Written assignment no 4a.One Friday Morning PDF

Title Written assignment no 4a.One Friday Morning
Author Mads Hermansen
Course Engineering entrepreneurship – a practical internship on innovation for sustainability
Institution Copenhagen Business School
Pages 3
File Size 105.8 KB
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Hh2va3/English A

One Friday Morning Assignment 4a This written assignment consists of three tasks:

Task 1: summary

Task 2: pronunciation

Task 3: grammar

All tasks must be answered individually and independently.

All tasks are based on the short story One Friday Morning.

Hand-in date:

14 May 2021

Task 1 Write a summary of the short story One Friday Morning by Langston Hughes. Approx. wordcount:

300 words

Use the following instructions: https://theenglishhandbook.systime.dk/?id=c1789

One Friday Morning by Langston Hughes (published in 1941) Nancy Lee is an African American girl who is a senior in High School. She likes to paint and has hopes to win the yearly Artist Club scholarship. The year before, a student named Joe Williams won the Artist Club scholarship completely unexpected. He was feted by leading painters, and even got a lot of prestige for winning the award. Nancy Lee sometimes forgets she Is black, and it is rarely mentioned by her classmates because she fits in so well. She especially likes her teacher Miss Dietrich who helps bring out the best in all her students. Being of African descent, her parents have taught her the beauty of Africa. The mighty rivers, Pyramids and songs define where her ancestors come from.

Hh2va3/English A

Nancy has an idea for her addition to Artist Club contest. The frame is blue like the sky, and the painting is of an old Negro woman on a bench in the park looking at the American flag at springtime while children play all around her. Miss. Dietrich interprets the painting as if it forms a triangle between the flag, woman, and spring, that expresses a dream of Nancy Lee. Suddenly after school Nancy Lee gets told to go to the vice-principal. Nancy starts to freak out wondering what trouble she might have caused. As it turns out, she had won the Artist Club Scholarship, and the girls’ vice-principal Miss O’Shay and Miss Dietrich congratulates her. Nancy Lee writes a speech that she is ready to give at assembly the next day. The next day she is rushed into Miss O’Shay’s office. She tells Nancy Lee that the school committee has decided she cannot win the award because of the colour of her skin. Nancy Lee is baffled, but Miss O’Shay encourages her to keep fighting for equal rights. Nancy Lee then proceeds to go to class and salute the American flag.

Task 2: Read out loud the following sections: p. 32 – lines 11 - 21 p. 35 – lines 14 – 30 Focus on pronunciation, stress and intonation. Hand in your reading as a separate audio file /podcast.

Task 3 Find alle subjekter (grundled) verballed (udsagnsled) i nedenstående tekststykke. Se eksempel. OBS: Et subjekt kan godt bestå af flere ord, og det kan godt optræde som subjekt for flere forskellige verballed. Anfør dem i skemaet nedenfor og angiv, hvilken verbaltid hvert verballed står i. When something is happening, something new and fine, something that will change your very life, it is hard to go to sleep at night for thinking about it, and hard to keep your heart from pounding, or a strange little knot of joy from gathering in your throat. Nancy Lee had taken her bath, brushed her hair until it glowed, and had gone to bed thinking about the next day, the big day when, before three thousand students, she would be the one student honored, her painting the one painting to be acclaimed as the best of the year from all the art classes of the city. Her short speech of gratitude was ready. She went over it in her mind, not word for word (because she didn’t want it to sound as if she had learned it by heart) but she let the thoughts flow simply and sincerely through her consciousness many times”. (p. 32, l. 34 – p. 35, l. 2) Subjekt something something

Verballed Is happening will change

Verballtid Udvidet præsens fremtid

Hh2va3/English A

it It your heart your throat Nancy Lee her hair her hair Nancy Lee she her painting Her short speech of gratitude She she She she She

to go thinking about to keep gathering had taken brushed it glowed had gone would to be was ready

præsens Udvidet tid Præsens Udvidet præsens Kort tillægsform Datid Datid Kort tillægsform Datid navnemåde Datid

went over didn’t want had learned let Flow

Datid Datid Datid Datid navnemåde...

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