Summary & Outline - Handout mit Beispiel PDF

Title Summary & Outline - Handout mit Beispiel
Course Englisch
Institution Gymnasium (Deutschland)
Pages 2
File Size 84.9 KB
File Type PDF
Total Downloads 21
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Handout mit Beispiel...


Summary & Outline Summary


to summarize / sum up

to outline

main information of an article, a short story, a novel or excerpt in a shorter way (condensed form)

Information relevant for the given task

Preparation highlight key words and important information

read the task and focus on required aspects

divide the text into sections

highlight keywords and information needed for the task

take notes* work with the sections and notes —> write in your own words the main information of the text

collect information sum up the information in your own words

order logical * Answer the 5 Ws: Who, When, What, Where and Why?

Structure Introduction: Essential aspects such as: title, authors’s name, date, topic… Main part: - Cover central aspects about the text logical - Own words (Outline: only cover the wanted information) - Writing: - present tense - indirect speech - linking words Try to write as short as possible to avoid going to much into detail Avoid: personal opinions and comments , the pronoun „I“, unimportant details ...

Remember: A person that has never read the text before should get the most important informations trough your summary or outline. The general difference between the two is, that a Summary is a condensed form of the whole text, while an outline just focuses on the given task and only relevant information, answering it.


Example Solutions

Summarize the excerpt from the autobiography „Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother" "Successful children" is an excerpt from the autobiography “Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother” written by Amy Chua and published in the year 2011. It investigates the reasons on how Chinese children are stereotypically more successful, focussing on the difference in parenting and the connected mind-sets of "Chinese parents" and "Western parents“.

What? When? Who?

Amy Chua starts the extract by explaining her understanding of Chinese parenting. The main concern of the Chinese parents is to overwrite the children's wishes with new ones, according to the belief that if the children become good in a certain field, they will feel joy and fulfillment through their ability and recognition by others. She also says that over time she has met different parents from different countries and cultures that think similarly.

What? Who? Why?

She goes on about how there are three vital differences in the mindsets of Chinese and Western parenting. The first is, that western parents care much more about the selfesteem of the children instead of their performance, while Chinese parents believe, that only through telling their children they made a mistake, improvement is possible. Secondly, the belief of Chinese parents, is that the children owe their life to them and not the other-way-around. And the last difference is, that chinese parents override all of the desires their children have. In the end, Amy Chua appeals to the reader, that this different kind of parenting does not mean, that the Chinese parents don't care about their children, more so the opposite: they would give everything for them....

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