UNIT 3: Italian Neorealism Essay on La Vita e Bella PDF

Title UNIT 3: Italian Neorealism Essay on La Vita e Bella
Author quito barajas
Course International Cinema
Institution San Diego State University
Pages 1
File Size 34.3 KB
File Type PDF
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This essay covers elements of Italian Neorealism in the film La Vita e Bella, a story about a father who makes a game for his son out of the concentration camp they must survive....


Unit 3 Italian Neorealism I TALI AN CI NEMA:ESSAY:LAVI TAE BELLA LaVi t aeBel l ai saboutaJewi shI t al i anmannamedGui dowhoconsol eshi s f ami l ydur i ngWWI Iwhi l eataconcent r at i oncamp.Thebegi nni ngoft hefil m shows hi ml i vi ngapar adi si acall i f e,bui l di ngar e l at i onshi pwi t hawomanandeve nt ual l ya f ami l ywi t hachi l d.Ther es toft hefil mst hatf ol l owscont i nuest obui l di t sel fuponhi s st r ongper sonal i t yasacar ef r eei ndi vi dualwhopr et endsf orhi schi l dt hatt heyar e pl ayi ngagamebybei ngf or cedt owor ki nt heconcent r at i oncampunt i lhi sdeat hand t hel i ber at i onoft heconcent r at i oncampandhi sc hi l d’ ssaf e t y . Asi swr i t t enoft hesubj e ctonfil m we bsi t eCi neCol l ag e,I t al i anNeor e al i sm i si n par taboutpor t r ayi ngt hedr edgesoft hec ommoner ’ sl i f ei nanexpr e ssi v eye tacc ur at e waywhi l eav oi di ngt hehappyendi ngsofHol l ywood.LaVi t aeBel l af ol l owssui ti na uni quewaybe i ngt hati twascr e at edaf t ert hepe r i odofI t al i anNeor eal i sm.LaVi t ae Be l l at akesescapi sm,qui nt es sent i alofaHol l ywoodfil m,andpr oducesamessaget hat opposesi t .Thr oughoutt hel at t erhal foft hefil m,Gui dot r i est ouphol dt hat par adi si ac alqual i t yofl i f ehi sc hi l dexper i encedbe f or et heconc ent r at i oncampby pr e t e ndi ngt hei rpr e di camenti sal lagame .Thi shol dsami r r ort obot hHol l ywoodand I t al y ,maki ngast at ementt hatt hewayr e al i t yi sr eflect edi nt hemovi esi sn’ tt heone mos tpe opl eknow,e speci al l ydur i ngt het i meper i odi nwhi c ht hefil mi ss e t .The s t at ementt hei de at hec onc ent r at i onc ampi sagamese e kst omakei sfil m pr e t endst o c onvi ncei t saudi enc el i f ei sbe t t ert hani ti swhe ni ti snot .Thefil m av oi dst he Hol l ywoodhappye ndi ngbydemons t r at i ngt hel ac kofi nvi nci bi l i t yGui dohasag ai ns t hi sf at eal t houghhi sat t i t udeandwi l lsugges thecanov er c omeoddss e tag ai ns thi m asani mpr i sonedJew l abor e ratac onc ent r at i onc amp.I ti shewhot heaudi enc e wi s hest oseesur vi v e .Hedoesn’ t ,al t houghasi l v erl i ni ngdoesc omi ngoutatt hee nd wi t hhi ss on’ ss ur vi v al ,t hi nki nghe’ swont heg ameheandhi sf at he rGui dower e pl ayi ng,asher i de sawaywi t hAmer i cansonat ank. LaVi t ae ’Be l l ai soneIhav eseenahandf uloft i mes.Themos tpoi gnant momentoft hemovi ei sGui domar c hi ngawayt ohi sdeat hwi t hasmi l eonhi sf ace be f or ebei ngshotbyaGe r mansol di er .Al t houghhi sdeat hwasn’ tvi s ual l yc l i mac t i c ,i t wasne v er t he l e ssemot i onalknowi nghe ’ sput t i ngupt hec har adef ort hi sc hi l dunt i l t hemomenthedi ed.It houghtt hi smadef orf arbe t t erofaneffec t i v edeat ht hanone t hatwoul dhav es hownhi m bei ngki l l ed.Adeat hvi s ual l ypor t r ayedonscr e enwoul d hav et ake nawayf r om t hesus penseofdi sbe l i e ft heaudi enc emai nt ai nswi t ht he c once nt r at i onc ampbe i ngagamet hatGui do’ ssonwi ns.Bynots howi ngGui do’ s deat h,t hefil m demons t r at e sournat ur et ot endt owar df ant asyandnotwantt obr e ak t hebe l i e fev e r yt hi ngi spr e t ended;wer e cogni z ewe ’ r ege t t i ngwhatwewantby c ont i nui ngt ot heendoft hemovi ewi t hGui do’ ss on’ sbe l i e fhe’ sj us tbeatt hegamehe andhi sf at herwer epl ayi ng....

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