Title ABP 3 - ABP 3
Author charlie jaime
Course Computers And Internetworked Society
Institution University of Arizona
Pages 6
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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development You MUST Submit your ABP-2 report as a PDF file If you do not submit report as a PDF document, there will be a 10-point deduction! Name: Project:

Jaime, Charles ([email protected]) ABP-3 Website Development

Task 1: Website hosting and Design Methodology 1.1. The website development tool used to develop your website BlueGriffon 1.2. What computing platform you used to develop your website Apple laptop computer 1.3. A screenshot image of the ABP3 project folder

Task 2: Web-based Marketing Strategy 2.1. Product and adword (word or phrase) Product: Plantweb Insight AdWord: Software solutions

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development 2.2. AdWord selection criteria discussion I selected software solutions as an adword for Plantweb Insight because it is a solution that Emerson Electric Co. provides for software related issues. I think that making adwords as basic as possible while still remaining specific to the product is the best way to attract customers. Although software solutions is a very broad term, many individuals in the business world deal with software related issues and are likely to type it in when they are looking for a solution. Emerson Electric Co. could capitalize on this by making software solutions an adword for the products they provide, specifically Plantweb Insight. 2.3. Assessment of the effectiveness of your proposed AdWord After typing software solutions into google, many results came up. Unfortunately, my company’s website did not show up, however I believe this is due to the amount of companies that have “Software Solutions” in their name. In order to effectively establish an adword for Plantweb Insight, it would have to be more specific. Software solutions covers a lot of different products and services and in order to successfully direct traffic to one of Emerson Electric Co.’s specific products, the adword would have to directly relate to it. Another possible adword for Plantweb Insight would be “software solutions for interpreting key asset health”. It is difficult to create an effective adword for products that serve a very specific and specialized function, such as Plantweb Insight. 2.4. Screenshot of the top organic search result reported by Google for your AdWord

Task 3: Universal Design and Accessibility 3.1. Summary of WCAG accessibility requirements for review Known: 1.4 Distinguishable: Make it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background. 3.1 Readable: Make text content readable and understandable. Likely: 1.3 Adaptable: Create content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout) without losing information or structure. 3.2. Analysis of each major item reported by AChecker MIS 111 Spring 2021

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development Known: 1. Issue: Check 117: i (italic element used). Repair: Replace your i elements with em or strong. Improvement: Makes it easier for users to see and hear content including separating foreground from background. 2. Issue: Check 48: Document language not identified. Repair: For HTML documents add the lang attribute and a valid ISO-639-1 two letter language code to the opening HTML element. For XHTML documents add both the lang and xmllang attributes with a valid ISO-639-1 two letter language code to the opening HTML element. Improvement: Makes text content readable and understandable. 3. Issue: Check 49: Document has invalid language code. Repair: Add a valid 2 letter or 3 letter language code as defined in the ISO 639 specification to the HTML 'lang' attribute. For XHTML, both 'lang' and 'xml:lang' must be set. Improvement: Makes text content readable and understandable. Likely: 4. Issue: Check 82: p element may be misused (could be a header) Repair: N/A Improvement: Creates content that can be presented in different ways (for example simpler layout) without losing information or structure. Task 4: Insert images of each major section of your Website 4.1 Image for Header (Row 1)

4.2 Image for Corporate Overview and Governance (rows 2 - 5)

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development

4.3 Image for Corporate Financials (rows 6 – 10)

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development 4.4 Image for Corporate Investment Analysis (rows 11 – 13)

4.5 Image for Copyright Statement (row 14)

Task 5: HTML source code of your “index.html” website Corporate Profile for Emerson Electric Co. (EMR) Emerson Electric Co. (EMR) source: https://www.brandsoftheworld.com/logo/emerson-electric-0 Corporate Overview and Governance Walmart utilizes a sales website, as it is one of the largest online distributors for a variety of products. The site provides its customers with opportunities to purchase products directly, as well as information on the services they provide. Products can be either purchased for delivery or in-person pick-up through the site. The site also provides the option to make an account that can be used to track current or previous orders. This is very beneficial for customers, as they are able to stay updated on any changes relating to their purchase(s). Data Source(s): https://www.walmart.com/ Data Source(s): https://finance.yahoo.com/qu ote/WMT/financials?p=WMT https://corporate.walmart.co MIS 111 Spring 2021

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Applied Business Project 3 – Website Development m/our-story/leadership Corporate Financials Data Source(s): https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/WMT/holders?p=WMT Data Source(s): https://finance.yahoo.com/qu ote/WMT/holders?p=WMT Walmart's current stock price is $139.80, however the stock price is on a downward slope after it hit $140.65 on 4/6/2021. Although the stock price is beginning to decline, the long-term outlook is still positive. After the stock price hit a low point of $123.59 on 3/3/2021, it has been on a steady incline ever since. By looking at the stock price trends over the past 6 months, I can confidently say that the current stock price will be considerably higher 6 months from now. In the historical stock analysis and fundamentals table, it is clear to see that the adjusted closing price has increased since 1/31/2019. If the current stock price is $139.80, six months from now the adjusted closing price for the fiscal year 2021 will follow this increasing trend. The competitive stock price graph above displays Walmart's stock price position in comparison to its competitors. Walmart's stock price is currently in the middle compared to its competitors, however with improvements made in e-commerce as well as increased in-person traffic due to new COVID-19 regulations, I see Walmart's stock price increasing over the next 6 months. Data Source(s): https://finance.yahoo.com/quote/WM T?p=WMT Corporate Investment Analysis Data Source(s): https://finance.yahoo.com/quot e/EMR/history?p=EMR Data Source(s): https://finance.yahoo.com/quot e/EMR/history?p=EMR This website is the original work of and copyright 2021 by Charles Jaime. All registered trademarks are property of their respective owners.

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