Inglese Commerciale PDF

Title Inglese Commerciale
Course Informatica
Institution Università degli Studi di Bergamo
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INGLESE COMMERCIALE UNIT 1: BRANDS Vocabulary Brand loyalty  the tendence to always buy a particular brand; Brand image  the ideas and beliefs the people have about a brand; Brand stratching  using an existing name on another type of product; Brand awareness  how familiar people are with a brand (or it’s logo and slogan); Brand name  the title given to a product by the company that makes it; Product launch  the introduction of a product to a market; Product lifecycle  the lenght of time people continue to buy a product; Product range  the set of products made by a company; Product placement  when products are used in films or TV programmes; Product endorsement  the use of a well-known person to advertise the products; Market leader  the best-selling product or a brand in a market; Market research  information about what consumers want or need; Market share  the percentage of sales a company has; Market challenger  the second best-selling product or a brand in a market; Market segment  customers of a similar age, income level or a social group; PROS BRANDS Guarantee of quality Branded products are stylish People want to impress other people Reading: “Restless pursuer of luxury’s future”

CONS BRANDS Same thing, you can see 5 people or more with the same suit Inflated prices Not all the people want to impress others

a) How to expand globally while maintaining Dior’s image of exclusivity. b) He says that you have to anticipate new trends and understand people desires in different countries. c) That it was a growth market and that people would soon be ready to spend money on luxury goods. d) It’s necessary to expand the network and improve the supply chain. The biggest expansion is expected in the Middle East, Russia, Hong Kong and South Korea. e) It’s best to invest before the real growth of a market begins to happen. CASE STUDY: Harley Davidson What values do you associate with the Harley Davidson brand? 1 Rebellious, free-spirit 2 Sense of belonging to a like-minded community 3 Power rather than speed 4 Sense of being different / alterative, non-conformist 5 Masculinity and toughness 6 Authenticity 1) What was the purpose of the Harley Owners Group? It promoted the sense of community associated with the brand. 2) Why aren’t Harley Davidson owners necessarily interested in speed? For them, speed is less important than style, power or the sense of freedom associated with the bikes. 3) To what extent was it a mistake to extend the brand? Initially, the brand extension appeared legitimate, but then the brand lost focus when the company extended the brand to cover unrelated products. UNIT: 2 TRAVEL  NON è da fare UNIT 3: CHANGE Vocabulary Downgrade retrocedere Downsize ridimensionato

Reassess rivalutazione Redevelop riqualificazione Relaunch rilancio Relocate trasferimento

Degrade Decentralise Deregulate

degradato decentralizzato deregolamentato

Update aggiornare Upgrade aggiornare

Restructure ristrutturare Retrain riqualificare Luxury brand Management style

Chief Executive Parent company Fuel – efficient models Team approach

Fourth Quarter Dramatic effect

Reading: “Mercedes star twinkles once more” - In 2002 Mercedes has suffered a dramatic fall as luxury brand and also its quality dropped down. - Mr. Zetsche made some changes to solve these problems. He says that combining roles is essential for his management style, he cutted 14.500 jobs. - Mercedes recent success is also linked to a big improvement in its product quality and the launch of a well-praised models. - Mercedes is building cars that people want to buy again. - The company is choosing to highlight the launch of 20 fuel-efficient models this year. Listening: Track 14 What are the two points that businesses should keep in mind before making changes? 1) The importance of measuring change to understand whether the change has been successful. 2) Making sure that people affected by the change see it as something positive, not something imposed upon them. Listening: Track 15 What are the two biggest problems that companies face when making changes? 1) Trying to combat “change fatigue” – to convince people that the changes will be beneficial to them and to encourage them to have a positive attitude about the proposed changes. 2) Trying to get the management to work together, providing an example of unity, to be a role model, and to stay focused on the change. Case study: Nokia a) Why did the company need to change? The company was not able to compete against Apple in the smartphone market and the company’s share price fell. b) What changes were made? The company hired a new CEO and management team. Rather than try to compete in the smartphone market, the company changed focus. It is now involved in networking and mapping technologies. c) What were the consequences? The share price has risen, presumably because the company is profitable. Case study: Coca Cola a) Why did the company need to change? The company was facing competition from Pepsi, partly as a result of introducing a new, sweeter cola drink which turned out not to be popular with consumers. b) What changes were made? The company withdrew the new drink and returned to the classic recipe. It also diversified its range of drink products to include health drinks. c) What were the consequences? It has maintained its dominance in the soft drinks market. Case study: Toyota

