Report-Group-4 - tiểu luận giữa kì môn quản trị học trường đại học ngoại thương PDF

Title Report-Group-4 - tiểu luận giữa kì môn quản trị học trường đại học ngoại thương
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FOREIGN TRADE UNIVERSITYFACULTY OF BUSINESS ADMINISTRATION--------***--------MID-TERM REPORTANALYSIS OF HARRY POTTER’S LEADERSHIPSubmitted by : Group 4Course : Principles of ManagementClass : QTRE303.(2/2021).Instructor : Mr. Hoang Anh DuyMrs. Nguyen Thi Anh ThoHanoi, December – 2020ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS...




Submitted by

: Group 4


: Principles of Management


: QTRE303.(2.1/2021).4


: Mr. Hoang Anh Duy Mrs. Nguyen Thi Anh Tho

Hanoi, December – 2020

ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all, we sincerely thank our beloved Principles of Management lecturers: Mr. Hoang Anh Duy and Ms. Nguyen Thi Anh Tho who gave us useful lectures by showing us meaningful videos, exercises or interesting games and invaluable advices. Especially, we would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to Mr. Hoang Anh Duy who not only gave us a chance to work in a group, but also gave us professional guidance and insightful comments that considerably help us gain a lot of experiences in improving our managerial skills. Furthermore, we appreciate all members of Group 4 – QTRE303.4 class for their great efforts and cooperation during this course. Each member always contributed interactively in every activity and exercise. Especially for this midterm assignment, we were very hard–working and provided brilliant ideas, which became vital parts for our project report. Making this report is the chance for us to revise the knowledge as well as reflect all the experiences we had during the course. We have tried our best with hope that it could come up to your expectation. Hopefully, you like it and we really look forward to your assessments.


ABSTRACT Leadership is considered to be one of the most important skills and it is the process of influencing or prompting the members of the organization to engage in the work behaviors necessary to achieve organizational goals. Our report illustrates the comprehension by application of the models of leadership from the course Principles of Management. Therefore, our group has chosen the video which is a short episode in a movie no strange to us – Harry Potter to focus on Harry Potter’s leadership traits and styles. This movie tells about Harry James Potter, a fictional character and the titular protagonist in J. K. Rowling's series of eponymous novels. The majority of the plot covers seven years in the life of the orphan Harry, who, on his eleventh birthday, learns he is a wizard. Thus, he attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry to practice magic under the guidance of the kindly headmaster Albus Dumbledore and other school professors along with his best friends Ron Weasley and Hermione Granger. Harry also discovers that he is already famous throughout the novel's magical community, and that his fate is tied with that of Lord Voldemort–the internationally feared Dark Wizard and murderer of his parents, Lily and James. And the background of this video is the time back at Hogwarts, Harry learns that Minister of Magic Cornelius Fudge has appointed a new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor: Dolores Umbridge. She and Harry immediately clash, and she punishes Harry for his "lies" by forcing him to write a message with a magic quill, scarring his hand. When Ron and Hermione notice Harry's scars they are outraged, but Harry refuses to go to Dumbledore, who has distanced himself from Harry since the summer though Dumbledore did so because that Harry's mind is connected to Voldemort and can see visions of Voldemort when he gets a big emotional charge such as happiness or anger. As Umbridge's control over the school increases, Ron and Hermione aid Harry in forming a secret group to train students in defensive spells, calling themselves "Dumbledore's Army". Umbridge recruits the Slytherin students to expose the group. Therefore, he taught patiently his friends defensive spells so that they can become a strong army to protect themselves and fight against Voldemort.


Our report is divided into six parts with detailed analysis on the basis of the knowledge about theories and approaches we have learnt from the course for readers to have understandings of leadership. A brief outline about the topic, objectives and scopes are initially outlined. The methods used for this study and analysis is briefly described in Research Methodology. The discussion is mostly referred to leadership theories, which is illustrated in Literature Review. The most important part in our report is Findings and Analysis in which we have shown the behaviors of Harry Potter following the leadership theories. In addition, from our learning and analysis, we would like to offer some suggestions and solutions for future leaders to achieve more success in leading. After the analysis of the leadership of fictional character – Harry Potter in the video, we hope that you can comprehend all knowledge about leadership as well as have the capability of applying suitable theories and styles to get the goals successfully and become a great leader in the future.


TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS .................................................................................. 1 ABSTRACT ........................................................................................................... 2 CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 7 1.1

Rationale of study ..................................................................................... 7


Research objectives .................................................................................. 7


Research methodology ............................................................................. 8


Scope of study ........................................................................................... 8


Structure of study..................................................................................... 8

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW............................................................... 9 2.1

Definition of Leadership .......................................................................... 9


Types of Power ......................................................................................... 9


Coercive power ................................................................................ 9


Reward power .................................................................................. 9


Legitimate power ........................................................................... 10


Expert power .................................................................................. 10


Referent power ............................................................................... 10


Leadership Approaches ......................................................................... 10


Trait Approaches ........................................................................... 11


Behavioral Approaches.................................................................. 12 Iowa State University studies....................................................... 12 University of Michigan and Ohio State University studies ........... 13 Blake and Mouton’s Managerial Grid ......................................... 14 2.3.3.

Situational Approaches.................................................................. 15 SLT (Situational Leadership Theory) by Hersey and Blanchard .. 15 4 Fiedler's Contingency Model ....................................................... 16 2.3.4.

Contemporary Approaches ............................................................ 17

CHAPTER 3 RESEARCH METHODOLOGY ................................................. 18 3.1

Approaches to research .......................................................................... 18


Methods to apply .................................................................................... 18


Research procedures .............................................................................. 18

CHAPTER 4 FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS ...................................................... 20 4.1

General introduction of Harry Potter ................................................... 20


Personal introduction .................................................................... 20


Personality ..................................................................................... 20


Experience and achievement ......................................................... 21 Harry Potter’s achievement......................................................... 21 Harry Potter’s Possession ........................................................... 21 4.2

Analysis of leadership traits and style of Harry Potter in the video .... 22


Finding leadership traits and style of Harry Potter ........................ 22 The problems that Harry Potter has to face and the actions that he takes

22 Leadership traits and style that Harry possesses .......................... 23 4.2.2.

Analyzing the leadership traits and style of Harry Potter in the video

by applying leadership theories ..................................................................... 23 Power of leader ........................................................................... 23 Leadership traits ......................................................................... 24 Leadership behaviors .................................................................. 25 Situational approach ................................................................... 25 Contemporary approach ............................................................. 29 CHAPTER 5 RECOMMENDATION ................................................................ 30 5


For Harry Potter .................................................................................... 30


Traits Approach ............................................................................. 30


Behavioral Approach ..................................................................... 30


For future leaders ................................................................................... 31


Building trust ................................................................................. 31


Promoting an open environment for two-way feedback ................ 31


Be a coach ..................................................................................... 32


Showing confidence in your decisions ........................................... 33


Taking responsibility ..................................................................... 33


Having a mentor ............................................................................ 34


Leverage your team ....................................................................... 34

CHAPTER 6 CONCLUSION ............................................................................. 35 REFERENCES .................................................................................................... 36 APPENDIX .......................................................................................................... 37


CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION 1.1 Rationale of study Leadership is a term that we usually hear or see in daily life, perhaps through books, newspapers, mass media, or social media,... It has been mentioned from immemorial time in the battles against the invaders to modern life today with the development of the economy and the appearance of a series of large organizations, corporations and companies. In order to stand firmly in competitive market, assert position and destroy all enemy's destructive schemes, a leader who has competence and judicious vision is necessary in each organization. To be possible to do that, each leader needs to have for themselves important factors, which are traits and styles of leadership, to be able to easily draw out directions and plans to lead followers and contribute to develop all aspects of the organization. For the above reasons, our group decided to choose the topic: "Analysis of Harry Potter’s leadership". As you know, Harry Potter is a famous fictional film and the video we choose is one of the scenes performing Harry’s leadership. From a short video with 2:56 length of a series film, we want to analyze characteristics and styles in leading followers of Harry, a character everyone loves so that we feel close and have an overview of leadership. Hopefully, this report will give a complete analysis and help people gain basic knowledge and then put it into practice. 1.2 Research objectives Our study is aimed at pointing out characteristics of a leader through a magic figure familiar to us - Harry Potter. The study will clarify the leadership traits and styles as well as their importance so that viewers, especially future leaders will have the insight to learn and improve skill. This research is carried out for the purpose of providing us with basic knowledge and various approaches in an easy and practical way to apply leadership skill in reality. Furthermore, what we want to show that leading appears everywhere, from the smallest things, in the film we watched, in daily


