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Title hgfjhfv gfcghcg bvc gchgf g ygimngv
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Nutrition: An Applied Approach, 5e (Thompson/Manore) In Depth: Obesity Multiple Choice Questions 1) Arthur is 65 years old, and his BMI classifies him as obese. Which of the following is he LEAST likely to be at risk for? A) depression B) sleep apnea C) osteoporosis D) Alzheimer's disease Answer: C Diff: 3 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 2) Which of the following is a risk factor associated with cardiometabolic risk? A) elevated HDL cholesterol B) smoking C) lower than normal blood pressure D) pear-shaped fat patterning Answer: B Diff: 3 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 3) Which of the following statements about a person's obesity risk is TRUE? A) Researchers have found that genetics and individual behavioral choices adequately explain obesity risk. B) Obesity researchers have mapped more than 100 variables that influence obesity risk. C) The fact that obesity is a multifactorial disease means that it is beyond an individual's power to influence. D) Reliance on labor-saving devices such as lawnmowers and escalators plays no role in obesity risk because these are used by people of normal weight as well as those who are obese. Answer: B Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2

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4) Prescription weight-loss medicines are associated with side effects and a certain level of risk. For which of the following would a physician MOST likely prescribe these medications? A) an adult with a BMI of 32 kg/m2 who has just started a medically supervised weight-loss program B) a high school football player with a BMI of 30 kg/m2 C) an eleven-year old child with a BMI of 26 kg/m2 whose parents are obese D) an adult with a BMI of 28 kg/m2 who has prediabetes and hypertension. Answer: D Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 5) Which of the following is a stimulant commonly found in weight-loss supplements? A) Orlistat B) caffeine C) amphetamine D) peppermint leaves Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 6) Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for metabolic syndrome? A) abdominal obesity B) low triglyceride levels C) higher-than-normal blood pressure D) fasting blood glucose level higher than 100 mg/dL Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 7) Which of the following is NOT a reason that bariatric surgery fails to achieve long-term weight loss for most people? A) chronic diarrhea and vomiting B) inability to maintain reduced consumption over time C) gradual enlargement of the stomach pouch D) loosening of staples or gastric bands Answer: A Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 2 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

8) As compared to people of normal body weight, mortality rates for people who are obese are increased by as much as A) 25 percent B) 50 percent C) 75 percent D) 100 percent Answer: D Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 9) Which of the following factors exemplifies the role of the food environment in influencing the risk for obesity? A) Many public schools in the United States have reduced or entirely eliminated classes in physical education. B) Genetic drift means that many people have inherited genes that promote higher levels of body fat. C) Government subsidies keep the price of corn chips below the cost of strawberries. D) Children who are obese are at a much higher risk for bullying than children of normal weight. Answer: C Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2 10) Gastric bypass surgery reduces food intake by A) removing the stomach. B) attaching a reduced stomach pouch to the lower part of the small intestine. C) causing food to flow from the stomach through a surgically created valve and into a pouch worn on the body exterior. D) stapling off a large section of the stomach so that food can enter only the smaller segment. Answer: B Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2

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11) Which of the following is NOT an effective long-term treatment for obesity? A) regular, vigorous exercise and a nutritious, reduced-Calorie diet B) gastric bypass C) gastric banding D) liposuction Answer: D Diff: 5 Skill: Evaluating/Creating Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 12) Which of the following statements about bariatric surgery is TRUE? A) The potential benefits of bariatric surgery always outweigh the risks. B) About 85% of people who undergo bariatric surgery are able to lose significant amounts of weight and keep it off. C) Although many people who have undergone bariatric surgery lose weight, they typically do not resolve or even reduce their risk for type 2 diabetes. D) After bariatric surgery, many patients face a lifetime of chronic diarrhea, vomiting, and nutritional deficiencies. Answer: D Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 13) In patients who have had bariatric surgery, which of the following occurs in relatively rare cases? A) alterations in nutrient absorption B) intolerance to dairy products C) death D) inability to eat less over time, with subsequent weight gain Answer: C Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 14) Weight-loss supplements containing mahuang are A) derived from the exoskeleton of crustaceans. B) sedating. C) associated with rapid heart rate and sudden death. D) safe and effective. Answer: C Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 4 Copyright © 2018 Pearson Education, Inc.

15) A common side effect of prescription weight-loss medications that reduce appetite and increase feelings of fullness is A) daytime sleepiness. B) increased heart rate. C) kidney failure. D) liver damage. Answer: B Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 True/False Questions 1) A diagnosis of metabolic syndrome indicates an increased risk for heart disease, type 2 diabetes, and stroke. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 2) A BMI greater than or equal to 30 kg/m2 adversely affects health. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 3) Excess visceral fat stores and thus reduces the release of fatty acids and adipokines. Answer: FALSE Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1 4) Inflammation is one of the nine cardiometabolic risk factors. Answer: TRUE Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.1 Chapter/Section: 10.5.1

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5) Obesity researchers have identified more than 100 variables that influence the risk for obesity. Answer: TRUE Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2 6) Self-esteem is thought to influence obesity risk. Answer: TRUE Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2 7) Nearly half of the members of the National Weight Control Registry exercise, on average, for 1 hour a day. Answer: FALSE Diff: 4 Skill: Applying/Analyzing Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2 8) About 60% of obese people trying to lose weight are successful at least in the short term. Answer: TRUE Diff: 1 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.2 Chapter/Section: 10.5.2 9) Orlistat is a prescription weight-loss medication, whereas Allis is an over-the-counter version of the same medication at a reduced strength. Answer: TRUE Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3 10) Liposuction is a simple cosmetic procedure that is not associated with significant risks. Answer: FALSE Diff: 2 Skill: Remembering/Understanding Learning Outcome: 10.5.3 Chapter/Section: 10.5.3

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