a) Why did the company need to change? The company was suffering as a result of strong competition from American car manufacturers. b) What changes were made? The company introduced a revolutionary method of production called “just in time” which was far more efficient and saved the company lots of money. c) What were the consequences? The changes in production methods greatly improved the company’s performance. Case study: General Electric a) Why did the company need to change? The company was not performing as well as it should. b) What changes were made? A new CEO introduced a method of production called Six Sigma, which greatly improved the quality of GE’s products. The new CEO also made changes to the management team at the same time introducing a new management philosophy. c) What were the consequences? The company grew to become a massive global organization. Case study: Amazon Case 5 is different. Why? Amazon is different because the company’s philosophy is to embrace continual change. UNIT 4: ORGANISATION Domande lezione: 1) Think of a large manufacturing company. How many different departments are there? Write down as many as you can. Production. Research and Development (R&D) Purchasing. Sales and marketing. Human Resources. Accounting and Finance. 2) What are the different roles or responsibilities of each department? The production department makes sure that production targets are met and that the quality of the products are of the required standard. In R&D people design and develop new products. The purchasing department buys the raw materials and goods required for production. Vocabulary: Responsible for: “The CEO is responsible for the general running of the company”. Report to: “Senior managers report to the CEO” Subsidiary: a company which is at least half-owned by another company. Factory / plant: a large building or group of buildings where goods are made using machinery. Call centre: an office where people answer questions and make sales over the phone. Service centre: a place where faulty products are mended.

Headquarters: the main office or building of a company. Distribution centre: a building from which goods or supplies are sent to factories, shops or customers. Warehouse: a building for storing goods in large quantities. Outlet: a place through which products are sold. Perk: something your employer gives you in addition to your pay (examples: company car, company phone, discounts at certain holiday destinations…) Accomplishments: success in doing something Initiatives: important new plans to achieve an aim Autonomy: independence / freedom to make your own decisions Empowerment: giving people the power to do something Faculty: teaching staff Esercizi: 1) Vocabulary exercise C e D Departments in a large organisation Customer Services deal with complaints. Human Resources train staff. Sales and Marketing run advertising campaigns. Production operates assembly lines The Finance Department prepares budgets and accounts Administration keeps records The Legal department draws up contracts Logistics is the department concerned with the transport and storage of goods. Public Relations issues press releases The IT department installs and maintains systems equipment. Gli altri esercizi davano solo definizioni che ho messo nel vocabulary. Riassunto testi + domande:  Success can be a game with many players (pag. 38) In this text we talk about Google and the way they treat their employees. In fact, one of Google’s objective is to make its workplace feel fun. The employees agreed that Google’s offices are a friendly place to work and that there is a “family” or “team” feeling there. However, when it comes to the serious business, great emphasis is placed on enganging employess, where giving to all a large degree of indipendence in deciding how to work is one of the primary policy. Even when it comes to learning and development, many programmes are voluntary and informal. Domande fatte: a) How does Google encourage teamwork? It encourages staff to eat together by providing good quality food. The company organises games and competitions as well as recreational activities such as skiing, karting or other games and sports. b) What evidence is there that the company’s efforts have been successful? Google workers in Italy are evidently very satisfied. 100% of employees think that the workplace is friendly and 96% say that there is a good team spirit. c) How does the company try to encourage individual creativity and intellectual curiosity? Individuals are encouraged to work in the way that suits them best in terms of hours and in the goals that they set for themselves. Autonomy is seen as something positive.

