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Title Tesina inglese
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INGLESE The south Africa and Nelson Mandela

Altea Negri 3°A Mesola

SOUTH AFRICA South Africa has a great variety of climate zones. In the south west, the climate is Mediterranean, with warm summers and cool winters. The average annual temperature in this area is around 17°C and the maximum temperature can reach 32°C in the summer. In the desert regions, in the north, temperature can reach between 38°C and 42°C. The mountainous areas, north east of Cape Town, have the coldest winters. The average annual minimum temperature is -6°C. it rains during the summer months of November to March, although around Cape Town there is more rain in winters, from June to august. South Africa produces one fifth of the entire production of the African Continent. It is the largest producer of gold in the world and has many valuable diamond mines. It is also famous for its excellent wine. South Africa is the eighth-largest wine producer in the world. 79.4% of the population of south Africa is black, but they come from a variety of different ethnic groups and speak many different languages. Some of these ethnic groups, for example, the Zulu, Xhosa, Bapedi and Venda groups are unique to south Africa. Others are spread across the borders. The Basotho people are also in Lesotho; the Ndebele people also live in Zimbabwe, the Tsonga people are also in Mozambique and the Tswana come mainly from Botswana. The white 9.3% of the population are descendent mainly from Dutch, German, French and British people. They are divided into Afrikaners, who speak Afrikaans and English speakers. 2.5% of the population describe themselves as Asian. They are mainly Indian in origin and are descended from the workers brought into South Africa to work on the sugar plantations in Natal. Nine out of ten tourists who come to south Africa come to see wild animals including zebras, giraffes, monkeys and hippos. The kruger national park is bigger than the country of Wales and it’s got over 140 different species of mammal, 510 species of bird, 115 different species of reptile, 33 species of

amphibian and 47 species of fish. Many people who visit the game parks are hoping to see the Big Five- elephants, lions, buffalo, leopards and the rhinos. Howewer, not all wildlife is good- mosquitos kill more than one million people every year in Africa.

APARTHEID The word ‘Apartheid’ was an Afrikaner word meaning ‘separate’. Black people and white people could not go to the same schools, they could not it in the same restaurants or live in the same parts of the city. If they were ill, they had to go to separate hospitals, and they could not work together. Black people earned less money, if they could find a job. While the white minority enjoyed a very high standard of living, the black majority had a lower income, poor housing, little education and low life expectancy. Apartheid was a system of government in South Africa. It was only abolished in 1994. Some countries were angry about it and imposed trade sanctions. Others ignored it.

NELSON MANDELA Robihlahla Nelson Mandela was born on July 18th 1918. His family belonged to the Thembu-xhosa tribe; when he was nine years old, his father died and the Thembu king adopted him. Nelson went to college and become a lawyer. He soon realized that the African National party (called the ‘ANP’) was very cruel to black Africans. Nelson decided to try to change this. He joined a political party called the African National Congress (ANC) with his friends, Oliver Tambo and Walter Sisulu. They helped black people to protest about the situation. Mandela and his friends helped black Africans with their legal problems. The African National Congress asked Mandela to lead a war against the government. Mandela began to do this, but he was arrested and put in prison on Robben Island in 1964. People in other counties were very angry about apartheid. They refused to buy South African things in their shops. Pop stars, actors and opera singers refused to perform in South Africa and sports teams refused to go there. Nelson Mandela was the

world’s most famous political prisoner. On 11th February, 1990, president de Klerk of South Africa ordered the prison on Robben Island to free Nelson Mandela after 27 years. Mandela won the Nobel Peace Prize in 1993 and in 1994 he became the first black African president of South Africa. He married his third wife on his 80th birthday and he retired from public wife when he was 85....

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