CCTV cams yes or no - Gymnasium, Oberstufe, Bayern, G8, Übungsaufgabe Lösung PDF

Title CCTV cams yes or no - Gymnasium, Oberstufe, Bayern, G8, Übungsaufgabe Lösung
Author Na Sh
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 1
File Size 51 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 67
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Gymnasium, Oberstufe, Bayern, G8, Übungsaufgabe Lösung...


English Q12

CCTV cams yes or no? Using CCTV cams is a controversial discussed topic in Germany. In public areas you can see a lot of cameras, filming every action all day. Every person is monitored by security or other people – foreign people! The aim is, to control public areas. Is this aim effective? Should we have got more CCTV cams in Germany? These are very difficult questions and everyone has got another opinion. On one side CCTV controlling prevent Germany against terrorist attacks. Terrorist activities are feared by the population. Terrorists can be arrested before performing any attack to kill many innocent people by watching their activities on CCTV cams. Terroristic activities can be prevented by controlling public areas. Controlling areas with CCTV cams deter many potential terrorists. The risk to fail any assassination increase. Another aspect is very important. Sometime people are missing and do not appear anywhere. With CCTV cam controlling these persons can be searched and found, if they are in public areas. On the other side CCTV cam controlling has got many negative aspects. To control people in public areas steal every privacy. Foreign persons are able to watch them in many situations. People can be spied and wrongly suspected of committing any crime. In this way many personal data can be collected. How effective is CCTV controlling yet? The main problem is that with CCTV cam controlling you can notice a crime, but you cannot stop the action directly. The most important aspect is very dangerous for our future. Where is the limit of CCTV controlling? Where is CCTV controlling legal or illegal? You should imagine, if you go to any public toilet and see a CCTV cam in the corner, filming you. More CCTV cam controlling steals more privacy of every person. Germany needs more laws to control CCTV cam controlling in the future. All in all CCTV cams controlling is important to make public areas more secure. However the high risks and negative aspects preponderate. It is questionable in what way CCTV controlling is effective for Germany. I think we do not want a police state like the former East Germany....

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