Possibili domande per l’orale: preparale!  Case study: John Lewis Partnership This case is about John Lewis Partnership, one of the leading retailers in the UK and the largest employeeowned company in the country with a staff ofover 90.000 people. Around the beginning of the last century, a young man called John Spendon Lewis inherited his father’s retail business and decided to set up a partnership with the employees. This type of model was actually unusual at the time, as the majority of large business organisations were public companies whose ultimate owners were the shareholerders. Nevertheless, John Lewis Partnership quietly grew, despite the other businesses that had a tough time weathering economic storms. (Il testo poi parla di cose più tecniche, tipo che il personale è molto più felice rispetto a quello dei concorrenti e viene confermato dal fatto che il tasso di turnover dello staff è 50% in meno delle altre aziende. Poi parla del fatto che ci sono differenti tipologie di partnership e poi di Charlie Mayfield, il presidente della compagnia, che dice che è importante la fiducia nei confronti dei managers). Per questo testo non c’erano domande specifiche ma solo mettere in ordine i paragrafi. UNIT 5: ADVERTISING Key vocabulary:  Advertisement  Advert  Ad  Advertising  Advertiser  Free samples  Slogans  Endorsement  By word of mouth  Mailshots

Three functions of advertising: 1) To promote and protect a brand; 2) To inform consumers about a product or service: what it is, what it does and how you can buy it etc.; 3) To persuade consumers to buy the product or service: to convince people that they need it and in general to make the productor service appear desirable; Form of advertising: Definitions Advertorials = adverts in the form of newspaper or magazine articles; Banner ads = a kind of advert which looks like a banner or strip which is shown on web pages; Billboards / hoardings = large poster adverts on the side of buildings; Commercials = radio or television adverts; Free samples = when examples of a product are given to the public for people to try; Leaflet / flyer = a paper advertisement given out to people or put in the letter box; Product placement = when a product is used in a film or tv programme; Product demonstration = when an expert demonstrates how to use a product;

Sponsorship = when a company pays for an event, usually a sporting event, as a means of promoting its brand or products; Endorsement = when a celebrity helps promote a company, brand or product; Viral advertising = using social media in the hope that the advert will “go viral”; The suitability of different forms of advertising: possible answers Free samples = useful for food products and cosmetics; Product demonstration = useful for DIY (Do It Yourself) products, domestic appliances, cosmetics, etc; Commercial = useful for all mass consumer products; Sponsorship = useful for advertising products connected with sport or cultural events; Leaflets / flyers = useful for advertising local businesses like shops or providers of local services (garden maintenance, decorating services, pizza delivery, etc); Newspapers / magazines = useful for professional services – banks, insurance, lawyers, etc – as well as products connected to a magazine’s content; Reading: “Honda’s advertising” 1) Why did Honda need a new publicity stunt with skydrives? They wanted to make a stunning advert to attract viewers who normally turn off adverts or otherwise fail to take interest in them. 2) Why was the Honda advert unique? It was the first live advertisement in modern times. It lasted more than 3 minutes instead of the usual 30 seconds. 3) Why are Sky+ and Tivo a problem for advertisers? Viewers of Sky+ and Tivo can opt to skip adverts. 4) What happened in the Honda advert? 19 skydivers spelled out the company’s name as they fell from the sky. 5) What happened in LG’s ‘Scarlet’ campaign? LG made a set of commercials appearing to promote a new TV show. But in reality, the commercials were intended to promote LG’s new TV screens. 6) What did the Honda campaign’s developers do? Before the advert was shown, they spent a month promoting the slogan “Difficult is worth doing”. 7) What different types of advertising did Honda use? They used posters, “teaser” adverts on TV, web adverts and press coverage as a prelude to a traditional 30 second TV advert. Vocabulary from the text =  Live advertisement  To run an advertisement  Television advertisement  Television advertising  Advertising agencies  Digital advertising  Word-of-mouth advertising  Stunt = something done to get people’s attention  Feature = an imortant, interesting or typical part of something  Slogan = a short phrase that is easy to remember  Campaign = a series of actions intended to get a particular result  Press = newspapers and magazines Listening: Track 31 Can you identify two different functions of advertising campaigns? 1 To sell more goods or services 2 To change people’s behaviour

