Temi inglese su diverse problematiche sociali PDF

Title Temi inglese su diverse problematiche sociali
Course Lingua Inglese
Institution Università degli Studi dell'Aquila
Pages 3
File Size 82.3 KB
File Type PDF
Total Views 124


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GLOBALIZATION -Globalization is a worldwide phenomenon spreading now more than ever around the world. It means the progressive loss of boundary and a mix between different cultures and traditions. This process is driven by international trade that has effects on the environment, on culture, on political systems, on economic development. It allows the diffusion of a thing in areas where in the past, you wouldn't find it, but critics say it weakens the identity of countries. It's mostly led by technology that has transformed economic life with faster and more informed analysis of economic trends around the world. Globalization is used to refer to the loss of trade, and it allows scale economy and cheaper transport that led companies to grow having a worldwide approach to products. It has diverse implication for environmental issues such as pollution, deforestation, water resources, climate change and biodiversity loss. Globalization has been in the center of debates, because it concern many states.

VIOLENCE- Violence is the intentional use of physical, verbal or sexual force which causes pain or distress to others person, group or community. Violence can be described as a physical, sexual and psychological act inflicted by a single person or a group of person. These acts of violence are infected to children, women and all the weaker people who are unable to defend themselves. In the last century, we have assisted the growth of different types of violence, such as bullying at work, bullying at school, cyberbullying and especially violence against women. In fact lately, on TV, it is very common to hear about the violence suffered by women from the actions of their husband, boyfriend or even their own father. This kind of violence has been increased over time by the use of social network and internet. Despites the topic is now very common it’s difficult to find a solution to this problem.

OCCUPAZIONE/DISOCCUPAZIONE Employment is a relationship between two subjects, usually based on a contract where one is the employer and the others is the employee. This relationship has his own peculiarities due social conventions and laws of each country. Contrariwise, unemployment is a phenomenon that occurs when a person is unable to find work. Unemployment is often used as a measure of the health of the economy. The most frequently measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed people divided by the number of workforce. Every nation has a different unemployment rate, so this could be one of the indexes to understand the richness and welfare level of that country. Italy has a high unemployment rate, especially the youth one. In fact, youth unemployment has been widespread in the last few years: after their educational path young people move abroad to find a job in another country.

DISOCCUPAZIONE Unemployment is a phenomenon that is affecting our economy today. This phenomenon occurs when a person is unable to find work. Unemployment is often used as a measure of the health of the economy. The most frequently measure of unemployment is the unemployment rate, which is the number of unemployed people divided by the number of workforce. Every nation has a different unemployment rate, so this could be one of the indexes to understand the richness and welfare level of that country. During periods of recession, an economy usually experiences a relatively high unemployment rate. Italy has a high unemployment rate, especially the youth one. In fact, youth unemployment has been widespread in the last few years. After finishing their higher education, the young people try to search for a job but it is not that easy. In most cases this is the reason why many young people emigrate and search for better life in other countries. I hope that in the future there will be new work opportunities for us young people.

INTERNET Internet is an important and powerful resource in the hands of the people, but often they use it in an wrong way. Unfortunately it frequently happens that people use the web in order to offend other people anonymously or to cyberbullying others. The disadvantages are a serious problem for today’s world. Internet is causing one of the worst diseases: the internet addiction. Nowadays Internet has become a virtual world and it is changing the way people act. It’s crucial to understand how to use web in a positive way. For instance, Internet can be a huge encyclopedia, a way to visit cities and new places while sitting on your desk. Last but not least, it would be important to create a virtual police, that's the only way to preserve the Internet. The web

