A10 Communication- Persuasive Speech. Why you should stop smoking PDF

Title A10 Communication- Persuasive Speech. Why you should stop smoking
Author Lee Bran
Course Effective Speech
Institution Virginia Commonwealth University
Pages 5
File Size 112.9 KB
File Type PDF
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Homework assignment was to write a persuasive speech to get your audience to believe or do what your persuading them to do. Paper is in APA format....




Why you should quit smoking




1. Attention grabber: We all have our little addictions, or things we may do to get us through the day. But when should we start considering the risks of these little things we may do? When do we realize that the cons are now outweighing the pros? If there’s one thing that should get us to realize this it should be our health and the time that we have left on this earth. 2. Reveal: Smoking cigarettes is one of the absolute worst things we can do to our body. I am here to get everyone to understand that not only can smoking cause a numerous amount of health issues, but it will inevitably take away years of life. I am here to make people aware of the dangers of smoking. I have personally seen the devastating effects it causes. This information is important for everyone, but especially the younger audience, as young people are very impressionable making them likely to pick this bad habit up.

THESIS: 1. At the end of the speech, I want my audience to agree that smoking is not worth the overall health of our body. Most importantly I want my audience to understand that they can live a more powerful and abundant life without ever having to smoke a cigarette.

BODY 1. DEATH STATS: The sad truth is that with each puff you take of your cigarette you may be cutting minutes or even hours from your life. According to the CDC, smoking is the LEADING cause of preventative death in the United States, and smoking kills more than HIV, illegal drug use, alcohol use, motor vehicle injuries, and fire arm related incidents.



2. MORE DEATH STATS: Here’s another hard pill to swallow for our smokers: More than 10 times as many U.S citizens have died from smoking than have died in all the wars fought by the U.S and this information is credited from the U.S Department of Health and Human Services 3. DISEASES: If that didn’t already persuade you to stop smoking, this should. As found by Unity Point Clinic, smoking leads to a plethora of cancers such as cancer of the bladder, colon, cervix, liver, and lung just to name a few. Also, 1 out of every 5 heart disease are directly related to smoking. Blood vessels of smokers become damaged from thickening making them narrow. This makes the heart beat faster and causes clot formation which can lead to strokes. 4. WOMEN AND MENS HEALTH: Let’s look at how smoking can effect men and women separately. Women who smoke are not only deteriorating their own health, but also the health of their baby when carrying. A pregnant mother is at a higher risk of miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy, and premature birth. A pregnant mother who smokes can even cause death to their baby after its born form Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS). Men who smoke are lowering their sperm which can reduce fertility. 5. FAMILY & SECONDHAND SMOKE: Now let’s talk about smoking related to nonsmokers. People that choose to light up are also effecting those who don’t. Secondhand smoke can affect members in the house who don’t smoke and strangers around the smoker. Secondhand smoke can cause disease to the nonsmoker, and that’s pretty unfair. Inhaling secondhand smoke irritates the airway and has immediate harmful effects on the persons blood vessels and heart.



CONCLUSION 1. In conclusion, If there was ever a time or sign to quit smoking this is it. There are many resources available to help with the process of quitting such as Smokefree.gov. There are immediate health benefits to quitting and no benefits to continuing. Some benefits to look forward to after quitting is production of less phlegm and coughing, and within several months of quitting you’ll notice a substantial improvement of lung function. Let’s all think of our own health, and health of our loved ones. When we see how much this matters is when we will put the cigarette down. I hope I’ve done my job to help you see this. Thank you.


5 References

CDC. (2020, December 10). Health Effects of Cigarette Smoking. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. https://www.cdc.gov/tobacco/data_statistics/fact_sheets/health_effects/effects_cig_smokin g/index.htm#:~:text=Smoking%20affects%20the%20health%20of%20your%20teeth %20and,It%20can%20also%20cause%20age-related%20macular%20degeneration %20%28AMD%29. UnityPointClinic. (2014, November 14). 12 Diseases Caused by Smoking: Infographic. UnityPoint Health. https://www.unitypoint.org/livewell/article.aspx?id=17ace3fc-fb0145c3-8617-1beb81404fc4#:~:text=12%20Diseases%20Caused%20by%20Smoking %20%7C%20Infographic%201,...%2010%20Rheumatoid%20Arthritis.%20...%20More %20items...%20. National Cancer Institute. (2017). Harms of Cigarette Smoking and Health Benefits of Quitting. National Cancer Institute. https://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causesprevention/risk/tobacco/cessation-fact-sheet....

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