life,... and it always delivers fundamental comprehension and messages for us to gain experiences and become an outstanding future leader. 1.3 Research methodology Through a short video of the scene in the Harry Potter film series, the study covers all aspects of main character-Harry Potter’s leadership by applying qualitative method and observation method. Besides these methods, we use the professional knowledge of leadership skills as a foundation to our research. When the knowledge base provides us with an overview of leadership skills, direct observation and analysis helps us to have a deeper and realistic view of the leadership process and its impact on surroundings. 1.4 Scope of study Our topic discusses about the leadership of Harry Potter in teaching his friends defensive spells so that they can become a strong army called "Dumbledore's Army" to protect themselves and fight against Voldemort. 1.5 Structure of study Like every academic report, beside acknowledgement, abstract, table of contents, references and appendix, this report expresses the general view of our project with six main chapters: Chapter 1: Introduction: Identifying the reason why we choose this topic and the goal of this research. Chapter 2: Literature Review: Identifying issues and mention knowledge relating to leadership. Chapter 3: Research Methodology: Methods, approaches and procedures to achieve objectives. Chapter 4: Findings and Analysis: Summary about the video and analyze Harry Potter’s leadership traits and styles in leading his followers. Chapter 5: Recommendation: Giving suggestions and solutions for the character in the video as well as future leaders. Chapter 6: Conclusion: Summary about the report. 8

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW 2.1 Definition of Leadership Leadership is the process of influencing others to engage in the work behaviors necessary to reach organizational goals. Therefore, the leaders, who can influence others, have to help themselves and others to do the right things: they create vision and orientation; they coach, support, train and instruct employees; they communicate to solve conflicts, they build a positive working environment,... 2.2 Types of Power A leader's influence can determine how well common goals are met in the workplace. Power is a fundamental tool used by great leaders. There are 5 types of power: coercive power, reward power, legitimate power, expert power and referent power. 2.2.1. Coercive power Coercive power is based on fear of losing one’s job, being demoted, receiving a poor performance review, having prime projects taken away, etc. This power is obtained through threatening others. This type of power can be used to set high expectations for employee performance. Leaders can use coercive power to establish innovation as part of their employee’s responsibilities – if people aren’t able to come up with new and inventive ways of doing things, then they might get replaced with someone who can provide that value. 2.2.2. Reward power Reward power is conveyed through rewarding individuals for compliance with one’s wishes. This may be done through giving bonuses, raises, a promotion, extra time off from work, etc. It is a positive way to incentivize people while on the job. The draw of a reward, whether big or small, can foster creativity, healthy competition, and excitement across your team.


2.2.3. Legitimate power Legitimate power comes from having a position of power in an organization, such as being the boss or a key member of a leadership team. This power comes when employees in the organization recognize the authority of the individual. Legitimate power is formed as a result of the laws that exist in an organization. And one common organization where this type of power is common is in the military. The leader has the capacity and legal backing to manage resources, reward, and even punish erring subordinates. 2.2.4. Expert power Expert power comes from one’s experiences, skills or knowledge. As we gain experience in particular areas, and become thought leaders in those areas, we begin to gather expert power that can be utilized to get others to help us meet our goals. 2.2.5. Referent power Referent power comes from being trusted and respected. We can gain referent power when others trust what we do and respect us for how we handle situations. If you have referent power, it means you have already made progress towards changing your organizational culture. And with each successful project, this reference will only grow, encouraging your employees to take bigger, smarter risks and keep moving forward. 2.3 Leadership Approaches Leadership plays an important role in an organization. When any organization, whatever wants to be successful, a good leadership is one of the success factors. Therefore, since the earliest days of the study of business, there have been discussions of leadership, especially how to be a good leader. Although it’s relatively easy in hindsight to look at how effective an organizational leader was based on her or his accomplishments, determining whether or not someone will be an effective leader prior to their ascension is a difficult task. To help organizations select the “right” person for the leadership role, numerous scholars have come up with a variety of ways to describe and explain leadership. Over the past 100 years, five primary approaches 10

for understanding and explaining leadership have evolved: the trait approaches, the skill approaches, the behavioral approaches, the situational approaches, and the contemporary approaches. 2.3.1. Trait Approaches The trait approach to leadership was one of the earliest theories of leadership. Although it is not a fully articulated theory with well-developed hypotheses, the trait approach formed the basis of earliest leadership research. This theory focuses on identifying different personalit...

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