Communicazione nel marketing PDF

Title Communicazione nel marketing
Author Ngoc Anh Nguyen
Course marketing
Institution Instituto Politécnico da Guarda
Pages 95
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Marketing plan: 1a Phase: Company presentation → brand, activities, products, diagnostic analysis → SWOT 2a Phase: Choose key strategic options → internationalization, market penetration ( ex: new product launch) → Targets/ market sources/ Positioning; Maneuver plan: general and specific Marketing Strategies and Objectives 3a Phase: Marketing Mix formulation → insert Communication strategies 4a Phase: Short-term action plan PART II: THE GLOBAL COMMUNICATION POLICY


Communication plan: -



1a Phase: definition of communication types → in relation to the targets/ objectives of communication


2a Phase: Institutional/ Commercial communication → communication targets/adequacy of the communication mix; Global communication budget; Timeline




COMMUNICATION PROCESS Communication models:

Comunicação em Marketing



The integrated marketing system as Kotler calls it "consists of people, equipment and procedures for the collection, classification, evaluation and distribution of necessary information in a precise and timely manner for those who make marketing decisions"


Kotler and Armstrong (2002): IMC is the "...concept under which a company carefully integrates and coordinates its many communication channels in order to convey a clear, consistent and stimulating message about the organization and its products" → Aims to unify everything your company communicates to ensure that the voice is always the same, regardless of content format or channel chosen. → It is an essential strategic tool for the development of companies, helping them to maximize their presence in the market and stand out from the competition.

Comunicação em Marketing → It is a planning process designed to ensure that all contacts made by a company with its target customer - to promote products, services, or the company itself - are relevant to that audience and consistent over time. → Ensures that all forms of communication and their respective messages follow a major and unique objective. Communication level: Product Communication and Institutional Communication → Differ essentially by the content of the message and not so much by the means of communication they use. Commercial


Product communication

Objective characteristics:



the benefits of the


products services

communication Brand

Brand communication


Imaginary territory defined by the positioning

symbolic communication Institutional


Company communication

The economic, technical,



social performances of the



communication Company


The fundamental values of



the company: identity,

symbolic communication

culture and value

Comunicação em Marketing



Scope Gain market share Get a certain volume of sales and a certain margin Achieve a certain notoriety/image Contribute to customer satisfaction


Know (Far conoscere)

Comunicação em Marketing Like (Far piacere) Act (Far agire) Targets


A set of people who are likely to buy or consume a product (current and potential customers)


A set of entities with which it is necessary to communicate (current customers, potential influencers, media, internal public, official entities, etc.)



The place we want to give the product in the market against a competition with a specific image



The marketing positioning image


The policy that we draw on 4 action variables, ranking their contributions


The choice we make about the communication tools to use

CORPORATE COMMUNICATION (Example: Nestlé in Brazil)



A communication strategy corresponds to the set of integrated decisions that allow the organization to achieve the expected objectives, as well as the means (mezzi) implemented to achieve them.

Arises in response to 2 questions:


What we expect? → communication objectives and targets


How do we think to get it? → communication variables, creative strategy, media strategy, budget, and calendar.


Comunicação em Marketing •

TOOL → It is a tool for: coherence, consensus, and continuity, insofar as it supports communication decisions; cohesion between the different decisions, as it results from an organizational reflection; control, as it allows the evaluation of the results of the actions against the defined objectives.

PEDAGOGY → The process of defining the communication strategy is based on a constant sharing of objectives, actions and processes aimed at maximizing the results of communication between advertiser and agency.

PACKAGING → It is a formal framework where a communication problem is identified, and a solution is proposed for its resolution. This can be the most effective way to sell a campaign to management, internal staff, sales force, or distribution channels.

Considering the market in which the company operates, its competitive position, its business portfolio, and the life cycle of each of its products, the company establishes DIFFERENT GOALS and ways to achieve them → Hence, companies must choose the COMMUNICATION STRATEGY that best suits their case →There are two main groups of strategies: competitive and development. And yet another that complements them: loyalty (as well as marketing strategies)

Comunicação em Marketing ❖ COMPETITIVE STRATEGIES: A. COMPARATIVES: → Are typical of highly competitive and developing markets. They always demonstrate the advantages of the product and seek to find new aspects of differentiation, → "Comparative advertising is considered to be all advertising that, explicitly or implicitly, identifies a competitor or the goods and services offered by a competitor" - according to Community legislation →Advantages: -

Greater stimulus and space for creativity


Possibility of offering the consumer more information


Stimulation of competition, namely by improving the quality of products or services offered to consumers →Disadvantages:


Favoring the strongest companies


Possibility of taking increase in unfair competition


Promotion of competing brands

B. FINANCIAL: → They are normally used in products and markets that are in the maturity stage of their life cycle. They are at their peak, and they need to stay there. Advertising has as main objective to continuously draw the attention of the consumer. The value of the advertising budget is very important here. The evaluation of the communication investments of each company is evaluated through the Quota de Voz ("share of voice"). The aim is to increase awareness. C. POSITIONING: → For stagnant markets or in those where products do not represent significantly differentiating physical characteristics, companies have greater difficulties in attracting or

Comunicação em Marketing retaining consumers. It is essential that the consumer, when buying, is clear about the benefits that the brand transmits and that differentiates him. This differentiation can be objective, based on product characteristics or symbolic, affective, emotional, giving the product or service its own personality. D. PROMOTIONAL: → They are used to enhance interest in a product, to build customer loyalty, to react to the onslaught of competition, or to promote experimentation. They can be used at different stages of the product and market life cycle. E. Membership (UNCONDITIONAL MEMBERSHIP) → Used in mature markets. Communication does not require great originality and most brands follow the leader's communication. F. CANNIBALIZATION: → The constant introduction of product innovations leads to the fact that, sometimes, the most modern or technologically advanced products that best adapt to the needs of consumers "absorb" part of the sales of existing products. ❖ DEVELOPMENT STRATEGIES A. EXTENSIVE: → Extensive strategy in new markets - These are markets where global demand grows quickly and naturally, with a strong potential for development, where communication and advertising generally play a very important role. To take advantage of the market's growth, it is necessary to invest in communication and create strong notoriety. • Extensive strategy in blocked markets -This market is one where demand does not naturally increase, but which still has a high business potential. Innovations, promotions through price are forms of development in this market. B. INTENSIVE:

Comunicação em Marketing → The objective is to increase demand from current customers, increasing the quantities consumed in each use (Banks), increasing the frequency of purchases and uses (Vaqueiro), proposing new uses of the product (mobile phones), increasing the frequency of product renewal (Swatch), or even increasing the period of purchase and use of the product, blurring the seasonal consumption (Hello). ❖ LOYALTY STRATEGIES → Consumer loyalty is as important or more important than winning over new customers. Consumer loyalty varies greatly from market to market, it is lower in products that are of little importance to the consumer, such as rice, sugar, etc., and higher in products with greater involvement, such as automobiles, appliances, etc. Loyalty depends on consumer satisfaction and the quality of the product they receive. - Reinforce the brand's image and notoriety - Prevent its aging. SEVEN STEPS OF DEVELOPING A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY 1. COMMUNICATION AUDIT: hierarchization of main communication problems 2. DEFINITION OF A GLOBAL COMMUNICATION POLICY 3. FROM MARKETING hi TO COMMUNICATION STRATEGIES: Definition of the role of communication in the marketing mix → communication goals → communication targets → choosing a communication concept 4. COMMUNICATION MIX: Arbitration between the different media to be used Investment strategy: global budget and breakdown according to the techniques to be used Investment strategy: global budget and breakdown according to the techniques used 5. DESIGN OF COMMUNICATION PROGRAMS: Advertising in the media→ Promotion; direct marketing; packaging; merchandising→ Public Relations 6. REALIZATION OF RESULTS 7. MEASUREMENT OF RESULTS AND CORRECTION OF DIVERSION

Comunicação em Marketing COMMUNICATION TARGETS ❖ The recipients of the communication must be precisely defined, bearing in mind that the marketing targets may differ from the communication targets. Here we must consider those who buy or consume the product or service, those who influence that purchase or consumption, and those who decide what will be purchased and consumed. ❖ The identification of communication targets presupposes an exhaustive study of the behavior of the marketing target to establish specific communication actions for each of the parties involved in the purchase decision process. COMMUNICATION OBJECTIVES/GOALS ❖ They must be: • Quantified • With a defined deadline • Clear and precise • Measurable • Achievable ❖ Functions of the objectives: • Coordinate and communicate the communication plan between the company, the agency and all partners involved in the process • Provide a criterion for making decisions • Evaluating communication results ❖ General categories of communication objectives: • Making known (Make known): Making people like; Act MAIN COMMU NICATION OBJECTIVES Give notoriety

Promote loyalty


Blur the seasonality

Promote experimentation


Publicize/ make known

Promote the image



Stimulate the purchase

Drain the products

Comunicação em Marketing Face

Convey confidence

Prepare the sale


PROCESS OF CREATING A COMMUNICATION STRATEGY ❖ What is it? • Definition of the problem and the path to its solution, from the agency’s point of view. ❖ How should be? • Simple • Specific • Executable • Resistant / Durable • Recognizing the limitations ❖ Always: Built step by step Starting from the problem Rationalizing the solutions • To solve the problem raised by the client ❖ It should contain: • Summary of the problem and its causes • Summary of relevant evolution perspectives • Defined Marketing and Communication objectives • State of the art, by strengths and opportunities against weaknesses and threats ❖ Target: • Who do we communicate with – “Who? When? What? Where? Why?” ❖ Positioning: • What are we going to promise? • How will we fulfill the promise? What message to convey? ❖ Also: • An idea of the means to be used (which, when, for whom, and for what purpose) • A budget estimate • An action timetable/timeline. •

ABOVE THE LINE (in the media) – PULL - CONSUMERS ATTRACTION: Advertising; investments Press / TV / posters / radio / cinema / internet; Develop an image, or that is, to carry out an effective policy in the medium and long term.