What are the different stages of an advertising campaign? 1 Briefing (identification of the objective of the campaign) 2 The creative team is shown the brief and comes up with ideas 3 Presentation of the ideas to the client, followed by debate 4 Execution: the production of the material and purchase of advertising space in various media. Listening: Track 33 1 What are viral campaigns? Viral campaigns use social media to reach young people. They hope that through YouTube or other channels people will encourage their friends to watch the advertisement. 2 Regarding the Ronaldinho viral, what did people argue about? People argued about whether the film was real or fake.  Can you see a connection between viral campaigns and Honda’s skydiving advertisement? The skydiving advertisement was intended to surprise and entertain people. The advertisers hoped that the short film would end up on YouTube and that people would recommend it to their friends. In other words, it would become a form of viral advertising. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TEXT 1 1) In what way is digital advertising less controlled than traditional, pre-digital advertising? Lots of different media formats are involved, so everything is so much more complex. It is difficult to know when people are actually engaging with the advert, so time factors are an issue. (Eg, advertising food products before dinner time is okay on traditional TV, but not when people may be watching the same programme at different times.) 2) How are advertisers approaching these issues? How are they trying to maintain control? They gather information about what people are doing, on what devices, when and where, etc, in order to deliver personalised ads in an appropriate context. They use of "polymorphic advertising": delivering adverts in a range of formats on different devices but without losing sight of the central message, so as to give consistency, reinforcing the brand. In general, they attempt to make digital advertising more personalised. DIGITAL ADVERTISING TEXT 2 1) Why might it be difficult to judge how well digital advertising campaigns reach the target audience? Advertisers have difficulty judging whether an ad has actually been visible to the customer due to website design or consumer behaviour. 2) How could criminal activity negatively affect a consumer's experience of digital advertising? Criminals create false ads which drive people to fake sites or sites loaded with malware. 3) How successful have digital advertisers become at dealing with these potential problems? Revenues are rising, so evidently something is going right. 4) What trend can we observe about the sources of digital advertising revenue? Revenue from ads on mobile devices is increasing dramatically. Video ads are also becoming more and more important as revenue sources. UNIT 6: MONEY Vocabulary: Change: cambio (soldi) Bank statement: estratto conto

Bill: conto/richiesta di pagamento/bollette Receipt: scontrino/prova di pagamento Borrow – lend – owe: prendere in prestito – dare in prestito – dovere Overdraft: debito bancario/scoperto Shares: azioni Recession: a period of time when business activity decreases because the economy is doing badly. Equity stake: money risked when a business owns part of another company. Stock market (stock exchange): a place where company shares are bought and sold. Forecast: a description of what is likely to happen in the future. Debt: debito Profit margin: the difference between the price of a product or service and the cost of producing it. Investment: money which people or organisations put into a business to make a profit. Banruptcy: when a person or organisation is unable to pay their debts. A dividend: a part of a company’s profits paid to owners of shares. Pre-tax profits: the money a business makes before payments to the government. Annual turnover: the amount of money which a business obtains in a year from customers by selling goods or services Esercizi: Money Quiz pag. 52: Possible attitudes towards money: You may be careful with your money, keeping track of how much you earn and how much you spend. Some people are mean. In other words, even if they have plenty of money, they don’t like to spend it or give it away. Others are generous, giving to charities and helping out friends and family. Some people are secretive about money, never revealing how much they have. Others like to show off their wealth, buying luxury items and spending conspicuously.

Possibili domande esame orale: studia! Riassunto testi + domande:  Kieran prior: Goldman Sachs’s whizz-kid wheeler dealer (pag. 55) This text is about Kieran Prior, a worker at Goldan Sach’s London offices. He was born with a rare condition that affects his movement and impairs his speech. Yet despite these phisical limitations, Kieran is thriving on Goldman’s trading desk. He is an exceptionally smart and perceptive guy with an IQ score of 238. He was able to become a succesful employee, overcome many challenges. Domande fatte: What does Kieren Prior’s story teach you? What challenges do you think Kieren has had to overcome?


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