Tribute speech - Outline PDF

Title Tribute speech - Outline
Course Oral Communications/Research/Presentation Skills
Institution Daytona State College
Pages 3
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Speech of Tribute Academic Honesty: I give my word this outline and speech are my own work and I have neither given, copied, nor received unauthorized help.

Topic: Dr. Grossmen General Goal: to pay tribute Specific Goal Sentence: Explain on how Dr. Grossmen has impacted my daily life, Future career, and family Central Idea: Dr. Grossmen has influenced numerous people by caring, giving life lessons, and understanding everyone he talks to

Introduction: l. How many of you in here have someone you look up to? Better yet, how many of you want to follow in someone same footsteps? II. Well, that person to me is Dr. Grossmen, the vet I volunteer with. III. I started working with him for about 6 months now, and within that short amount of time he has taught me so much, Not just about veterinary medicine but life as well. IV. That being said, I would like to pay tribute to Dr. Grossmen for everything he has not only taught me and everything he does for the people he knows. V. Dr. Grossmen like I said had not only taught me about veterinary medicine but has also taught me about life in general, and about caring, and has also shown me how to understand everyone just like he does.

Transition: Let’s start some of the life lessons he has taught me.

Body: l.” Life, in my words is all about forgiveness, and of course we’ve heard to be forgiven, you must forgive” A. Dr. Grossmen is never rude, because he understands that people make mistake and he uses this quote throughout his day because he understands that he may mess up to and if he doesn’t forgive he won’t be forgiven. B. He has also said, “Life is just a game of patience” C. What he means by that is, he doesn’t expect everyone to understand everything as fast as he does. And he also uses this saying when he is suck and not sure how to proceed with an animal or its treatment. Transition: Now enough about life, let’s move on to how caring he is not just as a person but as a vet ll. There are many times where people come in and their animal needs medicine or surgery but they just flat out can’t afford it but unlike most vets Dr. Grossmen doesn’t turn them away. A. Instead of leaving them out to dry, Dr. Grossmen sits down with them after hours and comes up with an affordable plan that would work best for him, the animal and the owner B. At some points, I’ve even seen him do simply $15 a month, for those who can’t afford it C. He even devotes dome of his free time in doing probono surgeries, which means he’s working without pay. He also works with the local animal shelter and does a lot of work for them at a very low cost. Transition: Now let’s get to the most important part, how he understand everyone no matter how different they are.

lll. Dr. Grossmen, somehow, some way, always brings the good out of people, even when they come in angry or clueless. A. “ I’m really not sure how I do it, but all I know is that I sit back and really listen, I don’t just let what they say go in one ear and out the other. After I’m done listening I then put myself in their shoes and say what I would want to hear. It’s a gift really.” B. Dr. Grossmen also lightens up the mood when there is bad news to be given. No matter how sad the news is, I never see anyone leave the office without a smile on their face, or at least a smirk In Conclusion: Over the past 6 months I have really gotten to know, and really appreciate Dr. Grossmen. He is a man that doesn’t care about himself, but truly cares about the well-being of others. Every morning he walks in and says the same line from Greys Anatomy “It’s a beautiful day to save lives” and before we all leave he always makes sure to say goodbye and get home safe.

But beyond that he has not only taught my family and I numerous life lessons that we will carry with us for the rest of my life, he has taught me how to be forgiving and caring no matter the situation and he has also taught me that no matter where life takes you, understanding the people around you is the most important thing of all. Thank you...

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