could be a useful device in our hands but it seems like a lot of people are not able to realize that. It's really our duty to use it constructively. INTERNET AND TECHNOLOGY -Modern technology has changed our way of living: almost everyone is now connected with the whole world through smartphones, computers and tablets. Internet can be a huge encyclopedia, a way to visit cities and new places while sitting on your desk, it facilities communications and our way to find information. Unfortunately it frequently happens that people use the web in order to offend other people anonymously or to cyberbullying others. The disadvantages are a serious problem for today’s world. Internet is causing one of the worst diseases: the internet addiction. With this addiction comes the disappearance of feelings in relationships with other people or using technological devices while driving causing a lot of car accidents. To sum it up, modern technology is a great way to improve our knowledge and skills, but the web is not the real world and it should be used carefully, in fact it can causes more damage than we expect. INQUINAMENTO -Pollution is one of the biggest problem of modern society. It destroys the living environment and endangers human existence on Earth. There are many different pollutants that came from factories and transportation and they can also be not biocompatible chemical substances. The consequences of pollution problems including the global warming effect, natural resources extinction, health problems of people and animals, the destruction of natural ecosystems. There are a lot of different types of pollution: air pollution, soil contamination, water pollution and radioactive contamination. Even though the technological development offers various approaches to garbage utilization, most of the poor countries do not utilize innovative technologies. To resolve the problems causes by pollution we must: do not abuse non-renewable resources that sooner or later are bound to run out, recycle many products such as plastic, glass and paper, preserve di environment to help animals and plants and clean the water in the seas, rivers and lakes.In conclusion, pollution is a real problem that concern the all world and it must be solved as soon as possible. SOCIAL NETWORK -With the expression social network we mean a virtual place where people can create a public profile, interact with people who come from all over the world, and share photos and videos. Since their introduction social network have changed the way people communicate with others, in fact now a text message is preferred over a phone call. Social media sites have provided a platform where the young people can create groups and pages based on their common interests. On the other hand the young people tend to spend many hours on these sites and this create a social isolation that can lead to emotional, psychological, physical and mental problems which include anxiety, depression and somatic complaints among many others. Social network could be a useful device in our hands but it seems like a lot of people are not able to realize that. It's really our duty to use it constructively. GIOVANI Nowadays, the young people face many problems. One of them is unemployment. After finishing their higher education, they try to search for a job but it is not that easy. Or, if they manage to find a job, they are often underpaid. In most cases this is the reason why many young people emigrate and search for better life in other countries. In fact, the unemployment rate among young people is higher than ever in these past years. Drug abuse and alcohol are other serious problems nowadays. During the past years the number of young drug addicts has increased. This is very frightening and our society must do something for those who destroy their lives. They live in their own imaginary world which brings them to their death. Like the drugs and alcohol addiction, social network have many serious effects including poor study habits because the young people spend many time using their smartphone to chat with her friends, to surf Facebook or Instagram. DESCRIVI IL POSTO IN CUI VIVI CON VANTAGGI E SVANTAGGI -The place where I live is a small town in the south of Apulia called Oria. About 16000 people live and work in Oria. There are a Castle, gate of the Jews, Cathedral etc. the Cathedral was recently repaired. There are a lot of bar and restaurants where you can eat. we have typical meal: orecchiette with turnip greens, parmigiana etc. we have a lot of typical holiday during the year that we celebrate with food and drinks served all over the town to celebrate our saints. All around Oria there are beautiful hills where people go to have a beautiful view of the town and of all the cities around it or to have a pic nick with friends and family. Even though it’s a beautiful place but Oria is still a small place without a lot of opportunity of work for young people.

COMPUTER GAMES Computer games have changed the way we play. We now prefer to stay in front of computer all day than a tennis racket. Statistics say that the age group among players has expanded significantly up into the 25-40 age group. This phenomenon may be caused by the desire to compete with ourselves or with other people, without showing our faces. In fact, computer games have the great power of training us to fight in the real world, when we will be required to struggle in order to reach a goal. On the other hand, computer games steal our time and break down our relationships only to let us live in a whole virtual world, which may be better than reality. Also, computer games might cause physics and mental problems, such as addiction. In my opinion, computer games can a powerful instrument in order to train ourselves to compete. We just need to remember that we are still the owner of the game and we must not let the computer have power over us.

UNIVERSITA’ E CORSO DI STUDI My university is based in L’Aquila and I study here since 2013. it is organized very well, almost all the teachers are very helpful for the youths and the university puts at our disposal also tutors if we are in trouble. I am a literature student and this is my last year, because I hope to graduate in the next autumn, in the graduation session in October. The university of L’Aquila offers a lot of choices to the kids after high school. There are a lot of subjects that you can study, such as Medicine, Math, Science, Engineering, Philosophy and last but not least Economy. Every department has its own building: a structure composed by classes to study and follow the lessons, a library and cafeteria. Before doing literature, I was studying languages for four years but I plucked up courage and changed it. In this years, I got hooked to these new subjects and I hate how many wasted years I’ve spent with something I didn’t love. I love studying Italian literature but also a history of religion because the ancient civilizations fascinate me. After my degree I’d like to work to support myself.

LA SCORSA ESTATE Last summer with my whole family and their other friends, we decided to go for eight days in Spain, in Barcelona. It’s a wonderful city! We walked a lot every day to be able to visit several possible places seen that eight days are not so many. The places that I remember we visited are: the Basilica of the Sagrada Familia, the Barcelona Cathedral, the gothic Quarter, ParK Guell, Gaudi’s house and other places that I can not remember. The most delicious meal I ate there was the paella, rice size, saffron and sea food. FILM The film that I recently saw was My Big Fat Greek Wedding 2. After the eccentric marriage of the first chapter now plot revolves about Toula and Iand who have a teenage daughter, Parisalle grappling with the intense pace of the “collage”. The Portokalos family including the grumpy grandfather who thinks that the Greeks invented everything, of course, would like her to stay in Chicago to study and to become engaged to a greek guy, but she barely breathe from this “suffocation” of his uncles and grandparents. Precisely these are the central point of the new story and a new marriage all to prepare. CANTANTE PREFERITO My favorite singer is Biagio Antonacci. In his songs always he speaks and sings of love, magic understanding that is created sometimes between a man and a woman. I know and listen to his songs since I was little and every new song I can find a precise meaning which links me to something or someone. Many such songs contain some moments and memories I have with my boyfriend. Remind me of other periods of happiness and fun with my friends, are songs that I have accompanied me along my path.

PERSONA PIU IMPORTANTE The most important person in my life is called Luca and mt boyfriend, we are now together for almost two years. By now we know each other for eight years and until two years ago he was my best friend, but in the summer of 2014 we got together. Luca is older than me by two years and 28, is tall, thin, with eyes and brown hair. I am very happy to have him at my side because he is a guy who makes me smile, makes me feel good and thankfully never fight....

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