill Project; which exists to expose puppy mills and reveal the truth about them a) dogs live in filthy conditions without adequate food, water or veterinary care b) female dogs are bred at every opportunity and are usually killed off when they can no longer produce c) puppy mills often produce animals with serious health problems due to being stripped from their mothers too young (1) Combined with the fact that this is ethically wrong, down the road can translate to hefty vet bills for the owner B. A puppy mill needs to be licensed to sell to a pet store but these mills are very loosely regulated so many breeders sell to stores regardless 1. According to the ASPCA, there are 10,000 puppy mills across the United States a) it is estimated that fewer than 3,000 of these are regulated by the government according to the Humane Society 2. Licensed or not, puppies shipped from these mills to the pet stores are done so in inhumane ways a) Forced to go up to 12 hours without food or water b) Shipped in small containers where diseases are easily spread

Kasunic 3 c) According to The  Puppy Mill Project, an estimated 1.2 million puppies do not survive the shipment from mill to pet store every year 3. Since a majority of the dogs sold in a pet store come from a puppy mill, these pet stores are also in the interest of profit a) Pet stores, except from most larger corporations and well-known companies, usually closely resemble a puppy mill in the treatment of their animals (1) This resemblance can be seen in the fact that the dogs are confined in small cages for most of the day, with little time to play or interact with other dogs (a) Can lead to behavioral problems later in life (2) To give you an idea of the kind of mistreatment from pet store employees, google a pet store in any mall near you and I can guarantee that you can find at least a few online reviews reporting mistreatment of the dogs. (a) I found this was the case in 8 of the 10 pet stores I looked up from malls near my house C. Adopting a dog from a pet shelter not only tremendously cuts down on puppy mill profits, which in the long run will eliminate them, but it also saves the life of a rescued dog. 1. Dogs from a shelter have been lost, abandoned, mistreated, or rescued

Kasunic 4 2. According to the ASPCA, each year about 60% of the dogs that are taken in to a shelter are euthanized a) This is often due to overcrowding but can also be due to illness or injuries. 3. Also according to the ASPCA, only 25% of dogs are adopted each year a) Leaves several healthy, good dogs without a home while puppy mills turn out millions of puppies unethically and unhealthily D. Dog shelters, besides saving the lives of dogs, are also accompanied by several advantages compared to a pet store. 1. All of the animals in a shelter receive veterinary care, are handled by experienced and trained staff, and undergo a behavioral screening process so you know the type of dog you will be coming home with. 2. Choose an older dog if training a puppy is too involved for one’s lifestyle 3. According to the no kill advocacy center, less than 1% of dogs in shelters are tremendously suffering after receiving the proper care. a) Increase behavior and temperament of the dog, decrease future vet bills 4. Speaking of decreased prices, shelters are in the sole interest of helping animals, not turning a profit a) Adoption costs are way less and most of those costs go right back into supplies and other costs for the shelter

Kasunic 5 b) For example, the average cost of adopting a dog is about $250, compared to from a pet store which usually ranges from $500-$1,000 according to charitypaws.com Conclusion: Overall, it is so important to adopt a dog before buying one from a pet store. Adopting a dog can not only save the life of a dog in the shelter, but will also help eliminate the cruel practice of puppy mills. One of the biggest issues with puppy mills is the fact that most people do not even know they exist, much less what goes on in a puppy mill. I surveyed 11 people, and only 4 people said that they what a puppy was. When asked if these puppy mills were unfair, all four agreed that the treatment was unethical and unfair. From this, it is easy to conclude that when people are educated on the issues of puppy mills, all can agree they are wrong and need to be shut down. One of the best ways to do this is everything I’ve told you today, adopt don’t shop.

Kasunic 6 Works Cited “About Puppy Mills.” The Puppy Mill Project , www.thepuppymillproject.org/about-puppy-mill s/. “Dog Shelter Statistics.” No Kill Advocacy Center , 2017, www.nokilladvocacycenter.org/statisti cs .html. Dorothy, et al. “What Is The Real Cost Of Buying A Puppy?” CharityPaws , 12 Oct. 2018, charit ypaws.com/ puppy-mills/. “Puppy Mills.” ASPCA , www.aspca.org/animal-cruelty/puppy-mills-old. “Stop Puppy Mills Ohio.” Stop Puppy Mills Ohio, stoppuppymillsohio.com/. “Stopping Puppy Mills.” The Humane Society of the United States , www.humanesociety.org/allour- fights/stopping-puppy-mills....

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