BELOW THE LINE (outside the media) – PUSH – CUSTOMER STIMULUS: Promotional investments; Direct Marketing / Sponsorship and Patronage / Public Relations / Promotions and Merchandising – It is played in the short term and in the immediate income, more than in the notoriety of the Image.

Comunicação em Marketing COMMUNICATION EFFECTS •

Need for a particular product category

Brand awareness / awareness

Brand attitude (emotional or affective motivation)

Purchase intention / purpose of a particular brand

Ease of purchase (awareness of other marketing factors that can encourage purchase) THE COMMUNICATION BUDGET

Investments in communication: - The following are considered as communication expenses: advertising in the media, merchandising aimed at consumers; and PR.

Reasons for investing in communication: - Development of competition - increasingly the increase in communication expenses is directly proportional to the intensity of competition. - Decreased effectiveness of the financial amount invested in communication – The more communication there is in the market, the more necessary it becomes to communicate differently in order to be understood. - Banalization of products – even originals, one must be aware of imitations (one must invest in strong, distinct and durable brands). - Development of innovation marketing – innovation is the best competitive weapon, and which includes important communication expenses. -Power of large distribution – unknown or weak brands are rejected by distribution. - Increase in costs - the increase in technical expenses has been constant and hence the apparent increase in communication expenses.

Comunicação em Marketing - Development of the offer in the media - the division of audiences forced the creation of plans in the media, appealing to various supplementary supports. METHODS FOR DETERMINING COMMUNICATION BUDGETS 1. Reasoning or marginal method • It should make it possible to determine the best budget, which would require increasing investments in communication until their growth causes a decrease in profits. • Assumption – precisely knows the marginal effectiveness of communication, that is, it assumes that the curve connecting the volume of sales with the number of investments in communication is known (which never happens!!!). • This conceptual simplicity is difficult to operationalize because it presupposes predicting purchase behavior. This requirement implies considering that: -

Purchasing behavior does not present a linear profile. This means that the demand response is not constant, being marked at the extremes by the minimum levels of perception and by the levels of saturation.


The intensity of the demand response is influenced by the “quality” of the communication. As can be deduced, the same amount of investment can cause different results depending on creativity, media strategy, relevance of the transmitted benefits and the campaign’s timing.


The effects of communication efforts have repercussions over time, with their dispersion depending on the type of product, the media used, creativity and competitive actions.

2. Based on available financial resources (everything possible is invested) • The communication budget is set at the highest possible level, within the limits of the financial resources available to the company. It does not compromise cash flows. • Forecast of vol. business – communication investment = profit that is allocated to communication

Comunicação em Marketing • Deliberately ignores the influence of this budget and communication on the company’s sales. 3. Based on the impact on profitability • In this alternative, the budget is determined based on the identification of the minimum increase in quantities sold to cover the respective investment. It is simple, operational and allows you to reflect on the economic interest of the investment. However, it is purely financial and does not consider the repercussion of long-term effects. 4. Based on the foreseeable turnover (The budget is set as a % of Sales) • It is the most common method, the budget is determined starting from a percentage of sales, it must be based on the forecast sales that will be adapted for each situation and calculated over a period that may exceed the budget year (% chosen according to company habits or sector trends). • It is simple, easy to justify, allows comparing the weight of the communication effort with the remaining cost structure; it is flexible in the face of the market situation and makes it possible to compare competitors.

However, it can generate entropy because the

investment / sales link does not meet the needs of each phase of the life cycle; the percentage comparison with competitors can be misleading because the absolute value is not considered. 5. From the past • It takes the form of updating the previous year’s budget. It is very similar to the previous one and still ignores the evolution of the competitive context. 6. From the competition • Consists of determining the budget from the amounts invested by the competition. Assuming a direct relationship between investment in communication and market share. Based on the empiricism inherent in Peckman’s law, when you want a market share of X%, it is necessary to invest in communication for two years 1.5X.

Comunicação em Marketing • This method is based on the calculation of Share of voice, which is the ratio between the investment made by company A or brand A and the total investment in the sector. 7. Starting from the objecti...

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